
"Hey look, i didn't notice that we're a big group now." Estelle stated with a small giggle as i looked at everyone.

"Yeah, you're right.." I chuckled as others nodded. We walked down the hall as a familiar girl sprinted towards the bathroom.

I furrowed my brows as we passed by the bathroom, i paused and sighed as they stopped to look back at me with a questioning look.

"Oh nothing.." I shook my head as they slowly nodded and walked ahead, i furrowed my brows worriedly.

'I wonder what's wrong with her..'


"Hey, Cleavon and Valerie!" Nesrin ran towards us as we all looked at her.

"Oh hey, Nesrin! What's up?" I raised my brows.

"Have you already took pictures like the ones we asked?" She asked as we nodded. "Sweet! Don't forget to pass by the club room later on!" She ran off as we nodded once again.

"Will do." I smiled as i sat at the back of the class and placed my bag on the table as i sat down.

The class started as i glanced at Kynt's nervous state from time to time as he occasionally wipes his sweaty hands.

=Time Skip=

"Cleavon!" Valerie calls waving her hand as i looked up to see her standing by the doorway of the room as i hummed before keeping all my stuff. "Let's go pass the requirements!" She added as i wore my bag.

I froze on my place as i quickly took out a pen and paper before writing a short letter placing it under Kynt's book as i quickly ran out with Valerie heading towards our club room.

Kynt's POV

I entered the classroom since i went to the restroom the last minute to find the room empty as i looked around, i quickly started packing all my things up when a paper flew out my desk.

I hummed confusingly as i placed my bag down again before crouching down to take the strange looking paper.

I slowly curved a smile as i kept the paper in my pocket as i quickly wore my backpack, exiting the classroom.

Tanya's POV

"Hey! Tanya!"

Someone called as i turned to face the voice to see my friends or perhaps.. my 'friends' when they want something from me. Money again perhaps?

"Yes?" I raised a brow as they gave me a neon green sticky note, i opened it as i curiously frowned.

'Meet me at the vending machine outside the campus please..'

I narrowed my eyes as i looked out the gate, i sighed as i walked out looking left and right as to spot a black haired guy waiting by the vending machine as he looks down his shoes fidgeting them.

I approached him poking his shoulders to grab his attention. "Is this yours?" I gave him a look showing the sticky note as he quickly took out an iced coffee on a can and a chocolate bar.

I gave him a shocked look before taking it from him as he bowed 360.

"I-I'm very sorry for e-earlier.. i hope you f-f-forgive me!" He stammered before running off leaving me there dumbfounded as i looked down the coffee and the chocolate bar.

I spaced out for awhile as i closed my mouth slowly curving a small smile as i let out an airy chuckle before looking down to see a strange looking paper.

I crouched down as i grabbed the paper before silently giggling to myself reading the short letter.

'I'll forgive you if you'll give me something in the vending machine.'


"Who even is this? This isn't my handwriting.." I mumbled. "I'm also allergic to cocoa." I sighed as i chuckled once again, shaking my head before throwing the letter on the nearby bin.

I stared at the neon green sticky note unknowingly smiling again as i decided to keep it inside my bag with the chocolate bar.

I didn't even get his name..

I sighed once again as i fixed my hair before entering the bus home.

Cleavon's POV

Me and Valerie are currently on our club room for a club meeting as my phone buzzed on my pocket catching my attention as i secretly unlocked my phone to see a message.

Kynt: thank you for today! i'll repay you tomorrow!

I chuckled as i kept my phone before sighing in relief.

'I'm glad i could help..'

=Time Skip=

I kept all my things as i stepped out the club room since the meeting already ended as Valerie walked towards me.

"Let's go?" She asked as i nodded, we finally exited the building to see the others at the gate by the benches leisurely sitting as they looked up to see us running towards them.

"Finally!" Raya yells out and groans as both of us giggled. "Come on! We'll help you guys check in!" She added as we stood inside the bus stop waiting for the next bus.

"You will rent a house for two, yeah?" Valerie asked as we nodded. "Okay." She added.