Couple enjoy highly sexual and intense fuck on a dining room table

"Take your dress off, now!"

My heart beat a tattoo against my ribs, but I knew better than to argue when Ryan used his dominant voice. His tone was commanding and hard-edged, but the faster I did what he asked the sooner I'd get my reward. A hungry ache began to build between my thighs.

I reached behind my back to loosen the clasp at the top of my gown. Dragging the zip it peeled away from my shoulders before dropping to the floor, exposing my body, dressed only in the underwear he had selected for me to wear for our dinner party. The black bra had low cups which barely concealed my nipples. It was strappy around the decolletage, trapping the swell of my breasts—Ryan adored my big tits and encouraged me to display and play with them frequently. All the attention lavished on them kept my nipples super responsive, sometimes he made me come solely from breast play.

I stood confidently as Ryan took a 360-degree tour around me. I looked good tonight. The black silk stockings and suspender belt he'd chosen framed my legs and buttocks to perfection. Having visited the beauty salon yesterday, I was as smooth as silk, with buffed nails and a fresh pedicure. I had pinned up my hair in a sophisticated style this evening, showing off my long neck.

"Very nice," Ryan admired, and I felt a swell of pride to have pleased him.

"Your arse looks delectable. We'll get rid of this." He tugged away the evening dress which pooled around my feet. "Keep your shoes on, they firm your buttocks and make you stick out your tits!"

See what I mean? He loves my tits, and I love him admiring them. A warm trickle of excitement gathered in my pussy—I get off on being objectified.

"Stand at the end of the table Sienna. Spread your legs, rest your hands on the surface."

Less than an hour ago, there had been guests around this table. Friends of ours who had chatted over dainty starters, a succulent main and a sticky dessert decorated with red fruit coulis. The wine had been in abundance and the conversation had flowed, but I was on tenterhooks. waiting to be alone with my master. His eyes had burned with such intensity. I'd watched him engage people in conversation but flick back to me frequently, I knew the dining part of the evening was just the appetiser.

My underwear was not the only thing Ryan had picked out for me to wear this evening, he'd also chosen our remote control love egg. I'd coated it with water-based lube and nestled it inside my pussy, wishing he'd put some knickers out for me to wear! They would only have provided a thin layer of protection but may have prevented my pussy and thighs being this soaked after a couple of hours with Ryan manipulating the remote control.

Ryan was examining me closely now, his warm breath brushed against my hip as he studied me, before he blew gently over my soaked labia, making me tingle and shrink.

"Looks like someone's had a fun evening," he gloated, and my face burned with shame. I tried not to come earlier, but being unable to predict wh de en Ryan was going to activate the egg buried in my pussy, I'd found it difficult to hold myself back from the edge. The rumbles had begun early while I'd carried the starters to the table. Clenching my kegel muscles I'd held the device in place but when I sat down, the position of the silicone coated egg had adjusted to rest against my G-spot—no amount of wriggling or trying to sit with my weight on only one buttock would move it.

As our guests commented on how beautifully the food complemented the wine, I'd pasted on a Mona Lisa smile while I silently experienced an orgasm. Pressing my legs together to contain the waves of pleasure while my nails dug into the palms of my hands in an effort to keep a blank face.

Ever the tormentor, Ryan soon raised a toast to me, saying didn't I look well, simultaneously switching the egg onto a particularly violent strobing pattern. I thought I would go cross-eyed! I had to fight the urge to groan aloud and thrust my hips with lusty abandon. All attention became focused on me—our friends charged their glasses, clinking them together in the toast. I held it together while my pussy screamed with excitement. However, my best friend Eva remarked that I looked a little flushed.

I brushed off her concern and, with almost no tremble in my voice, toasted Ryan back, mentioning the big deal he'd pulled off at work. The buzz of conversation reverted to his end of the table. Thankfully the buzz between my legs also relented so I was able to sip my wine without the glass rattling against my teeth.

