Chapter 37- Buried Alive

The great writer evokes the words

that buried within hearts of readers. - Toba Beta

I knew we were on a lonely stretch of road because I didn't hear any cars passing us. I wondered where he was taking me. 

I gave up on fighting them, I kept getting too many hits and slaps to the face. My face was swollen and I guessing every colour of the rainbow by now. 

I was unable to see anything because there a blindfold over my eyes and a cloth bag over my head. Matthew ensured that I could not see any details of where I was or going. 

Fatigue was starting to take over, I haven't slept in three days and my body was feeling exhausted. I drifted in and out of consciousness. 

I felt someone nudged me. I whimpered when I felt the impact of the person's elbow against my ribs. 

"Wake up Amelia. We are close." Matthew said annoyed. 

I felt the bag being lifted from my head. I was no longer surrounded by darkness. His hands gently cupped my cheeks, I flinched when I felt his cold fingers touching me. 

"You were once so...beautiful to look at. Now you disgust me." His voice dripping with disdain. 

"You know you caused this on yourself Amelia, if you weren't so easy then we would still be together. Everything that has happened to you and between us is your fault. Everything is your fault." 

I didn't know what to say. I was deeply hurt to know that he thought I ruined us, I ruined the relationship. 

The car turned onto a bumpy road. I could hear the crunch under the tires. I listened, trying to decipher where we were and where we were going was hard. The only conclusion I came up with was, we were on a dirt road. 

Fifteen minutes after we turned on the dirt road, the car stopped. The doors opened and I was pulled from the vehicle. 

"Let's go Amelia." Matthew ordered, pushing me forward. 

He held on to my arm, his nails digging into my flesh as he lead me to my unknown destination. Flashbacks of my life flashed before my eyes. 

My life as a kid, adolescent, young adult and leading up to this moment. My foot hit a rock and I stumbled, falling over as I tripped on another. 

"Get the hell up, so fucking clumsy." 

Jab after jab, he wanted to hurt me and he was using his words and hands to do it. I was determined I would not let him see me falter in anyway. 

He tried to manipulate me emotionally. He could see the hurt he inflicted on my skin but he would never see it emotionally. I would not give in to his games. 

We continued walking for sometime before we came to a stop. The blindfold lifted from my eyes. Light blinding me instantly. 

"I really wanted us to work Amelia, but I've changed my mind. I no longer want you, you are damaged goods and a disgrace." Matthew stated.

"You told me earlier that you wanted us to work and that I was the reason everything fell apart. But that's horse shit and you know it. I loved you Matthew, I really did. But you were and still are so toxic."

"You destroyed our relationship. You wanted to be in control, you wanted me to fix everything - everytime something fell apart. I couldn't do that, it wasn't my job to fix you." I said, throwing every word at him. 

He looked like he swallowed a bug. 

"I'm happy, I love Dwight, he has taught me how to move on with my life. I finally learned how to love myself. I'm happy with the way I look, I no longer feel bad about looking in the mirror. My self confidence is coming back. I thought I knew what love was when we were together. I didn't, that wasn't love. What we had wasn't a relationship, it was ownership. If you kill me today, just know that I'm happy that I got the chance to really live my life, even if it was for a short period of - ." 

He started to choke me, he squeezed my neck as hard as he could. I struggled against him, my hands were still bound so I couldn't fight back. 

I felt my life leaving my body. He looked me dead in the eyes and squeezed my throat harder, his face contouring with rage. Hate behind his eyes, eyes that were once filled with admiration and love. 

"You fucking bitch, I love you." He leaned in and kissed my lips, a kiss filled with desperation, disappointment, anger and hurt. He wanted me to know that this was goodbye, this was the end and the sad part was...I felt it.

I grasped for air, none was there to take. I felt my body shutting down, organ by organ. No oxygen reaching the areas I needed for my life to continue. 

I sent a silent prayer, asking God to tell my best friends and Dwight that I loved them and I would see them on the other side. 

I fought my fight, I made sure he knew that I was not gonna take this lying down, belly up with an I surrender flag waving vigorously.

I just wished that they had found me in time. I just wished that this didn't have to happen, I just wished that he would've moved on. I just wished that all those years I wasted on him I could take back. I just wished that I never stepped foot in that cafe the day he came back into my life. I just wished that the very first day I met him, I had stayed home that day. 

Unconscious, my body going limp in his arms. 

Unconscious, my body was lowered into a metal drum. 

The lid placed above me and darkness surrounded me. 

The new place where my home will be.

Please is there anyone that will find me. I needed to go back to the life I had. The life where I was loved and adored. 

I needed to break free, but how? I was covered with dirt and stones, scrubs and grass. No one would know that I was here. 

Unconscious I lay, hoping they would find me. 
