
What a day! She'd finally moved into her own place after months of viewing flats and studios. The legal stuff had dragged on, but as that drew to a close, it had been freeing to pack only what she needed into five boxes and two suitcases. She'd let the other two girls in their shared flat pick over the remaining clothes and possessions, cargo she was happy to jettison in her journey upwards. Now she'd arrived. No more tripping over people's shoes in the hall or navigating damp bras and panties to use the basin or shower. This space was all hers, to enjoy the way she wanted, and that's what Sybil fully intended.

She started by locating the box containing essentials. She'd scribed it with a large red number 1 on all sides. On the top, padding everything was the beautiful fur throw she'd spied in the window of a department store on the day she exchanged contracts on the apartment. Its luxurious plush fibres called out to her as she stopped to admire it. Touch me, you know you want to, they seemed to say. She went inside the store to trail her fingers against its warmth and softness and that's when she knew she'd buy it. Now it wouldn't matter that she didn't have a sofa yet; with this thrown over the deep wooden window seat, other furniture purchases could wait. Anyway, Sybil had reasoned, discovering it on the day the flat had legally become hers, no turning back, seemed like a portent.

Reverently she removed the shaggy throw from its packaging and rubbed its fine fibres against her cheek. Its softness brought to mind kittens and scudding clouds, a breath of warm air against her smooth skin. With a sigh of contentment, she spread it out, then stood back to admire how well it looked against the woodgrain. The windows behind it provided a moving backdrop of distant activity. Reaching into box number 1 Sybil found the kettle, mugs, and a carton of her favourite green tea. She put water on to boil and prepared a cup for herself while stowing her plates, bowls, cutlery, and glasses neatly in a cupboard.

Her phone pinged with an incoming message, the furniture store, confirming delivery of her bed was in an hour. What would she do with an hour to herself? It was a no-brainer, she would relax in the best way. She could celebrate her newfound freedom and independence anywhere and everywhere now. This place was all her own, the door was shut against the world and no flatmates would disturb her.

Sybil smiled to herself at the prospect of quiet and privacy, which was quite a novelty. The girls she had shared with had brought boyfriends home aplenty. The flat was busiest in the evening but as Lana worked shifts, there weren't many times when it was empty. If her flatmates didn't have a boyfriend, they owned something which plugged in or was powered by batteries to satisfy their needs. Sybil was alone in preferring manual pleasure to using something which could buzz and vibrate.

Astrid had a penchant for toys made of glass, which were so beautiful that they took pride of place on her shelf in front of books. Sybil would study them on her turn to mop the floor, wondering how the twists and knobbled textures would feel inside her pussy. She had never told Astrid, but recently she had borrowed one to find out.

She'd washed it thoroughly with detergent before she began to play. She took time to admire the swirls of deep colour inside the clear glass while allowing cold water to chill the phallic-shaped column of glass, so when she'd pressed it to her labia she had almost shrunk away. She had continued, embracing the contrast, sawing it teasingly through the split of her pussy, while gathering moisture at her lips made juicy sounds and her body shuddered with delight. Her inner heat soon warmed the dildo while a yearning in her core built like hunger. Her small nipples had tightened and when she'd flicked at them with her nails, the sharp touches felt like electricity under her skin.

The hard textures of the glass as they grazed her clit caused Sybil to spasm with lust. She wanted to press against it, to make a sensation flare in her groin like a struck match. She alternated between clamping her legs around the dildo to thrust her hips against it and parting her thighs. Sybil continued to tease the wider area until she could hold off no longer. She bit her lip and sank the glass probe inside herself just an inch, only to withdraw it. I need more her body insisted greedily, so she drove in, again and again, allowing a little more on each occasion. She edged herself this way until she was climbing the walls. Hot and cold tremors shook her and sweat coated her skin, but she tried holding off the impending orgasm for the longest time.

Finally, she deserved it all, and pressed the dildo in deep, feeling its nudge against her g-spot area. Sybil had climaxed around it almost immediately, a thunderous tumult of reactions. It had filled her harshly, with no give in its dimensions. She throbbed helplessly around it, realising she gloried in this sensation of possession on her own agenda.

She had never confessed to Astrid. Instead, she'd returned the toy, sparkling clean, to its place, with plans to buy a glass dildo for herself. She would start life in this flat as she meant to go on, pleasing herself and taking care of her own needs. That memory had made her buzz, her need for release became more pressing, and she flicked her eyes to the clock on the oven to reassure herself that she still had time.

