Cleavon's POV

"Oh! Hey Kynt! by the way, thanks for the coffee yesterday! It helped me sleep fast." I smiled and patted his forearm as I took a bite of mash potatoes that I bought for break time.

"Wait what? Isn't coffee supposed to keep you awake or something?" He awkwardly chuckled-- no, scratch that he's always awkward but that's what I like about him anyway besides it makes him very humble.

"Not for me though." I giggled as I took my water bottle beside me as I chugged it down my throat.

"Hey, isn't that the famous Tanya Alyana?" Estelle whispered to us which we all heard as I blinked a few times before looking over at Estelle who pointed at a girl with long silky hair wearing a sexy dress.

"Woah." Kimberly whistled as Estelle weirdly looked at her.

"Who is that?" I asked as Kimberly leaned closer to me.

"She's the most famous cheerleader in the university well actually, what made her famous was her noodle photos that got leaked all over the place!" Kimberly whispered-yelled as I covered my mouth in bewilderment.

"And rumors says that she did it on purpose to get noticed by the school's heartthrob which is Gian." Kimberly sighs disappointedly, "Such a waste, right?" She added.

"Yeah well anyway, i'm not in the place to judge so.." I shrugged my shoulders as i continued eating my mash potatoes.

"Pfft.. You're such an angel." She chuckled as i hummed.

"That's not an insult, right?" I frowned as she frowned back.

"How is that an insult?" She laughed as i laughed with her catching the attention of everyone in the table.

"Like, everyone knows her even the new students in the university!" Natalia exclaimed who is chatting with Valerie and Raya, well, i could tell since i know her now too.

But now it seems like everyone is talking about that certain girl now.

I looked over at Kynt to see him staring at the center of attraction, kinda looks like he's star-strucked as i frowned and gently shook him.

"You okay, Kynt?" I asked as he slightly bolted on his seat and looked over at me.

"Isn't that girl our classmate?" He asked as i frowned, wait.. she is?

"Yeah, she is! Although, i haven't seen her attending classes so..-" Estelle mumbled, pricking her lips with her fingers, a habit when someone would ponder.

"Wait, but she was right in front of us, guys.." He rubbed his nape as Estelle chuckled.

"I don't know, maybe i didn't pay too much attention to my surroundings or so.." Estelle shrugged her shoulders as she continued chatting with Kimberly.

"What..?" Kynt trailed out as i giggled and patted his shoulder.

"She meant you're too observant." I nodded as he blinked a few times in confusion. "What's your business about her anyway?" I added.

"I-.. uhm.. she's just really pretty and.." He awkwardly stammered as he blushed, i giggled and nodded.

"And? What's the problem with that? It's not our fault that we get attracted to a person without any reason." I softly laughed. "Don't worry, it's fine if you get attracted to someone like her." I reassuringly smiled.

"Yeah.." He took a deep breath. "You're right." He sighed.

"Yes! And even if it means you're attracted to a slut." Raya leaned her chin on her palm as i facepalmed.

"We can't really call her such a name without listening to the full story guys.." I sighed and shook my head in disapproval.

"Oh come on, Cleavon. Everyone thinks the same thing! She's a slut and every normie totally agrees with it." Raya nods as i sighed and shook my head.

"Anyways, it's not my business so.. who am i to talk?" I pointed at myself as Raya snapped her fingers in agreement.

"Yes, it is not our business now let's get out of here and find some place more peaceful." Raya stated as we nodded. We all stood up taking our bags as we exited the crowded cafeteria.

We came across the photography club room as something clicked on my mind as i gasped catching the attention of everyone.

"Is something wrong?" Natalia panicked as i covered my mouth and looked over at Valerie.

"I-.. wait- I forgot about the application for the photography club! We should take pictures around the university for the club!" I exclaimed as i took out the camera on my backpack as Valerie gasped and took out hers too.

"I'm glad you reminded me!" Valerie sighed as she walks over at me and grabs my wrist. "Sorry guys! We'll catch up! We got work to do!" She added as we walked off.

"I hope you won't leave me as you go to the bathroom again.." I joked and softly laughed as she giggled.

"Nope! Not again sweetie!" She shook her head as we went to the 2nd floor. "We're not lost aren't we?" She added as i shook my head.

"Probably-- but hey! This is a nice place to take a shot look at all those windows we can lean-to." I pointed at the wide and open windows as we ran towards it.

"It is!" Valerie exclaimed as she went to the window beside me before taking pictures, i hummed as i cleansed the lens of the camera before zooming into the trees below.

I hummed in satisfaction before viewing all of the photos i took with the polarizing effect.

I kept taking pictures in different angles until i heard murmurs nearby as i looked down to see a few people near a dumpster.

'Such weird places to have a conversation with..' I tilted my head in confusion before letting out small 'hissing' sounds as a familiar girl shrieked.

"Are you crazy? Are you doing this on purpose?!"

"Aren't we all?"

"No! You forced me to do this and look at my reputation!"

"Your reputation in this school is big but not enough!"

"What does that supposed to mean?!"

I frowned, sure i am not supposed to be eavesdropping but something's wrong here.

"Don't you want to be noticed by Gian huh?"

"Can't i just be noticed without you guys leaking my photos?!"

"I don't know! Ask yourself! This was your choice, Tanya!"

I slightly gasped as i gulped and looked away before minding my own business again. I looked over at Valerie who is still taking pictures as i cleared my throat before looking below again to see the same girl but she's alone now.

"Cleavon? Are you done?" Valerie looked over at me as i frowned and stared at the girl below who is on her knees.

"H-Huh? Oh not yet.. i wanted to take pictures below but you can go without me." I smiled as she furrowed her brows.

"Are you sure? I mean, i don't want to leave you alone because it looks like we're a little lost." She mumbled as i shook my head.

"I know my way and besides, that map over there." I pointed at a large map on the wall beside a room as she looked over at it before looking back at me with a hesitant look.

"Come on Valerie, i insist and also.. i have something to take care of." I smiled as i looked down to see her in the same spot as Valerie sighed.

"Sure, but don't be late okay! If you do then i'll say that it's my fault!" She gave me a sharp look as i giggled and nodded, she walked off as we parted ways.