I snapped back to the present. Ryan just sank his teeth into the plump orb of my right buttock. His teeth dug in hard and he fastened his lips to me. Sucking the trapped flesh deeply, he marked me as his with a love bite that tingled and burned. When he "branded" me as his property I swelled with pride, like when he used the flat of his hand to slap my other buttock hard. I groaned, low and feral. One of his rules for me was to keep my skin soft and moisturised, smooth and hair-free. I should maintain a perfect canvas for the occasions he chose to mark me with bites or bruises, we both enjoyed the taboo idea of him punishing me.

Right now I wanted to wriggle away from the burning pressure of his teeth, but I stayed in position as he began to massage and probe my slobbering pussy with questing fingers. My knees nearly buckled when he brushed the tip of my clitoris, so alert to stimulation after my earlier orgasm.

"My greedy girl, you have sucked the egg in deep," Ryan observed, burying several fingers in my pussy to locate the toy. Once he grasped it and drew it out, he used the remote to switch it to a low vibrate before rubbing and massaging it over the subcutaneous flesh of my clitoris.

It felt so fucking good I bucked against his hand and bit my lip. I knew I wasn't meant to move.

"Please Master…" I groaned.

"What do you need, little one?" he teased, massaging my tit with one hand.

"I—I need to come," I mewled. The dual stimulation was indescribably exciting, causing my abdomen to tighten painfully while my spread legs strained to keep me upright.

"Didn't you already come without permission Sienna?" his silky voice held an edge of sternness which made my belly flutter with exhilaration.

"Yes Master," I hung my head, a blush rising.

"So you know the answer." He removed the egg from teasing my labia and released my breast.

I was bereft as he moved away, the weight of his disapproval hung in the air. I knew all my orgasms belonged to him. Climaxing without his permission, I'd painted myself into a corner and no amount of begging would persuade him to let me come now.

Unable to see what Ryan was doing behind me, amongst the muffled noises I thought I detected a zip unfastening.

"Turn around Sienna, and drop to your knees."

I complied and found him sitting on the chair from which he'd presided over our dinner party, still dressed in his evening suit trousers and waistcoat, simply having removed his jacket. My excitement spiked, however, observing that his cock stood erect, proud and swollen in the gap of his open flies. my mouth watered, like one of Pavlov's dogs, I was hungry to take him between my lips to pleasure him orally.

The dining room floor is hard, stripped wood, but I barely felt any discomfort as I knelt to lave him with my tongue, sucking and licking him up and down. I sank my mouth onto his straining shaft and revelled in the touch of its tip at the back of my throat. The slight choke it activated always made my eyes and mouth water, but I loved the way his girth filled me.

I gazed up at Ryan's rapt expression, happy to be able to bring him pleasure this way. I always felt a surge of power when I gave him head, it was one of the few times when I controlled his sensations, the speed and depth of penetration. I sucked hard on his member as I continued to bob my head.

When Ryan buried his fingers in my blonde tresses he took back control. He began to fuck my face, using my mouth as a hole, a channel with which to pleasure himself. My pussy twitched as my head swirled, I loved it when he used me. As I knelt at his feet, him clothed and me wearing just underwear, a line was drawn regarding who was the boss. Grabbing a handful of my hair he tilted my head back to look at him.

"You're pretty good at that, greedy girl. But I'm hungry for my main course."

He raised me to my feet. "What a mess you've made," indicating a pool of my juices on the floor where I'd knelt. "Lie back on the table and part your thighs."

Obedient to a fault, I lay back, knowing the heat of my desire was spread open for him to see. My breasts and pussy were still framed by the black underwear, only now the shiny pink folds of my pussy were slick with arousal and hungry for penetration. He used his hands to push my thighs against my ribs, splaying me wide. Removing my shoes so my feet brushed against my buttocks, Ryan bent to lick me, perineum up to clitoris, the flat of his tongue both teasing and soothing.

"You taste so fucking good!" Ryan's control almost slipped, I heard it in his voice, which caused my cunt to twitch in appreciation. Maybe he sat in the chair, all I know is that he began to lick, suck and nibble at my pussy in a concerted attack. My head dropped back against the wood of the table, my hair spread out like a mermaid.

