
Rihito buttoned up his shirt and downed a black tuxedo, he whistled as he looked in the mirror fixing his hair.

"Today my happiness has no bounds." He laughed, "I'm finally going to be a married man." He said excitedly.

"I never thought I'll get to hear this from your mouth, maybe I should go check my ears." Aaron rolled his eyes from the chair.

"Congratulations, soon to be a married man." Ryouma raised his wine glass to him, his eyes still focused on his laptop screen, his other hand busy typing something on it, taking a sip from the glass he gently put it aside, focusing back on his work.

"Seriously dude? You brought your work to my marriage?" Rihito walked to his friend complaining. "But no worries, I'm too happy to forgive you for this insolent act, Here." Rihito grabbed him and kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"Yuck!" Ryouma immediately pushed him away. "You want to die?" He glared at the man on the ground.

"My, my." Aaron snickered.

"Oh don't be jealous, here my friend I'll kiss you too." Rihito got up and walked to his other friend.

"I'll kill you." Aaron glared with his cold eyes.

"Meanie." Rihito pouted. "But..."Rihito looked at him with a mischievous smile.

Aaron shot up from his seat and took a stance, "I'll really kill you." He warned.

"Have my revenge too." Ryouma encouraged.

"Uh-huh?" Rihito narrowed his eyes at him, "Should I tell Teresa you brought your work here?"

"I'm done." Ryouma immediately closed his laptop, "Happy?"

"I love how this works." Rihito grinned.

"Seriously?" Aaron sighed and shook his head. Ryouma rolled his eyes, his wife would probably burn down his laptop without a second thought and he'd lose all the valuable data of almost a year which he'd obviously not want.

"Why are you so relaxed? I'm not done with you yet." Rihito wiggled his fingers in his direction. "Ryouma, why not help me catch our friend here?"

"Hey!" Aaron shouted but when he saw Ryouma getting up from his seat he made a run for it.


"Nervous?" She heard her best friend by her side.

"You can't even imagine." Rina stood nervously thinking of the thousands of guests outside, it was a grand wedding, she'd probably find the whole city there when she tried to protest she was quietened as Grandy and her parents wanted a grand one, it was the said punishment for fooling them with a fake marriage.

She took a deep breath as she looked at her reflection on the full-length mirror, she was wearing a beautiful half sleeved illusion bateau neckline A-line wedding dress, her hair was beautifully braided into multiple french braids joined together to form a luscious bun with a pearl-embellished accessory.

"Relax, you look beautiful." Ai squealed.

"Fabulously amazing," Teresa added with a wide grin.

"Thanks," Rina smiled, her hands still shook with nervousness. There was a knock on the door, the girls answered, "Yes."

"here, your bouquet." Ryouma entered the room waving a flower bouquet on his hand.

"Why're you the one bringing it?" Teresa raised her brows.

"Because the groom is very impatient, he sent me to check on you." He shrugged looking at Rina.

"Getting married within two weeks, obviously he is." Ai elbowed her teasingly.

"yeah, two weeks." Rina smiled nervously reminiscing the day when she found out she only had two weeks for preparation. She was stunned when she found there was nothing to be done, the only thing she had to decide was her wedding dress, everything was more than prepared.

"Men, they think we don't need to do anything but be present at our wedding, at least you get two weeks," Teresa looked at her husband accusingly.

"For what I know, you're the one who rushed their wedding," Ryouma turned it back on her.

"No, in fact, I was giving them a whole year to plan their wedding, it was Grandy who wanted to get them wedded soon and she did say that 'I'd marry him even if it's tomorrow'" Teresa retorted.

"Okay guys, stop it, it's my wedding and I'm very fine with it." Rina intervened before Ryouma could answer his wife back.

"That's what she says." Teresa looked at him triumphantly. "now, excuse us husband, as you said, your best friend's impatient, let us deliver him his bride."


"You look beautiful," her father kissed her forehead as she linked her arm with his, "I wish you all the happiness in the world." He smiled down at her.

"Thank you, dad." Rina smiled at him with tears in her eyes.

