Chapter 4

The week passed by like a blur and saturday came quickly,I was grateful, I felt overly exhausted, like I had the world resting on my shoulders. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, my phone rang. I quickly ran into the bedroom to answer it.

"Hello?" not bothering to look at the name on the screen.

"Lia, I'll be there in an hour, ok?" Instantly, I know who it is, Dwight.

"Ok I'm getting ready." I answered with the toothbrush in my mouth. I inwardly groan.

He laughed and answered, "what did you say?"

I removed the toothbrush and let out a small chuckle, "I'm getting ready."

"Oh ok, be there soon." He laughed again. 

I hung up and look at the time, 10:27 am. I set the phone on the counter and realize that,I only have an hour to get ready. My hair takes up a full hour just to comb through it, ugh.

I'm now dressed in a floral mid thigh dress,  Jean's jacket and flats, with minimal makeup. I then head to the kitchen to get some coffee, I pour some water in the kettle and turn it on. I walk back into my bedroom to grab my phone and bag.

Walking back to the kitchen, I click on a message I got from Fiona, she sent a song, I click it. I make my tea and lean on the counter. I take a sip, I listen to the song.

You are not hidden

There's never been a moment

You were forgotten

You are not hopeless

Though you have been broken

Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath

I hear your SOS

Your SOS

I will send out an army

To find you in the middle of the darkest night

It's true, I will rescue you

There is no distance

That cannot be covered

Over and over

You're not defenseless

I'll be your shelter

I'll be your armor

I hear you whisper underneath your breath

I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army

To find You in the middle of the darkest night

It's true, I will rescue you

And I will never stop marching

To reach you in the middle of the hardest fight

It's true, I will rescue you

I hear the whisper underneath your breath

I hear you whisper you have nothing left

I will send out an army

To find you in the middle of the darkest night

It's true, I will rescue you

And I will never stop marching

To reach you in the middle of the hardest fight

It's true, I will rescue you

Oh, I will rescue you

My mind reflects back on my relationship with Matthew.

"Amelia, how long does it take to make up your mind about us?"

"Matthew you said you were gonna give me time to think, I have to be sure, I dont want us to try again and then it doesnt work."


A few days later my finger touched my phone and called him by accident. I hung up  and he called back.

"You were calling me?" He asked.

"No, sorry, my finger touched the phone by accident."

"So I can only be nessaged or called by accident now?!" He started to shouted.

"Matthew, why are you getting upset?" It seemed that questioned triggered his anger.

"So you said you wanted time to think about us, are you even doing that?"

My eyes starting tearing up, "Matthew, YOU said you were gonna give me time, please I'll tell you my decision soon. I have to go."


My phone rang. Bringing me back to the present. I jumped from the counter and answered.


"Hey, I'm downstairs, are you ready?"

"Yea, I'm coming."

I quickly grabbed my bag and keys.

Walking towards his car, a 2018 Jeep Wrangler, he smiled when he saw me. I waved and smiled back. I felt eyes boring holes into my back, I stopped and turned to scan the area, spotting only the gardener Eddie, I continued towards the car. Stepping in he turned to me with a wide smile and said,

"Wow, you look beautiful."

"Thank you." I was blushing like a teenager. Looking at him, you could see the genuineness in the crinkle of his eyes.

"Let's go." He turned and started the car.

It took us an hour and forty five minutes to get to Madison Town, a nice, quiet little town where it only has one of each store. We pulled up to his parents house, where they were sitting on the porch looking out, we got out the car.

"Hi, Mr and Mrs Pryce, I called and waved walking towards the porch.

His mom's face lit up when she saw me. Mr Pryce had a small smile, he doesn't say much, his wife does most of the talking ever since he had a stroke last year.

She got up from her chair and gave me a tight hug, "how are darling?" Her smooth voice asked.

"I'm great, it's been so long since I've seen you both, how are you guys doing?"

"We are fine dear." She said while letting me go.

"Hey mom, hey dad, I missed you guys." Dwight said kissing her cheek.

"Missed you too sweetheart."

I walked over towards Mr Pryce and kissed his cheek, "great to see you again Mr Pryce."

He nodded at me.

"Come, come, lets go in, I just made carrot cake."

We all went inside, his mom started cutting the cake giving each of us a slice and pouring out lemonade. Mr Pryce took his plate and sat in his recliner. Looking at him and his son, Dwight was his father's mini me.

Dwight Pryce, 5'11", tall dark chocolate, a Marine Biologist. Works for the government at the Department of Environment and Food Protection Affairs Agency.  He has a nice lean body, nice smile, big hands, a bald head and hazel eyes.

He turned to look at me, rising and eyebrow when he realized I was checking him out. I smiled and continued to eat my cake.

We talked with his parents for a while, catching on things and the people of the town.

Dwight came over to me an whispered in my ear, " I have some where I wanna take you, come. Taking my hand and leading me towards the front door.

"Mom, we'll be back." He shouted over his shoulder.

We got in his car and drove to a lighthouse. I got out the car and I looked at the scenery before me. It took my breathe away, I've never seen grass so green before; I was looking at green grass, yellow sunflowers, red tulips and blue bottle flowers.

"It's beautiful, so beauti-" I started saying.

"Just like you, but you're so much more beautiful," Dwight said.

I laughed and slapped his arm. "You are so cheesy, thank you."

He took my hand in his and we walked towards the lighthouse, which was very tall, old, painted in white, at the very top; a light was surrounded by glass, sitting on a metal structure painted in the colour blue. It looked so historical. We walked towards the board walk which was a little pass the lighthouse.

We looked out at the ocean. The bluest water I have ever seen in my life. I was dumbstruck, "Dwight I love it here. I don't want to leave."

He smiled, "I knew you'd love it."

We where there talking and laughing and lost track of time. When we finally decided to leave it was 5:30pm. We drove back to his parents house, bid them goodbye and that we would come back soon.

We started our journey back towards Crenshaw. When we got there is it was 7:50 pm.We pulled up to my apartment and he turned off the car. He took hold of my hand and looked at me.

I looked at him and said, "I had a wonderful time Dwight, thank you for taking me today, I really needed it." I had a sad look on my face now.

"You're welcome Lia."

"Hey what's wrong?"

"It's just that I like you and Matthew and I just broke up and I dont want to take you for a rebound."

"Hey, hey, dont think that. We won't rush into anything, we'll continue to be friends then when your ready we'll see how it goes, ok?"

"Ok." He kissed my cheek and I grabbed my bag.

"I'll walk you to your door."

"No that's ok."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, call me tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Yea. Have a good night."

"Thanks again Dwight. Take care and safe journey home."

"Thanks Lia."

I walked to my door and turned to waved at him. He waved back and when I went inside he drove off.

Got in the elevator, pressed 7 and it started going up. I got off and started walking towards my door, It felt like someone was behind me and I turned to look, not seeing anyone. I opened my door and went inside. I turned on the light and I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was finished, I got ready for bed.

I grabbed my phone from my bag, Matthew called me four times, and messaged me twenty times. I'm glad my phone was on silent. I started drifting off, I turned to switch off my lamp and noticed a note on my night table, I took it up and read it.

"I have my eyes on you Amelia."


Ohhh cliffhanger, I wonder how Amelia is gonna react to the note. I wonder who it's from.

What do you guys think?

Thanks for reading.