
It was at this point that Xochitl had noticed the room around her was filled with inquisitive faces. It seemed her conversation with Kitty had attracted more than one prisoner. The more she regarded the room the more she came to realize that she really had no idea how many verses there were. She guessed that a verse meant a world but where were these worlds and what were they like?

Kitty's gaze also assessed the room around them.

"It seems we have attracted the attention of some fellow passengers." Curious heads of shapes sizes and colors popped out from cells that were arranged around the enormous room. "Perhaps we need to come up with a new plan for escape to accommodate such a large group" whispered Kitty to Xochi

"Perhaps..." Xochi began but she was quickly interrupted by Bill.

"Perhaps you dummies wanna keep yer mouth shut. Even if she come up with a plan I can't guarantee I can get you damn aliens to your homes. Let's not go makin promises we can't keep" Bills words ring with truth and the sadness that reflected back in his eyes made Xochi recognize that they couldn't promise anyone a home when they returned to their own home world. Even if they were to return with people from other world back to earth, there was no promise they could make that would keep aliens safe from their own governments. She turned the conversation back to the previous subject as a way to divert the attention from the tender truth.

"I'm curious to know more about your world..." began an excited Xochi but her thoughts were run short by the sight of Aspen returning from her time with the ships captain. "Hold that thought"

Xochi ran over Aspen and embraced her tightly. "I was so worried! Did he hurt you? Did he touch you." Aspens pale face lit up with a beautiful pale blush.

"NO!" she exclaimed "He was suave and sincere and I think I really like him."

"Like him? You just met him! One date and you are suddenly smitten. Don't you think you should maybe assess the situation a little more before coming to any conclusions?"

"What are you talking about!? Aren't you the one who always tells me to go for it? To be bold and get out of my comfort zone?" Aspen pulled back to look at her friends incredulous expression.

"Yes at home. On Earth! With normal men who don't kidnap women and take them to another verse!"

"I can't believe how critical you are being! I really like this guy Xochi!" Aspen was irritated that Xochitl was quick to jump to conclusions "You don't know him!"

"What's there to know Aspen. Yes I wanted you to go on a date I never expected that you would actually like the guy. He seems awful just look at the people around you Aspen. We are all stuck her because he hijacked us from our home word...and you like him?" Xochitl was baffled. Aspen was a quiet individual who was caring by nature. She had only encouraged Aspen to go on the date as a distraction so that they could escape together. It was at this point that Bill interrupted the girls.

"What seems to be the problem here gals? Yer drawin an awful lot of attention to yourselves. Seems to me that attention is the wrong kind of attention to get from this audience." Bill notated while looking into the faces of the inquiring minds around them.

Aspen had had enough and stormed to her room. She was both a little embarrassed and hurt that her friend was so critical. She knew Rory was different, maybe it was his touch that had electrified her in a way no other man could. She was addicted to his kisses and touch that sent sparks that jolted her heart. Rory was different from the person that every person perceived him as. He was here under certain circumstances that not everyone knew, but she wasn't sure that even if Xochi knew the truth she would accept him. Xochi was a fire by nature and her fire had never been dampened by outside circumstances. Life was unkind to Aspen and she knew that life could and would change a person sometimes for the worse.

"I hate to pull you from yer sullen state but I have hankerin to talk some sense into you somethin fierce." Bills voice rang through the room and broke Aspen's thoughts.

"I know what you want to know. He said he'll assign cleaning jobs later tonight for us." she replied solemnly. Aspen was drained of all thoughts and was exhausted from the days events.

"Well now that's some excellent news but you know..." Bill paused stroking his beard as if hoping the simple strokes would ignite the fire for the words he was looking to day. "Xochi loves you, and that love is fierce. Not many people have that in this lifetime. Having someone who cares about you to the point that they will hurt you to save you is a special kind of love."

"I knew you knew her name." Aspen was trying her best to ignore the wisdom of Bill's words.

"Don't tell her I know, it tickles me pink to see her in a state of agitation." he chuckled "Aspen you know you remind me of one of my daughters Wise as the sun is old when it comes to worldly facts and common book knowledge, but you lead with yer heart. Now that ain't such a bad thing but it leaves your weakest part open to a very harsh reality. You've done so well in this life because you've had Xochi there to take the brunt of the hurt because she can she knows you can't."

Aspen knew his words rung with truth but it was a truth that was going to force her away from the closest her heart had ever come to love.