Bad side

Gu Zichen felt so relieved walking out of the conference hall, he couldn't stop grinning.

With the revelation of truth and due to his remarks about Li Xiaoyi, the main focus was now completely on her and none were really concerned about him.

He gave a good clarification about all the misunderstandings to the world and also succeeded in diverting the public's interest away from him. All his plans were going smooth and the situation was more than settled but he didn't get to see the woman for whom he did everything.

He expected Wu Jinyan would rush upto him and reconcile with him after knowing what he said at the press conference. Even if she didn't forgive him right away, he hoped she would at least blame him for hurting her or fight with him for being a bad husband to her.

However, what he wished seems to be happening only in his dreams. Wu Jinyan was nowhere to be found and her phone was switched off since the second he came out of the press conference.

Two hours had passed since Gu Zichen spoke at the press conference but he didn't see Wu Jinyan for once during this time nor heard about her from anyone. Most importantly, his little brother Gu Zihao was yet to unblock him and strangely, Mu Feng was also unreachable. It so happened that he lost contact with everyone who were somehow connected to Wu Jinyan. 

Hours changed to days but there's he found no trace of her. He couldn't even track down her location, he wondered if she vanished into thin air. It seemed like he was thrown into a strange world where a person with the name Wu Jinyan never existed.

Wu Jinyan's sudden disappearance had a major influence on Gu Zichen. He couldn't concentrate on his work and couldn't even sleep properly afraid something might happen to her without his protection.

Gu Zichen felt so helpless, all he could do was go to her apartment everyday after work and wait for her to return home.

He assumed she must be feeling ashamed to face him and was hiding from him only because of the news about her and Gu Zihao. In reality, he wasn't even concerned about that issue.

Moreover, Gu Zihao already cleared the issue by stating he was only promoting his company's new artist.

Gu Zichen thought Wu Jinyan was worrying for nothing and wholeheartedly prayed she would come out of her den once the situation was settled down and everything returned to normal. He strongly believed Wu Jinyan wasn't a cruel woman to keep him waiting for long.


Gu Zichen was staring out the window while Chen Fei was driving the car into a modest neighborhood.

As if he remembered something, Gu Zichen suddenly asked "How long will it take for you to investigate Little Bunny's mother?" He gave his orders a long time ago but he was too occupied with other matters, he totally forgot about Lin Ya.

Chen Fei was confused hearing the question. He didn't know anyone by the name Little Bunny and he didn't remember his boss ordering him to investigate someone's mother.

His breath got hitched and he almost broke into a cold sweat when the thought of him forgetting his boss's orders came into his mind. He took a deep breath and praying he wouldn't get busted, he asked in a cautious voice "Boss, who is this Little Bunny?"

The moment he finished the question, Chen Fei noticed Gu Zichen's darkened expression from the rear mirror. When he thought he was done for, he saw Gu Zichen suddenly smile still staring out of the car window. 

For a moment, Chen Fei thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. He clearly saw Gu Zichen getting angry on hearing his question but again he saw him smile.

'What was happening? Boss was smiling! Did he actually lose his senses with the lady boss going missing?' Chen Fei thought.

Indeed, they couldn't find or contact Wu Jinyan for almost a week. Gu Zichen must have really gone nuts for him to smile for nothing like a lunatic.

"Boss. Who is Little Bunny?" Chen Fei asked again to bring Gu Zichen back to his senses. Thankfully, Gu Zichen snapped back from his thoughts and immediately explained "He's the neighbor's son. I asked you to investigate the neighbor. You didn't forget, right?"

Chen Fei breathed in relief but soon frowned his brows. He didn't understand why his boss was suddenly interested in this single mother. 

"It's not what I'm thinking, right?" He muttered under his breath and shook his head from overthinking.

Preferring not to think too much for his own benefits, Chen Fei calmly picked the file on the front passenger seat before passing it to Gu Zichen "Yes, boss. I already investigated her. The details are in this file"

Gu Zichen took the file and skimmed through the papers. His lips immediately curved into a malicious smirk looking at some of the details.

He wouldn't be Gu Zichen if he let someone slide when they evidently messed up with him. It wouldn't be nice if he went easy on her. She should know the consequences of getting on his nerves.


Lin Ya was running around her workplace to complete the tasks assigned to her by her superior. She was trying her best to concentrate on her work but everytime she heard someone around her talk about the latest fiasco and the man involved, she felt another piece of her heart crumble down.

She was never a fan of gossip or entertainment news but in this particular case, she didn't have to particularly watch the news or read the online articles to understand that she dug her own grave.

With all the gossiping around her and the pictures shown to her by her colleagues, Lin Ya found out the man she saw in her neighbour's house was none other than the Big Boss Gu, that mightly man who was dominating the whole city with his vast expanse of businesses.

She was initially shocked but then she realized that it wasn't the time for her to concern about the complex relationship between the two Gu brothers, her neighbour and the star singer Li Xiaoyi.

It was the time for her to plan and make arrangements to escape from Gu Zichen's wrath. She knew it wasn't easy for her when he could find her at any corner of the world with his immense power and influence.

"Stupid Lin Ya. From where on earth did you get the guts to offend him?" Lin Ya regretted her decisions for the very first time in her life. She mentally slapped her head for getting on Gu Zichen's bad side.

She shouldn't have acted on impulse, she should have just kept her mouth shut, then she wouldn't have ended up in this grave situation.

For the past few days, Lin Ya was living every second in fear like a cowardly rat, waiting to receive her death sentence. She was more worried about her son than herself.

However, all she could do was pray that Gu Zichen wouldn't be a heartless man to ruin a little kid's life by killing his only family member.

Lin Ya was already struggling hard to maintain her spirits when like a bomb, she received a call from her superior. "Lin Ya, come to my office. I have something important to talk with you"