Chapter 39

It had been a few days, the mother and son duo had been hiding, running away from one place to another. "I must've gone mad!" His mother shouted. "I killed him and now we're homeless." She looked at a few pennies in her hand.

"Just shut up!" She then shouted at her kid who had been crying with hunger.

"Why were you even born? You're the worst curse I bore myself." She yelled at him. "If only you didn't exist." She sobbed.

"I'm... sorry." He said in between his cries.

She then spotted an orphanage and it clicked, "You'll get food here, they'll give you bed to sleep too. Go!" She instructed him but he refused to leave her, "I'm sorry... I'll be a good boy, I won't make trouble...please.." He begged.

"Don't you get it, you stupid kid!" She shouted. "My life's become hell because of you, I killed a person, you realize what that means? You should be grateful I'm leaving you here."

"Please, I beg of you, just leave me alone!" She shouted throwing him on the ground. "You don't know me, you don't remember anything okay. Don't you dare come after me, live your life here and let me live mine." Saying this she ran away and that's how he was abandoned for the second time.

The orphanage took him in but even there life was hard for him, his food was stolen, was bullied and beaten but he adjusted soon enough, he would always find a corner or his favorite place to hide, under the bed or a table.

Few months passed by when he finally thought his misery ended. His mom came back for him. He was beyond happy to see her again, a part of him wished she came to take him back but she looked good, maybe it was true, he had been bringing her misfortune and now she was living well off without him, he thought.

"Oh, my dear son." She hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry but now I've come back, hmm?" She cupped his face and planted soft kisses on his cheeks. "Now everything's going to be fine." She hugged him.

After sorting out with the orphanage, they left hand in hand, Rihito's happiness had no bounds, they spent some good time together, she fed him good food, dressed him well, bought him toys, for the first time he felt loved. At the end of the day, they headed to a hotel, "Is this our home, mom?" His eyes sparkled looking at the building.

"You'll find out soon." She smiled at him as they entered.

They were escorted by a few men in black suits. They entered further and further downstairs until they reached underground parking, they went by a few more doors and another huge gate greeted them, he noticed more men speaking on the device in their ear. "Pass?" One of them asked, his mother fished a black card out and handed over, he screened it with a red light and the thing in his hand made a 'ping' noise, he then nodded at another man returning the card back to his mother.

They were then escorted to a room, a big muscular man with a scar on his face caught Rihito, grabbing his face, he checked him out, "He's too young, but will do." The man nodded, his mother smiled with joy. "My money?" She asked. The man gestured at another guy. He then gave her a black briefcase, opening it her eyes sparkled. When she was about to leave, Rihito ran up to her and held her hand, "Mom?" He looked at her with questioning eyes. He was too young to realize he was being sold off by his own mother.

"Listen kid," She grabbed him by his shoulder and continued, "You know how much you messed up my life don't you? so consider this as a payment for all things you've made me through, hmm?"

"But..." His eyes teared.

"Oh no, you don't." She gritted her teeth. "Don't." She glared at him, startled he held his tears back.

"Please, do me this favor, go with these uncles, please don't stick to me, you know how much you made me suffer, right? Mom killed someone for you and now mom's so miserable, can't you help your mom? Be a good boy and do whatever you're asked to, that way everyone's going to be happy, hmm?" She patted his head and then dashed off as Rihito was left abandoned again.

"Poor boy." The man who had been watching clicked his tongue. "She sold her own son, eh?" The other man looked at him with pity. "But well everyone sells their wife, son, daughter every day." He clicked his tongue. "Just hope you end up somewhere good." He ruffled his hair as they escorted him up the stage. Rihito's eyes were now cold and lifeless, the auction started, bids were placed and he was sold off to someone, he didn't care anymore.

He was then escorted to the hotel room where he stood by the window, the place was high, 'will the nightmare end if I jump off from here?' His eyes were focused down on the road.

Just when he moved closer, he heard loud noises outside, "Who the hell are you?" He heard someone shout from outside, "What the hell is this?" He heard another man. Sound of gunshots pierced his ears, he immediately hid under the table beside him.

Men infiltrated the room and lined up making a path in between, he heard a footstep approaching, he hugged his knees and closed his eyes expecting something but nothing came he slowly opened his eyes which met a pair of grey eyes, the same color as his, the stranger smiled at him.

Rihito lowered his eyes as he sunk deeper inside.

"Who the hell are you? What the hell are you doing in my room?" A man shouted as he entered the room.

Rihito looked at the man in front of him, the smile he had a few moments ago, now disappeared as he stood up, they exchanged look, "That's mine." The other one shouted as his hands approach trying to drag Rihito out. The next thing he knew he was lying there whimpering on the ground, "That's my grandson you're talking about." His deep voice vibrated throughout the room. He then knelt on the ground, "Sorry for the delay, son." He smiled gently extending his hand to the kid. He refused to take the offered hand, his own mother sold him off, how could he trust a total stranger, he remained under the table, refusing to come out.

For a few days, Rihito lived under the table, his so-called grandfather, he was weird, he didn't try to force him out he would just talk to him, slept on the same cold floor as him, served him yummy fascinating warm dishes but he didn't budge. Rihito was more scared by this gesture, kinder the people, scarier they are, his mom had done the same thing before she abandoned him. He didn't want to receive anything, he just wanted to be left alone, what's the use of getting close when he'll eventually be abandoned again, he would rather not know what warmth is than having it known and then be tossed out in the cold again.

A few days later, Rihito came out but still didn't talk, he would just stare at his grandfather as he talked. "Lil' man, let's go home, shall we?" He extended his hand to the boy which he finally took and now they came home. Rihito found another person at their 'home' and it was a woman, he hid behind his grandfather.

The woman closed in, Rihito turned his face away holding tight on to his grandfather, "Don't be scared, she's your grand ma." He was introduced but he refused to look.

His grandmother would visit him everyday spending her entire day with him just staring at him, she would bring him things called pies, pancakes, and what not and tried to feed him with her own hands but he'd always refuse and hide under the table. Why are they being so nice? What did they want from him? He asked himself over and over but they had everything so why?

When he refused to eat from her hands, she would cry. Why's she crying? He'd stare at her.

"Give him some time, Rose. He'll eventually open up to you." Her husband consoled her.

Once in awhile Rihito would come out when his grandfather called him, he'd be his horse carrying him around from one room to another.

"I had never been jealous of you my entire life." She would glare at her husband.

"I'm glad." Her husband laughed as he kissed Rihito and hugged him close.

"That's unfair." His grandmother whined pouting. She turned around and pretended to cry, grandfather then nudged him, the kid slowly approached her and said in a low voice, "You cry so easily, don't get close, you'll get hurt when you figure out."

"Figure out what, dear?" His grandmother looked at him in surprise.

"When mom asked dad to take me with him, he replied You keep him, who knows whose blood he is. I'm not my dad's son." He replied.

"Why would..." Her voice trembled. "How dare..." She cried hugging him, "Geez, you're crying again." He wiped her tears, "My poor boy," She kissed his hands, "I'm sorry..." She sobbed hugging him, "How can he... to a child..."

His grandfather then knelt down and cupped his face, "You trust me, right?" He asked him holding closer, "I am your grandfather, this woman here is your grandmother and you're our blood, not even heavens can deny this fact, you get it?"

"Then is it okay for me to stay here?" The kid asked.

"This is your home. We're yours." He nodded.