Traitor in the Midst

Bill stared looking into the abyss hoping for a small signal that the communication was received but none came. He let out a deep sigh of frustration. How did he get here? He thought to himself. Neither girl stirred from their slumber from his shout and he knew that they must have been exhausted from their ordeal. Knowing their future would be uncertain made him sad. These girls were clearly attached to one another. They had a strong bond, but who knew if they would be able to remain friends after what laid ahead. The future was always uncertain.

Bill was not a liar by nature. On the contrary he liked to be honest and straight-forward with everyone. He despised liars but Bill wanted to go home to his family. Bill had been honest he hadn't seen whomever or whatever was in the ship. The only fact he had blatantly lied about was the fact that he had not talked to anyone. When Bill had first been abducted he had spent hours shouting trying to draw attention to himself purposely. They, whoever they were, finally gave in and called his name from the abyss of the room. He was surprised they knew English and spoke a human language. After all didn't all the science movies show a language barrier. He was expecting to see their faces at least hoping for a last minute plan to kill the beings and escape back home to his wife and family. Instead the strange voice stated its name to be Rory. He was told that if he wanted to go home he would have a small task with promises that he would be returned to his home world. The job required him to ask people about who they were. The task was simple enough, though, his heart was not contented and fought him the minute the girls showed up. His own heart yearning to protect these girls. It was just in his nature to nurture what needed to grow. Xochitl took in a deep breath lying and released it the same way a small baby would when finally put to sleep. Bill could remember his own children making this same sound of contentment.

"This ain't right" he muttered to himself. The more he thought about his precarious position the more his heart lopped at an irregular heartbeat. He resolved himself to tell the truth to the girls when they woke up. His life was not worth trading two more and they had better chances of surviving as a group than individuals.

The girls slept a solid 5 hours before they were woken up by Bill,

"WHAT!?" yelled a startled Xochi, her hair wild, untamed and matted from the restless sleep. Aspen by comparison opened up one eye and rolled to a sitting position.

"Are you tired?" asked Aspen sleepily

"A little but that ain't why I woke you up." he replied, pointing behind the girls he said "Breakfast came and I figured you two would wanna eat." To the girls dismay three round silver like balls laid on the invisible floor. The girls eyes widened as they looked at the silver balls rotate at a constant speed as if they were small planets themselves. "We better go get them, they spin faster and warmer if you ignore them." prompter Bill. The girls turned to look at one another and then slowly turned their attention to Bill, slowly tearing their eyes away from the revolving ball. Bill was the first to get up and walk to the balls lightly placing a hand under a ball on either side and returning to the girls side before going to retrieve his own. To shocked for words the girls eyes followed him until he came to sit back down with his own breakfast, To the girls dismay the orbs when placed in their hands felt warm and soft unlike the metal it looked to be. As time progressed they watched the metal looking exterior melt into a round bowl. Inside the bowl was a green ball that looked like moss, next to it set a black sludge like substance.

"How do we eat this stuff?" asked Xochi, Aspen hummed in agreement

"Well I just use my hands, it ain't messy none and there ain't no forks or spoons here." replied Bill. Xochi stuck her finger into the sludge like substance that felt similar to pudding, stirring her fingers around trying to make the liquid stick to her finger. The substance released round black bubbles into the air floating in place slightly above the bowl when the surface was disturbed. Looking at Bill she watched in amazement as he caught a round black bubble on his forefinger and brought it to his mouth and sucking the contents of the bubble into his mouth until the bubble popped. Following his technique Xochi mimicked Bill's actions. To her dismay the bubble when she sucked in burst with flavor. The flavor could only be described as honey and mint blended down into a cool tea. It was cooling and oddly calming as well. Looking over Xochi watched Aspen inspect the green moss like ball before nibbling into it.

"Yummy, it taste like trout." she replied relieved the food was edible.Xochitl cocked her head sideways looking down at her own moss ball. Picking up her own ball and taking a large bite herself. The flavor was not what she was expecting and she pulled back and puked he own food. Bill and Aspen stared at Xochi in shock.

"It was tripe." she said between hurls. Curious Aspen nibbled at the meat. Xochi was right her food tasted like tripe.

"Here take mine" said Bill "I dont mind me some cow stomach, this one is steak again." he stated as Xochi slurped bubble after bubble of liquid trying to rinse the taste from her mouth. Aspen switched the balls for her tasting the ball before placing it in Xochi's bowl.

"Thank you!" cried Xochi relieved to not be eating the horrid flavor.

"So girls.... I'm going to be real honest here. I've already spoken to the Alien's and they promised to let me free if I told them about you." stated Bill matter of factly The girls looked at him then each other. Suddenly a bright white light appeared on the far end of the room where a all dark figure stood.

"I'd say that contract is nil since you let the cat out of the bag." the figure said in a bored voice.