
Wu Jinyan walked out of the restaurant and stood at the road side to hire a taxi when a chain of harsh sounds reverberated in the air giving cold shivers to those who heard them. She almost cursed as she shuddered.

It was an accident that occurred right before the restaurant. She noticed a heavy truck going past a wrecked car. The road had only a few vehicles but that truck intentionally collided with the car as though it was all pre-planned. Though the scene was terrifying and requires immediate attention, no one minded about it and drove their way as if not wanting to get into a trouble.

She ran madly towards the car. "What a pity...poor you!" Well, her heart ached on seeing the damaged car. She knew it was one of those limited edition luxury cars she dreamed to own but couldn't.

The car was destroyed to such an extent, the person inside must have experienced a heavy blow. Wu Jinyan got her senses back amd opened the door only to see an unconscious man with blood flowing down his face like a stream.

Noticing the man's dangerous condition, she was no longer concerned about the car and instantly called an ambulance.


Doctor Zhang just walked into her office room. She was so tired, she leaned against her chair to take some rest and rejuvenate her lost energy but someone barged into the room.

Doctor Zhang took a deep breath before opening her eyes to look at the person.

'Tsk..This troublesome woman!' she muttered in her head. She was still in the hospital due to an emergency case but this woman came to disturb her even during such late hours. Without a word, she understood why that woman was in her office.

Perhaps she was still frightened with what happened in the past, Wu Jinyan regularly contacted this doctor to talk about her grievances.

She knew those vile women of Wu family used a rotten method in the past only because they knew about her serious health issues. She decided that health problems shouldn't be her weakness anymore and also would never let anyone to take advantage of any of her weaknesses again.

There's nothing wrong in being cautious. She had to become strong enough to save herself from the cruel world.

" Your body is perfectly fine. You should first look after your mental health. Don't get stressed and also..."

"Okay..okay..I know" Wu Jinyan was so annoyed, she interrupted. This doctor was too naggy, she couldn't bother to speak with her anymore.

That man she brought to the hospital was now receiving treatment in the trauma section. Moreover, she heard from the staff that someone from his family already came looking for him.

Hence, she left the trauma section and walked straight into this gynaecology department only because she found out that Leena Zhang was still in the hospital. But she couldn't believe her best friend started to nag again like some old granny.

Wu Jinyan thought in her head 'Leena Zhang...just wait...I would sure stitch up your mouth when you beg me for my autograph in the future'

When she was about to walk towards the door, Wu Jinyan heard Leena Zhang's voice again "Hey.. wait. I heard you admitted a patient and also donated your blood to him. Is that true?"

Wu Jinyan simply rolled her eyes with a thought 'Words do fly faster'

"You must've forgotten that you almost died once. Should you really bother about others with your fragile body?" Doctor Zhang couldn't restrain herself and spoke out the words in her mind.

Wu Jinyan glared fuming red. How could she let someone die right in front of her eyes. Moreover that guy was extremely handsome.

"Do you even know how lonely I feel for not having even a single blood related family member?! I just helped that person because I don't want his family to be sad for losing a family member. And just look at me. I'm still standing fine" Wu Jinyan said with a proud face.

Doctor Zhang rolled her eyes. She was simply worried but someone was showing off their acting skills.

"What..?! If you are that lonely and want to have a family, then just marry a good man and bake some cute buns. Make a family of your own" 

"You..." Wu Jinyan scowled gritting her teeth before walking away. Why does everyone want her to get married?

When she was almost out of the hospital, she noticed a woman clothed in a bright red designer dress charging towards her. Before she could do something, she was dragged towards the area of Operation room. "Wu Meihua...What do you want now? Haven't you done enough to ruin me?"

Her fiance was stolen, she was marked as a slut, was tossed out of the house and, here she was being bullied by her so called niece Wu Meihua again.

"Shut up and come with me unless you really want to die this time" Wu Meihua snapped. Wu Jinyan never expected this woman's attitude to change and sure it was the same as before.

It's true, some wild creatures never change their innate behaviour. And this Wu Meihua who always hated her deeply would go to any extents to ruin her day.

Without considering Wu Jinyan's feelings and not caring if she was free to entertain her, Wu Meihua walked into a room with a board titled 'Blood Donation'

Wu Jinyan was dumbfounded. She asked while retracting her hand out of Wu Meihua's grip. "Wu Meihua...What's all this?" 

"Mo Shen met with an accident. He needs blood immediately and I know you can donate to anyone"

Wu Jinyan replied honestly. "I can't give my blood now. I donated just a few moments ago" 

Wu Meihua was enraged but hoped she could save her husband as long as Wu Jinyan helped her in time. So, she tried to demand Wu Jinyan in her usual style.

"I know you would say the same stupid line. Just do as I said or I don't know what I will do to you"

Wu Jinyan was rendered speechless. Her niece was too stupid to not know her own husband's blood type. Mo Shen's blood type was 'AB positive' where anyone could donate blood to him. But this idiot Wu Meihua came searching for her.

"So, you know I'll say the same line. Then listen. Even if you beg me on your knees, I'll not give my blood to him"

Wu Meihua exploded seeing Wu Jinyan's attitude. "Wu can you be this heartless? He's a part of our family or you... you just want me to become a widow?"

Wu Jinyan chuckled with pure amusement. She wasn't a dumb woman to bother about her ex-fiance dying. She was only concerned about this one issue.


"Wu Meihua, Just when did you treat me as a part of your family?"