Chapter 7

It felt like I was having a heart attack. I could hearing the blood rushing through my veins, I couldn't breathe. The word frightened could not be used to describe how I felt when I heard the knock.

"Aren't you gonna open the door Amelia." Matthew said.

I watched as my soul left my body and walked towards the door, I immediately regained my composure and pull my soul back. My breathing became so laboured, I felt like I was going to faint.

The phone still at my ear , I slowly walked to the door. Without looking through the peephole, I opened the door. Coming face to face with the person on the other side.

A smile on his lips, he steps towards me, leans in and kisses my cheek. Shock written on my face, not believing what my eyes are seeing. My body relaxes only a fraction, I look into the eyes of the person on the other side of my threshold.



"It's not me, this time." Matthew said with so much hate and anger.

"Why are you doing this Matthew?"

"Until next time Amelia. I'll be watching." He hung up.


Dwight had a look of disbelief on his face when I shouted Matthew's name. I drop my hand at my side, the look of defeat written across my face. Dwight stretched his hands out towards me, I ran into them, pulling the warmth and comfort from his body.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Mathew is out of control he's stalking me, well I think he's stalking us. Did you see anyone that looked like they don't live here?"

He laughed, "well Lia I dont know anyone else on the building, so I wouldn't be able to answer."

"Oh you're right. I wasnt thinking about that. He was in my apartment earlier."

A dark look flashed across his face, I pat his chest.

"Dont worry he wasn't here when I got home."

He let out the breath he was holding. I stepped out of his embrace, he tightened his hold on me.

"No, I wanna hold you a little longer."

Gladly accepting his hold on me.

"Tell me you're ok?"

"I'm ok."

We stood there for a few minutes before he said, "let's go in."

We stepped inside and I shut and locked the door. He walked into the kitchen with me in pursuit.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"No I'm ok. I already ate but I would love some water."


I stepped around him to get a cup, he turned to me and said.

"Lia, I think you should take out a restraining order against him."

"I was thinking the same thing, but even if I do he has friends at the police station and at the Mayors office, he's even friends with the governor. I don't know what to do."

"I also have friends in high places. You cannot allow him to control your life. If he says boo, will you scream?"

"Tomorrow we'll go down to the police station and take it out...ok?"

"Alright, thank you."

"I don't want you here by yourself tonight, if he!s watching us as you say, then it wouldn't be wise to be here by yourself."

"I don't have anywhere else to go."

"Of course you do."

Looking at him as if he lost his mind.


"You're going home with me."

"Change, go pack a bag and then we can go."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, now run along."

I laughed and shaked my head at his behaviour. Walking into my bedroom, I grabbed a tote bag from the closet. Walking to my chest of drawers, I took out my pajama pants.

My subconscious steps in to put a halt to my selection of sleepwear.

Hell no, put that back, what is this? Sleep with the Hobo?

I felt offended, I love those pants, they were comfortable.

Well, comfort has to go. There's a sexy ass man in your livingroom. Have you forgotten? Remember the sexy sleepwear the girls got you for your birthday? Bring it.

I blanched remembering the sleepwear. I had to give it its props, it is very sexy. La Perla, very expensive brand. It was a white Lycra see through thong in the shape of a bow, white silk camisole with gold lace trimmings around the breast and edges at the bottom.

One thousand three and forty five dollars just sitting in a box in my closet. Took it out once to wear it when Matthew stayed over. He didn't like the way my body looked in it. I never wore it again.

My subconscious trys to cheer me up.

Don't worry, it's his lost.

I put the sexy sleepwear back in the closet and take out a satin pajama shorts and top. Stepping into the bathroom I take out my toiletries and I stuff them into the tote, not even bothering to fold the sleepwear.

My subconscious trys again to get me to change my mind about my selection.


Yes really, I'm not going to sleep with him.

Ha ha ha, when was the last time you even had sex? Hmm?

Las-...wait I don't remember.

You need to get laid.


Omg, I'm arguing with myself. I'm going crazy.

Coming back to reality, I take a final look around the room after packing, checking to see if I'm leaving anything I'll need. Statisfied with what's in the bag, I turned off the light and walked into the living room.



"Do you have everything?" He started listing items as if he was looking at a checklist. I giggled, waiting until he was finished.

"Yes I have everything."  

"Ok, let's go."

I turned off the lights in the apartment and locked the door. We got on the elevator and it started going down. We got out and walked to his car. We got in and I saw Todd, my neighbour walking his German shepherd, who was urinating on Margaret's prized flowers.

The drive to his apartment felt so long, shock waves still running through my body from the ordeal with Matthew. I tried taking deep breathes hoping it would calm me down, it worked only for a short period.

We got to his apartment and we entered his building, heading up to his flat. He opened the door and I was in awe, my lower jaw hit the floor.

"Close your mouth Lia, you might catch flies." He laughed and stepped inside.

I stood at the door like a statue, I couldn't move, my feet were rooted in the floor. I was in a trance.

"Are you gonna stay there all night?" He laughed at my awkwardness.

I stepped inside and looked around his apartment, he had beautiful pieces of  furniture, on the walls hung photos of his days as a soldier, one with the mayor, the president, the generals of the Army and Air Force, also the leader of the rebel group in Manstosh.

I pointed at the photo, "that's Mantock, the leader of the rebel group, how did you get a photo with him?"

"I told you, I also have friends in very high places, there's still alot to know about me. Dont be frightened. When you're ready to ask, I'll tell whatever you want to know."

"Thank you. Don't worry I will."

"So you want anything to drink or eat?"

"No I'm ok. I just wanna forgot about tonight and get some rest, my brain is going haywire."

"Ok. I'll get the bed ready." He said.

He walked towards the direction of his bedroom with me following behind him. We got to his room and I was impressed, he had a king sized bed, large bedside tables, along with a dresser and a chest of drawers. His room had a rustic look which made me feel at peace.

I went into his bathroom and my mouth fell again. He walked in behind me and whispered in my ear.

"Close your mouth." My mouth snapped shut immediately.

I turned to him, "your place is...I dont know how to describe it, can we switch places?"

He smiled and said, "sure but you have to move with me."

I started to blush, "no problem, just tell me when."

"I certainly will." He said so softly, it was barely a whipser. He kissed and cheek and turned towards the door.

I got dressed in my sleepwear and brushed my teeth. Walking back into the bedroom, I placed my bag on the couch that was unoccupied in the corner.

"You can get in bed, I'll go take a shower, be back shortly.

I sat down, testing the mattress, "shit it's so soft." I laid back and got in a comfortable position and I let out a small moan, "this feel so good."

After a few minutes, Dwight came out, in his  pajama pants and bare chested. I watched as he walked towards his dresser to put on deodorant. I bit my lips trying not to say anything, his body is magnificent.

"I can feel you staring at me Lia." He let out a small chuckle.

"I'm going to take the couch, ok?"

I sprang up from the pillow, " No, please...don't go. Stay with me tonight."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I pat the space beside. He got in and under the cover.

"Lia, can I hold you?"


He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead, his body smelt so good, he was hard and soft in all the right places. After my body calmed, I drifted off to sleep.


I wonder what's gonna happen next? What you guys think?

Matthew is such a jerk, who else agrees?

Let me know what you guys think.

Thanks for Reading. Remember to stay safe guys.