I love you

Wu Jinyan didn't bother to greet the other people she saw in the lobby. She wasn't being arrogant but it's because she had no time for such formalities.

Wu Jinyan was walking in such a rush, Li Ran had to run to keep up with her. Not caring for her cold amd upright image, Li Ran raced in her high heels while cursing Wu Jinyan internally "What's wrong with her? What's the hurry? She's running as if some wild animal is chasing after her?"

Just before the elevator doors could shut tight, Li Ran managed to get into the elevator. Wu Jinyan didn't even look at Li Ran for once, got out of the elevator and headed straight to Gu Zihao's office. If not for her aura and demeanor suddenly changing into intimidating kind, Li Ran would have lectured Wu Jinyan right then and there to tone down her attitude. On watching Wu Jinyan, Li Ran could only shut her mouth and follow silently like a meek cat. She just felt that Wu Jinyan had suddenly transformed from a little cub into a fierce lioness.

Uncaring of the consequences, Wu Jinyan opened the office door from the outside and strode into the room looking around for Gu Zihao. She saw him standing tall and straight before the wide windows with his back facing her, speaking to someone on his mobile. It seemed he was discussing something very serious for him to not notice her opening the door and walking into his office. However, Wu Jinyan didn't intend to make her presence known and unceremoniously took a seat in the seating area waiting for Gu Zihao to finish his call. Li Ran didn't really have big guts like Wu Jinyan and politely stood to a side, worrying what mess Wu Jinyan would cause by angering their boss.

A minute later, Gu Zihao lowered his mobile and turned around with a bright smile on his face as if he heard a good news. But on noticing Wu Jinyan, his smile faded and he practically ran towards her with an anxious face but he didn't really talk to her. Instead, he shot a cold look at Li Ran, silently scolding her.

Then he turned back to look at Wu Jinyan and his face drastically changed from a icy cold face to one with a wide smile dancing on his lips. He spoke as softly as he could like he was speaking to a little child "Why are you here? Did Li Ran force you to come here?"

Wu Jinyan guessed he glared at Li Ran but was behaving so friendly towards her only because of her special status as his sister in law. If not there's no need for him to act kindly with a newbie actress like her.

"It's not Sister Lin's fault. I came by myself. I have something to discuss with you. Boss Gu, Are you free now?" She didn't have to be polite when Gu Zihao already broke the walls but Wu Jinyan still asked in a respectful tone,. She was worried Li Ran would find out something she shouldn't.

"Yep. I'm free, anytime for you" Gu Zihao winked at Wu Jinyan and immediately shooed Li Ran out of the room. Li Ran became very much suspicious with Gu Zihao's attitude towards Wu Jinyan but still walked out silently giving them some space to talk.

Wu Jinyan didn't know how to speak out the things she had to tell him and she struggled hard to even open her mouth. Watching her struggle, Gu Zihao gazed straight at Wu Jinyan and said with a faint smile "Sister in law, you can speak your terms, I'll agree to anything but I will never let you cancel your contract with Shine Entertainment" And then suddenly joining his hands together Gu Zihao begged with puppy eyes "If you want I can draft a new revised contract but please don't leave Shine Entertainment" 

Wu Jinyan was stunned and mumbled "So, you know my other identity".

She had been guessing all kinds of reactions Gu Zihao would give her once she talked about her issues with him but she didn't expect him to already know about her problems. 

"YES. Feng just called me. I just can't believe you are the great ever CHARM. You just don't know how much I love you" Shrieking like a fanboy till this point, Gu Zihao suddenly paused, coughed a little and then continued in an awkward tone "I mean I love you as an artist and I really like your music"

"Oh" Wu Jinyan chuckled. She thought she could never make Gu Zihao agree with her but here he was already waiting to accept any of her terms.

She called Mu Feng first thing in the morning and said she would go meet with Gu Zihao and end her contract and pay the cancellation amount. She already violated one of the rules by marrying Gu Zichen and couldn't violate more by making music with her secret identity while she's still contracted under Shine.

Wu Jinyan was really happy and relieved that Mu Feng talked about this with Gu Zihao beforehand, solving her a big headache. It's just that she didn't know what she should be asking for and what clauses in the contract should be changed. 

"Alright. I'll think about it. But you have to keep my identity a secret" She spoke with a serious look to which Gu Zihao smiled positively and moved his hands gesturing he zipped his mouth.

Satisfied with the result of her little talk, Wu Jinyan stood up to walk out of the room when Gu Zihao called her just as she reached the door "Sister in law, I need to attend a charity gala this evening. Wanna join?"

"Sure" Wu Jinyan simply shrugged since she too had nothing planned for the evening. She thought going out with him wouldn't do her any harm.

"YES...YES" Gu Zihao was so overjoyed, he ran to the door screaming and hugged her with excitement. His favourite singer CHARM accepted his humble request. He was over the moon and didn't notice he was hugging the petite woman too tight, he could break her bones.

The sound of his screams was so loud and disturbing, Li Ran who stood by the door outside waiting for Wu Jinyan pushed open the door only to find the man and a woman in an intimate posture. 

Noticing the door open from the outside, Wu Jinyan coughed and tapped on Gu Zihao's shoulder. The man who was overly excited finally let her go and glared at Li Ran for interrupting his little happy moment.

Li Ran and Wu Jinyan walked to the parking lot, both with several questions running through their minds. Li Ran was worried Wu Jinyan would get into trouble by having relationship with Gu Zihao.

Wu Jinyan was thinking how lucky she was for having a good friend like Mu Feng. She couldn't be any more happier and thought if it would be too much to write a song about him.


Wu Jinyan was skimming through her wardrobe to find a proper dress but she didn't find one perfect piece. She was about to call Li Ran to help her find a dress when the doorbell rang. 

She was surprised to find Gu Zihao. Walking inside the apartment, Gu Zihao handed her a few bags saying "Thought you'd have a trouble finding suitable outfit"

"Aww....so sweet of you. Thank you" Taking the bags from him, Wu Jinyan saw a beautiful evening dress with matching jewelry and shoes. 

It didn't take her long to dress up and she walked out in a beautiful black dress, with minimal makeup perfectly complimenting her flawless beauty. Gu Zihao drove her to the venue but he didn't expect his appearance with a woman by his side would cause a huge uproar.

As soon as he walked towards the entrance with Wu Jinyan holding onto his hand, the cameras flashed on them continuously. The reporters were bombarding them with all kinds of questions as it's their first time to see a woman next to Gu Zihao. The security took control of the situation immediately and walked Gu Zihao and Wu Jinyan into the hall but trouble still walked their way as a bunch of women circled around him and Wu Jinyan, making Wu Jinyan extremely uncomfortable.

Gu Zihao truly regretted asking Wu Jinyan to accompany him and wished if he could turn back the time. He could only apologize to all the women surrounding him and excuse himself to bring Wu Jinyan out of the hall for a breather. 

Wu Jinyan was feeling better after walking for a while in the garden but didn't expect to witness a scene that instantly caused bitterness to spread across her heart and tears to trickle down.