What's a Slut Supposed To Do?

Now that I knew who I was, life became much simpler. I knew that I wanted cock, and a lot of cock was what I needed. Anonymous sex was my method of choice, and there were so many different ways to meet men who wanted to simply get laid and call it a night.

I did the bookstore approach, and it was generally a sure thing to at least give a blow job. But, it was like trolling for a fish in that you really didn't know what you were going to get. I decided to try the internet with the thought that at least I could talk to the person who would be using my mouth and ass and get a feeling that they would be able to get me off.

I had my chat rooms that I would log into, and for the most part it was a lot of cybersex. I avoided most of that, even though the chat was hot with a number of the guys. Then, there was a message from NYDAD63. He was very authoritative and wanted to chat on mic. I grew hard in anticipation as he called me.

"Hello boy," he said with a baritone voice. "Are you prepared to do as I say boy?"

"Well, " I said, shaking at the sound of his deep voice, "first can I get your name?"

"My name is sir to you bitch!" he said. My cock twitched at that moment.

"Yes sir," I said obediently, anticipating what he wanted me to do.

"First, take off your clothes now" in a manner that gave me the feeling he's done this a thousand times.

I took off my underwear and t-shirt, feeling a little silly being ordered around by a man I had never seen. "Yes sir, I'm naked now," I said in a more timid voice than I thougt I had.

"Next time bitch, you better do it fast!" he said, sounding angry and very intimidating. "A good little bitch like you must have a toy or five, get out a butt plug bitch."

How did he know? Well, maybe he just assumed, and it was a good assumption! I got out my fattest black butt plug. "Yes sir, I have it" I said quietly.

"I knew a little whore like you had one," he said as if there was never a doubt. "Sit on it and let it stretch your ass" he said with almost no emotion. I did as I was told.

"Ohhhh," I moaned as my toy popped in my ass, stretching it.

"Sounds like you have it in slut," he said. "Now, put your clothes on and drive to your bookstore" he said. How does he know about my bookstore? Oh fuck, he knows me.

I logged off and did as I was told, driving quickly, squirming on the tool in my ass. I pulled in and there was a van in the parking lot, and that was it. I parked next to the van assuming that was my "date", and I wouldn't be disappointed. I stepped out of the car, and the back door of the van opened up.

"In here, now bitch!" the familiar voice that had been commanding me online said. He was average height, kind of thick and bald with a lot of tatoo's. "You remember me slut?" he said? "About a month ago, you sucked my cock in the back room of the bookstore." My memory is not that good. So many cocks have split my lips since I found my place in life.

"Sure I do, " I said, trying to sound convincing.

"No you don't bitch, but you'll remember this night" he said as he pushed me in the van. "Unzip me slut" he said.

He had no underwear on, and then I saw his cock. I remember it now. His head was so fat, I had a hard time getting him down my throat. I ended up jacking him off and eating his cum on our first encounter awhile back. I instinctively kissed the head and started my "usual" routine of giveing a blowjob, even though I knew his fat head was going to be tough to swallow.

"You stretch your ass nice and wide for me bitch?" he said. I didn't want that big head in my ass. It was to big.

"Please, let me suck it" I said, trying to appease him.

"Oh nooo, you cheated me last time" he said with a snicker. "I'm getting it all tonight, and so are my boys!" he said loudly.

With one swift move, he was behind me and my wrists were cuffed out in front of me and I was on my knees. He pulled the plug out of my ass with one swift tug. My ass felt empty now, but it wouldn't stay that way for long. The head of his cock was fat and wet. I felt it traveling up and down the crack of my ass, when he pulled my ass cheeks open and popped the big head in.

"Ohhh NOOOO" I groaned loundly as my ass stretched beyond what it ever had before.

"Shut the fuck up cunt" he moaned as his cock head started to go deeper.

"Please NOOOOOO" I yelled in pain as he grabbed my hips and started to drive deeper.

He took my underwear and stuffed them in my mouth and started to withdraw his cock, and drive deeper. Just then, the van door opened and there were three other guys there, all of whom I knew from other encounters at the bookstore.

"Fuck yeah, you like this boy, don't you?" my tatooed stud groaned as he started a stead pace of fucking my ass and slapping my ass. My ass was now used to the thickness of his cock, and my cock was dripping. One of our visitors pulled my boxers out of my mouth.

"Fuck yeah!" I moaned, in rhythm to my ass pounding. I couldn't talk for long, because the guy who pulled the boxers out of my mouth had another idea for my mouth. A fat cock hit the side of my face.

"Suck it slut!" our visitor said. I could barely understand him because my ass was on fire from the masterful fucking of my stud was putting to my ass. He didn't care and just grabbed my head and forced his cock over my lips and started to fuck my mouth.

The pace was getting faster, with my stud in my ass now hitting my balls with his, harder and faster. "Fuck yeah, fuck yeah", he said, as he started pounding my ass. The cock in my mouth and throat twitched, and swelled.

"God yessssss" my mouth fucker moaned as he withdrew his cock and shot his load on my face. Some laughing was going on because I didn't care. I was so fucking into the cock into my ass, I didn't care what was shooting on my face.

Another cock was in my mouth in no time, and another pair of hands on my ears guiding my mouth up and down the shaft.

"Yeah, fuck yeah, fuck that whore" the group of guys yelled as my tattooed stud pounded so hard that I came without touching myself.

"Yeaahhhhhhh bitch" my assman groaned as he warned me about his load boiling over. He held his cock into my ass deep and shot a huge load into my ass. It was so hot, and he came more than I could ever recall anyone cumming with me. My new mouth fucked exploded in my throat at that moment...

"UGHHHHH UGHHHHH, you fucking slut" he said as he shot load after load in my throat, making me gag.

He uncuffed me and rolled me out of the van, with no clothes and handcuffs still attached to one arm. The van rolled out of the parking lot, and when I looked at my car, it was on blocks. Those assholes stole my rims and tires! It's gonna be a long walk home naked at 4am, but what's a slut gonna do?