"Play with your tits Sienna," he growled before pressing his mouth once more against my slick lower lips. Obediently I commenced pinching and plucking the responsive tips of my nipples, and it wasn't long before they darkened and puffed to tight buds which zinged sensation to my clit with every touch.

Ryan's tongue was penetrating me now, making darts into my heated core while his arms pulled me further down the table. His nose rubbed and nudged my clit while he licked inside me. I couldn't help moaning out loud.

"I'm going to count you down from 10 Sienna," he told me. "If you don't come when I reach 1, I will assume you don't want to come at all, but I will continue to edge you."

Shit! This game was the hardest. I was feeling spacey with arousal right now, but could I come on command? I had to try because I couldn't face a night of frustration. I grasped the tender tissue of my nipple in a pincer grip, dragging the engorged flesh out long. I licked my fingers to tease trails of cooling saliva around the sensitive puckered stalks. I bore down with my pelvis against the ministrations of Ryan's tongue and tightened my pelvic floor muscles, trying to enhance the pulsing of my pussy walls. I could feel the pressure of an orgasm building, but …

"Six," he counted.

If only they could see me now, I pictured the guests who had so recently sat at our table. My pussy throbbed in response. Imagine it Sienna, imagine displaying yourself. Focus on being so depraved that you are lying on the table touching between your legs, swirling your slippery fingers against your clit while Eva and Jeremy watch you.

"Look how wet she's getting darling!" Lucinda's partner Michael might exclaim excitedly. "You should get your snatch waxed Luce, I can see every pulse and throb in Sienna's. it's very sexy."

"I wish I had big tits like Sienna," Lucinda might pout.

"So do I darling, yours are just buds, like Jelly Tots! I'm getting very stiff watching Sienna pull and twist her own nipples. Why don't you do that?"

"I will in future Michael, look how juicy it gets her."

"Can we touch her Ryan?" Sienna imagined them pleading. Ryan of course allowing them to pinch, stroke and finger her, causing a multitude of dizzying sensations while he began teasing her anus with the tip of his hot tongue.

"—Two, One!" Ryan's voice boomed, the signal for my climax, which immediately began. It pulsed and kneaded at the fleshy walls of my pussy while enveloping me in warm bursts of sensation which set me soaring with elation.

Leaning forward, my lover began to suck and fondle my tits, as I lay on the table. He squeezed and pressed them together as if moulding them, while he capitalised on their sensitivity by nipping and biting at them. This really excited me. Returning to his position at the foot of the table, Ryan began to fuck me with his fingers until I was a slave to building sensations. I held my thighs open for more, despite my fingers slipping on the soft fabric of my black stockings.

Looking up at Ryan, I had the familiar sensation that I was a fly, skilfully trapped by the spider, as I watched him dominate me. He still looked so pristine in his white dress shirt, with gold links holding the double cuffs closed. His waistcoat looked formal, even his jutting cock looked engorged and full of purpose. In contrast, I lay spread out for him, unravelled by my lust and subjugation to his will. He could tease me all night and all I wanted to do was spread and beg, longing for him to take full possession of me, rather than just using fingers and tongue.

My wish was granted as Ryan thrust his hard cock into my salivating pussy. He pressed insistently into the depths of my eager, throbbing flesh. It felt as if a hundred glasses of water would never slake the thirst I had for his questing cock. He pumped at me like a mechanical toy, re-igniting my climax as if bouncing it off the walls.

He rubbed his fingers frenetically over my clit while wrapping my legs around his hips to thrust responsively to his deep penetration. When he twisted my knees to one side and penetrated me that way, I was aware of the slap of his balls against my buttocks. I kept stroking the pads of my fingers against my labia as they stretched to accommodate his turgid cock. I was so wonderfully filled I could hardly lie still, but Ryan held me in place while he varied the speed and depth of his penetration. Using my suspender belt for leverage he fucked me harder.

"Flip onto your stomach, greedy girl. I know you still want more. I plan to fuck you until you're sore."

I wanted him to use me, I turned over on the table with his help and he grasped my hips, pulling my torso down to its edge. I knew he was enjoying the view. Master has told me enough times how much my bubble butt turns him on. I wished I could see the vista he saw, what did the bite he gave me earlier look like? Was it big and red?  Perhaps he'd sucked hard enough for it to have a purple tinge like a deep tissue bruise.

