Chapter 29-Home Bound-Part 1

I believe that all of our lives we're looking for home and if we're really lucky, we find it in someone's loving arms. I think that's what life is-coming home. –Anita Krizzan

Today, I was looking forward to today. Why, you may ask. Dwight's coming home, his flight landed ten minutes ago in Engleton. Engleton was a large city that was close to Crenshaw, with more than ten million people living there. 

There were no straight flights to Crenshaw from Breakpoint-where he was, so he had to get a connecting flight which doubled the time for his journey. 

I was elated, I was determined that nothing would get me down. I missed him and I wanted him in my arms. I longed to hug and kiss him. 

I was currently at home, filled with so many emotions at the moment; longing, excitement and I could name a lot more. Two weeks felt like a thousand years, I don't think I would've been able to manage if it was a month or more. 

His one hour flight from Engleton to Crenshaw, doesn't leave Engleton until five o'clock this evening and it was now only two thirty in the day. I had a long wait a head of me, but if I waited for two weeks, I could wait a few more hours. 

I was prepared, I went to the spa this morning, got a well needed massage and I also got my body waxed. My skin felt so soft and smooth, as soft as butter and as smooth as silk. 

At five thirty, I left the apartment. I wanted to give him enough time to get through immigration and customs. I was so eager, I wanted to see him so bad, my patience was noe running thin. I needed that plane to be on the tarmac when I arrived because three flights were delayed earlier today, due to birds being on the runway. 

After leaving Dwight's apartment, I decided to take Highway 25 to the airport, this route was a lot faster than driving the normal route, which was going down Sunburn Street and then Maxfield Avenue. 

Highway 25 was a good choice because it shaved twenty minutes off my journey, so I would get there in twenty minutes and not forty minutes.

I was on the highway for seven minutes before I saw the deadliest crash ever. A few police cars were chasing a Dodge pick up truck, the truck swerved to the right at an extremely fast speed, and crashed into a concrete light post, cutting the car in half and the driver going through the windscreen, landing in the middle of the road about 200 feet from the crash site.

All this happened in front of me, I was so shaken, I had to pull off to the shoulder to take a few deep breaths. I stared dead ahead to where the guy landed in the road, several cars pulled off to the shoulder, some passed, some took photos and some stopped in the road. 

I got out of my car, and walked towards the now motionless man laying in the road. 

"Stay back!" The police officer shouted. 

I stopped in my tracks, I held my hand up and backed away slowly. I moved to the right, a little closer to the Dodge truck, trying to get a better look. 

I saw a man walking towards me, he had a sorrowful look on his face. I tried to stop him, I wanted to know if the montionless guy was ok. 

"Excuse me, is he ok?" I asked, so concerned. 

He was taken aback that someone was talking to him, he didn't see me standing there. He looked up from his phone. He eyes held a blank look, as he looked at me his eyes looked as if he was staring into an abyss. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. What did you say?" 

"Is he ok?" I asked again. 

He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it. You could tell there was turmoil inside him, he was shaken to the core by what he saw. He shaked his head, gesturing no, the guy was not alive. He turned his phone to me so that I could see what was on the screen. 

The most disturbing photo I've seen to date, the man's head was completely smashed open. His brain littered the road, splattered in several different directions, his body twisted in many unatural positions. Positions only a contortionist could achieve. 

A gasp left my lips before I could stop it, I was in a state of disbelief, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but that was the reality. 

He died running from the cops, I started to wonder what he could've done to warrant him not pulling over. Why the chase?

With Dwight now at the back of my thoughts, I watched the scene unfold in front of me. 

The police cordoned off the area and the Emergency Medical Technicians came, they had to use a shovel to get his head off the road. It was a tragic sight. 

Police officers telling people to stay back or they will be arrested. A woman came up beside me and started talking. 

"He killed an officer earlier today during a robbery, stole that truck from someone's garage, hit three pedestrians, crashed into the side of another car and now here he is, dead." She said, no empathy in her voice. 

That was understandable, he did so many awful things just before he died. I wondered where he soul was going. That thought left my mind just as quickly as it came. He deserved a special place down below. 

She continued, "He's on bail, he was arrested last week for arson, he set ablaze his girlfriend's house after he found her cheating with his brother."


"Oh my God, that's horrible." I said as I placed my hand on my chest. 

"Yea, it is." She said as she moved away from me. 

I looked at her retreating figure. She came, disclosed and then left. I glanced in the direction of the accident once more, firefighters were trying to remove several pieces of the truck from the scene. 

A police officer came over to the crowd of onlookers, he made gestures with his hands as he spoke, but I was not close enough to hear, so I shifted closer to the crowd. 

"Every one will have to detour, if you're going north, then you have to take Panther View Avenue and enter on Interstate 25 or I-25. If you going west, take Panther View, then turn on Mollrose Boulevard and then Highway 47. If you going to the airport, take Sunburn Avenue then Maxfield Avenue and continue straight until you see the sign for the airport."

I groaned, I now had to take the route I initially didn't want to take. As I walked back to my car, my phone rang. Pulling it from my pocket, I looked at the caller ID. 

"Dwight! Oh shit!" 
