Interview (2)

Wu Jinyan came back home along with Mu Feng instead of staying out for long. She thought going to the venue would be too much of a hassle and decided to watch the live broadcast of Li Xiaoyi's interview on mobile instead.

Only Mu Feng knew the specific reason behind her staying away from the interview area. It's the best method of preventing herself from slapping and smashing that witch's head in public.

The hotel was surrounded by hundreds of fans as though it wasn't a casual interview but a huge fan meeting or some kind of concert. The security personnel were trying their best to keep the crowd in control.

The chants, cheers and the uncountable number of sign boards held by the fans showcased the immense support the artist had from the public. Most being teenagers and youngsters the crowd outside the hotel became energetic and lively. 

The huge meeting hall on the top floor of the hotel was packed tight, full of people from different media outlets and entertainment magazines.

The opening of the wide door of the hall induced several cameras to flash continuously. The bunch of reporters rushed upto the door as soon as they identified the woman at the entrance.

She wore a bright green dress that enhanced her jade like fair skin. The dress was nicely fitted and hugged her perfectly curved body. She seemed elegant and beautiful as always and her overall appearance was enchanting.

The site was getting completely chaotic and the tall, bulky bodyguards that were assigned to protect the celebrity could hardly manage to do their job. Pushing the reporters aside, they cleared the way for Li Xiaoyi to move forward.

Seeing Li Xiaoyi just on the mobile screen itself turned Wu Jinyan's fair face to beet red. She balled her fingers into fists and took several deep breaths to calm her heart from blasting out of anger and menace. Mu Feng felt proud of himself as he didn't insist on going to the interview venue.

Li Xiaoyi took her seat and the chair next to her was occupied by a foreigner whom the crowd didn't recognize. The reporters were curious to know the unfamiliar person's identity and started talking among themselves making the place a little noisy.

"Dear reporter friends, please calm down. I'm really glad to see you all here. Li Xiaoyi will answer all your questions. Please be patient" Li Xiaoyi's manager, Manager Yang greeted the reporters before handing the stage to the star of the hour. He was more enthusiastic and happy than anyone to see Li Xiaoyi after two long years. She left the country without giving him a word and appeared before him again with no prior notice.

Li Xiaoyi had her own studio, given her identity as the heiress to one of the wealthiest families in the city unlike other singers who signed up with entertainment companies. He thought he would lose his livelihood with this young miss's sudden disappearance but gladly she didn't let him starve even in her absence and sent him money regularly.

Like all others, he was also curious to know the reason for her to leave the country and what she did all these days.

"Hello everyone. I thank you all for coming here" Li Xiaoyi took the microphone and gave a simple greeting to the reporters. She was calm and poised, her every word sounded steady and smooth.

"Li Xiaoyi, you stayed away from the music industry for two long years. What'st the real reason behind your sudden disappearance?"

"You were staying abroad during the past two years and didn't give any update even on socila media. Is there something you are hiding from the public?"

"You left the country without a notice. What's the reason that made you to return suddenly?"

"There are rumours about you saying you left the country because you were pregnant. Is that true?"

"Li Xiaoyi, are you revealing something big today?"

Several reporters voiced their questions all at once and Li Xiaoyi didn't know if she should cry or laugh. There were many people around her but none talked about the song she released a few hours ago but all were more curious to know about her past and personal life. She was well experienced and knew how to deal with these people. 

She needs to maintain her wittiness and humourous attitude while answering their questions and should never be rude and arrogant. Most importantly, she had to avoid making any mistake and becoming a fool.

"I know many people not only you, reporter friends but also my fans had always been curious about my departure from the industry. I know many were disappointed with my sudden disappearance, I heard and read all the negative responses and comments from the public. One would definitely feel ashamed for disappointing the people that kept loving, supporting and encouraging them relentlessly. But I never did. I never felt bad for leaving the industry and the country. I never regretted my decisions"

Li Xiaoyi said her words in her soft sweet voice but there's a trace of intimidation in her tone that kept the reporters to stay silent and listen to her.

"Back then, I asked myself if it's necessary to leave and hide from everyone but I know deep in my heart that its very much needed and worthy. I had no other choice. There's nothing that stays constant, the choices of the public changed. There were new, more talented artists coming up every day. I thought, its time for me to become stronger and better. Inorder to make new and good music, to see the smiles on the faces of my fans who always gave me their solid support...I had to change, learn new things and improve myself. I endured the backlash and told myself to move forward. And after two years, today I finally released a song that's different and better than my previous works. This song means a lot to me and it came straight from my heart. It represents not just me, you but every woman's struggles and pain she went through. And lastly, I thank every single person who is enjoying and supporting my work. Thank you. Thank you everyone"

Wu Jinyan rolled her eyes on hearing the words by Li Xiaoyi. She couldn't believe, one could speak nonsense like it's nothing. Wu Jinyan learnt a lot from this woman named Li Xiaoyi who seemed completely composed and confident regardless of the brazen activities she did.

"Li Xiaoyi...Are there any limits to your shamelessness?" She muttered through her gritted teeth.