"C'mon my little cum slut!" Ryan urged me, "how much do you want this?"

I tried to grip the sides of the table to hold myself in place when he fucked me with a vengeance. Again, imagining our dinner guests sitting around like an audience made it so much hotter.

"Crack on there Ryan, she's really up for it!" Michael might crow while Lucinda begins fondling his cock through the fabric of his trousers.

"He's playing at her back door," Eva would squeal, hard nipples jutting against the satin of her slip dress.

"Yeah and she bloody loves it," Jeremy observes with envy as I thrash my head about in response to Ryan's probing finger. "You haven't let me do that since our honeymoon!"
"Let's try it again tonight," Eva's voice, would likely be hoarse with lust, "Sierra looks so fucking abandoned. It's getting my pussy wet just watching."

I was so high on what Ryan was doing to me and imagining putting on a sexy show, that I barely registered him wanting me to come off the table. As he sank into the chair my motivation was purely to reciprocate the pleasure he'd given to me. Once again, I knelt between his legs to lower my mouth over his cock. This time though it's coated with the musk of my arousal, which spiralled my primal response higher. It's a sweet/sour taste which always turns me on. I feel as if I've marked him as my own, right to the root of his cock so I licked and slurped at his straining flesh with a hungry passion.

I was putting on a show again but this one was all for Ryan, for my master. I know he finds it exciting when I take him as deep into my throat as I can, that extra pressure at the back and the suction my mouth exerts is like fucking a really tight pussy. When I licked and drooled around the contours of his glans, I felt spurred on by him watching me with fascination so showboated with exaggerated licks and slurps. He enjoyed the view of my blonde head bobbing enthusiastically on his erection like it was the tastiest treat I'd ever had. He stroked my hair off my face while letting me worship his hard member with my mouth, and when I moaned as well as sucked, he exhaled with delight.

As my mouth began to tire a little, I brought my hands into play. It takes both my small hands to satisfy this man. Grasping and twisting them around his cock, I followed with a sliding upwards, coaxing motion, encircling the crown of his erection with my mouth. I imagined I was teasing his blood flow upwards to milk the precum out of the tip.

"For dessert, my greedy girl, you can ride a cock horse!"

Ryan chuckled at his own joke, but he was right, I was seriously eager for this. My pussy, despite two earlier orgasms, was thrumming for another. I felt greedy for his cock as I stood to position myself over his throbbing dick. I lowered slowly onto his lap. As his full length impaled me, I growled with satisfaction.

I set the pace, bobbing my hips so my buttocks bounced but didn't touch him, but my master wanted to control my thrusts. With his hands on my hips, he guided me, varying the depth of his penetration into my heated channel. Some jousts rubbed my G-spot and others when he allowed me to grind my hips, brushed my straining clit.

Sensing my legs were shaking, and that I couldn't continue long in this position, Ryan guided me towards the table. This time he hitched one of my knees onto its surface to spread me wider before sliding into my soaking hole.

"Like a bitch on heat!" he growled proudly in my ear, before fucking me to oblivion.

My breathing became ragged as he bumped and ground against me, doggy style. Reaching down between my slick thighs I could rub the burning nub of my clitoris. This, combined with his rhythmic thrusts made stars and blackness swirl across my vision.

"Please Master, please—may I come?" I groaned, rubbing circles to move my clitoris hood, letting my slippery fingers stroke the root of his cock as it ploughed into me.

"Wait for me girl—" he cautioned, so I tried to hold back the tide of sensations which were building to a crescendo.

"Come," he urged me, "come now!"

I rubbed and pressed my clit with the pads of my fingers. He pumped into me, unloading his spurting climax while I throbbed and pulsed my own release around him. I felt so grateful as his weight sank onto my back. Ryan had given me so much pleasure but he was spent now. My throbs weakened but continued to bounce outwards, like ripples when a stone is dropped into water. Resting my head on the table, I felt sated and replete.

Read all about the wonderful author: Posy Churchgate