"Your make up's going to ruin, dear," Ai whispered from behind.

The doors opened and the music started to play, her heart quickened it's pace as she walked down the aisle, her breath hitched as her eyes spotted her groom looking dashing on his black tux, her heart melted at his sweet smile he passed as soon as their eyes met. He took her hand as they faced the pastor as he began,

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony...

She looked at her groom who was already staring at her, he lightly squeezed her hand and mouthed 'I love you' to her, she smiled 'I love you too'

Do you Rina Wilson, take Rihito Carlen to be your lawfully wedded husband for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do you part?"

"I do."

Do you Rihito Carlen, take Rina Wilson to be your lawfully wedded wife for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do you part?

"I do." He said with a wide grin.

By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

"You're now officially mine," he whispered as he kissed his bride, the whole crowd cheered in celebration.

"Congratulations," Teresa hugged the couple, "for getting married for real," she added a taunt.

"You're not going to forgive us?" Rihito looked at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Only if you promise to make her happy and I shouldn't ever see you making her cry." She threatened, pointing her index finger at him.

"I promise." He held his wife's hand and brought it to his lips, planting a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Okay, you're forgiven then." She smiled at the newlyweds.

"When am I going to be forgiven?" Ryouma pulled his wife to him, hinting to their previous spat, "If you want we can get married again or we can get married every year on our anniversary, we can make a tradition or-"

"Fine, fine, you're forgiven, forgive me, your highness, for even bringing this topic," Teresa said hastily before he could say another word.

"Are you sure?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

"Here, sealed." She gave a quick kiss on his lips.

When he was about to pull her for another kiss, she slipped away and quickened her pace after her best friends. "Tease!" He pouted left behind.

"Are you happy?" Rihito asked his wife kissing the back of her hand.

"Very," She gave him a bright smile, "That's all that matters," He smiled back at her.

Ethan approached his sister and brother-in-law and cleared his throat gaining their attention, "Congratulations, sis." He hugged her, "Thank you, lil brother." She hugged him back.

He then pulled out an envelope from his pocket, "here, your gift," He held it out to her.

"I wanted to give it to you," Rihito pouted sulkily, "But I bet you'll be the happiest to receive it from him instead and besides he earned it." He added.

"O-kay." She blinked at the envelope in her hands, "Open it," Ethan said restlessly.

"Okay, okay, I will," She laughed at his impatience, then tears pooled in her eyes seeing the content, it was the papers of her house in Greece, which she had sold to get money to help out Ethan.

"Thank you for everything, sis," he smiled at her, "You've always been the best sister to me, from now on, I'll try to be the best brother to you."

"When did you...Aww, come here," She pulled her brother into a bone-crushing hug, "Thank you so much. My little brother has grown into such a fine man," Pulling back she ruffled his hair with affection. "Anyway, congrats again, I wish you all the happiness in the world, you deserve every bit of it," He then excused himself leaving the couple to themselves.

"I thought you'll be happy but here you're crying?" Her husband complained from the side.

"These are the tears of joy," She laughed wiping her tears, "Thank you," She smiled at him.

"Your brother got that house for you," He shrugged.

"You're the one who got my brother back to me," She planted a quick kiss on his lips, "Thank you for everything."


Everyone gathered for the bride to throw the bouquet, "How's your grandfather?" Ryouma whispered to his best friend.

"Stubborn as always," Aaron sighed in resignation, "he refuses to go back, he says he wants to spend his remaining time in that hospital room."

"You're not easy either, you promised to marry the girl of his choice and now you're backing out what can the poor old man do?" Ryouma snickered which owed him a glare from his best friend.

"Uh-huh." Aaron was least interested in the talk, his eyes fell on the girl ahead who almost tripped on her heels, "Careful," He shouted as he caught her in her arms.

Everyone gasped at them, when he felt their intense gaze on them he realized the girl was not the only thing he had caught, he stared at the bouquet in his other hand and tilted his head in confusion, "heh?"

"I guess you're up next." he felt his best friend's hand on his shoulder as he stared at the girl he saved from falling, his best friends' wives' best friend, Ai.