
Li Ran waited for more than ten minutes but Wu Jinyan was not back. She searched in and around the toilets but did not find Wu Jinyan. She looked down at the two purses she was holding and was about to burst out in anger.

This Wu Jinyan was really troublesome. She didn't attend the auditions last time and now left the mobile with her and went missing in such a critical timing.

Recalling the other two artists who kept tagging along Li Xiaoyi like dogs, Li Ran thought Wu Jinyan was going to be at the losing end if she gets any late in meeting Li Xiaoyi.

In this industry where the stronger ruled over the weaker, one should know how to expand their circle and make good connections inorder to obtain a solid support.

Li Ran could only pray that Wu Jinyan wouldn't be a stupid to lose this rare chance of making connections with this great singer Li Xiaoyi and sharing deep bonds with her.

If Wu Jinyan heard what LI Ran was bothered about, she would spew blood in anger and yell "Who wants to bond with that evil woman?"

Li Ran recalled the clothes Wu Jinyan wore on that day before asking around the studios if anyone had seen a woman with long black hair dressed in yellow blouse and white culottes.

"I saw someone in yellow near the corridor leading to the exit area—" Only after a whole ten minutes of hunting, someone answered her and before she could hear the complete sentence Li Ran rushed to the specific spot understanding this idiotic artist of hers must have lost her way in that huge filming studios.

Suffocating like a fish thrown onto the land, Li Ran reached the specified place. Taking few breaths to calm her racing heart, she looked around and finally located Wu Jinyan but also noticed that Wu Jinyan was pressed against the wall by a man.

It was at that moment when Wu Jinyan scowled and kicked the man "Who's your baby, bastard?!"

Before the man holding her could do anything more Li Ran dashed forward to keep her artist safe from that abusive man.

"Ahh—" Wu Jinyan cried in pain when she was pulled to a side by Li Ran. 

Li Ran immediately tapped along Wu Jinyan's shoulders and body to see if she was hurt before glaring at the man who stood languidly with irritation and rage written on his handsome face. Li Ran thought this young master must be angry for being disturbed during his valuable flirting time.

That tall and charming man was someone well known, anyone who loved music in the country would recognise him immediately. As she was someone who made a living by working in the entertainment industry and also had the honor of serving him before as his assistant, Li Ran too knew him very well, he was that hearthrob pop singer Mu Feng, also the only heir of Mu family.

He captured millions of hearts with his songs but broke the same hearts by going into hiding three years ago.

He had such a sensational following, mere news of his appearance in this filming studios could cause camera flashes to light up the whole neighborhood and here he was openly toying with a pitiful artist like a hooligan.

Did he want to cause a ruckus and ruin her artist's life that badly?

Everyone knew his face could make any girl's heart to go weak but Li Ran thought it was her artist's innocent, beautiful face that caught this playboy's attention.

This Wu Jinyan was someone who still had a long way to make a solid standing for herself in the industry. Li Ran wouldn't let a little lamb like her to get her career ruined by entering into this vicious wolf's den.

"Mu Feng, everyone knows how much you love to play with women but I'm warning you, stay away from my artists"

Prince looked at Li Ran and then at Wu Jinyan who stood behind Li Ran like a lamb hiding from the wolf.

Li Ran seemed like a raged mother hen warning a fox to stay away from her baby chicks while Wu Jinyan poked her tongue and eyes out and made funny faces. Her heart was no longer aching and she forgave his previous behaviour as he came looking for her later. It wasn't her fault, her heart always had a spot for this handsome man and she could only follow what her poor heart told her.

Mu Feng shook his head thinking she was the same silly girl no matter what her name was. 

Li Ran was relieved that she came in time to rescue her artist from a cunning animal. No wonder, her boss Gu Zihao particularly asked her last night to pay more attention to Wu Jinyan saying she was a precious girl who needed utmost protection round the clock.

Now Li Ran understood what Gu Zihao meant by his words. 

Mu Feng identified the one who disturbed him the moment he saw her. He smirked as his eyes met with Li Ran's menacing gaze. She's still the same annoying woman who always got on his nerves.

"So what if she's your artist?"

"She's not just my artist but also Shine Entertainment's artist" Li Ran scoffed with her hands crossed ove rher chest. One who knew when to surrender would never touch someone from Shine Entertainment that now belongs to Gu corporation.

Mu Feng chuckled leaning closer to Li Ran's proud face and hissed with his face darkening "Ranran, do you know whom you are threatening?" This woman must have forgotten with whom she was speaking.

Li Ran entered Shine Entertainment as a simple assistant but later became a manager and furnished a bunch of newbies into A listers within two years after it was bought by Gu corporation. 

"Mu Feng, don't think you still own Shine Entertainment" Li Ran retorted without hesitation as he was no longer her boss and she was not his little assistant.

Everyone knew that he was the one to start Shine Entertainment but handed it to Gu Corporation before he went into hiding. It was still a mystery why he handed his company to Gu corporation instead of making it a part of his family's business.

Wu Jinyan heard the conversation but was least concerned about who established the company in the past and who ran the company. Instead, she felt unsettled as she thought of the man who owns the company now, Gu Zichen.

She didn't know what devil got into her to behave so rude towards him while he has the capability to end her life even without lifting a finger.

She became more frightened the more she thought of him but she could still apply this one effective method to solve everything.

She could cry and beg him to forgive her and show mercy on her at least taking their relationship as a couple into consideration. She breathed out, holding onto the hope that a pity play would always work.

In a trance, she turned around and walked away from the place while Li Ran and Mu Feng continued bickering with each other.

"Oh no" Only when Wu Jinyan walked back to the MV filming area, did she realize Li Xiaoyi was still around and she could bump into her anytime.