Locating the box which contained her bedding was easy, she'd labelled that clearly too, so she pulled at the brown tape and lifted several cushions from within. Once she'd placed them on the window seat, she knew she had every comfort she needed. She sipped at the tea which was steeping fragrantly in her cup while a warmth began to gather between her legs from contemplating the delicious indulgence ahead. Sybil popped the button on her cargo pants and slipped them off her legs. Who cares what she wore? No need for a robe in the privacy of her own place. Kicking those and her panties aside, she took her cup over to the nest she'd created by the window.

As she lowered her naked backside onto that soft furry pelt, she felt so at home, so cradled and comfortable that she smiled. The sensation of it stroking and caressing her skin was quite primal. She couldn't think when she had felt so good. Her nipples were pricking behind the gentle drape of her wool top. As she squeezed her breasts, cupping and kneading the flesh as a lover would, she awoke tingles that travelled to her core.

There's no rush, Sybil told herself, relax and enjoy, you deserve this. All work and no play make Jill a dull girl. She smiled as she thought this, then took a last sip of tea before she set the cup aside. Her fingers were warm from holding it, so when she pressed them against the swell of her pussy, the heat transferred. Sensation leapt to the bud of her clit like an electric charge. Her smile widened at her body's eagerness to respond. Her touch was sure but gentle at first, it was a dance she knew well. She had played on this instrument many times before and time and practice had taught her what contact evoked the most delightful results.

In the past, when she was still inexperienced, Sybil would only touch herself in the dark. Alone in her single bed she would shyly, curiously stroke between her legs, but always over her panties; wanting the thrill but not knowing what was allowed, what was acceptable. Society kept a lid on the pleasure a young woman could glean from her own body, but her fingers were keen to discover. She quickly learned that shower time, when water and soap lent an additional slip and slide, could bring a new way to enjoy her body. Skin to skin; she shuddered with delight, pressing one hand to the cold tile for support, as she climaxed that first time. She had stood under the running water with her fingers slipping between the lips of her pussy to press and circle her protruding clit until starbursts exploded behind her eyes. That was the first in a pattern of shower masturbation.

Such precious memories. Learning to love herself had brought Sybil inner confidence, at a time when her body had felt like a foreign land of curves and swells, shadowy places, some inhabited with tufts of tightly curled hair. Nowadays her preference was for her genitals to be waxed smooth, revealing the way the skin darkened from outer to inner lips. She'd also added a belly stud to enhance her growing beauty and love of herself.

Sybil relaxed into her memories, letting their familiarity wash over her simultaneously with the sensations of arousal. They soon began wrapping her in their spell when her fingers played over her pudenda then swirled around the bud of her clit. She sighed aloud and pinched her nipple so dark heat darted to her core. She groaned aloud as it found its mark, rough treatment of her nipples was hard-wired to inflame her desire. Her cunt grew moist in immediate response. Her fingers dipped and she longed to taste, so she brought them to her lips. She savoured the nectar with which had begun to glisten.

As she continued to pinch her breast, her hand slipped between her legs, inexorably drawn to her musky heat. One finger slipped inside and she drove it deep and drew it out, swiftly adding a second. When two fingers pushed into her tight hole, Sybil gasped and bit her lip. Not too fast she told herself, spin it out. But her body was thirsty for satisfaction. It urged her to continue dipping with two fingers until her torso pulsed with little spasms and her movements made her pant with desire.

As her yearning heightened, Sybil's core and legs tightened. Her mind spun away from her body, as was often the way when she thrummed herself. A collage of images and memories pressed against her mind's eye, encounters, caresses, and intimacy from the past adding to her spiralling excitement.

A man's head pressed between her legs, lapping at her clitoris as she struggled to remain seated and noiseless on a pool's edge. She'd discovered an additional thrill to skinny dipping that night. Taking her weight on her arms, she had leaned back to allow him access. Her lover's wet hair had tickled her thighs as he sucked and nibbled using teeth and lips until a gush from her pussy nearly washed him away as she came. They'd frolicked together, grabbing breasts and buttocks, twisting and turning in the balmy pool. She'd sunk underwater to engulf his hardened penis in her mouth, diving repeatedly to suck him and cradle his balls. They'd moved to the shallow, stepped end of the pool so she could fellate him without gasping for air. Even then, his thickened rod had pressed the back of her throat, while his girth made it hard to breathe. She had fastened her lips around him and sucked and bobbed her head, relishing his quiet groans of encouragement. Remembering the salty tang of his thick ejaculate when it coated her tongue, a spike of desire flared in Sybil's core, and her pussy walls clutched.

The motion of Sybil's fingers increased in pace, surges of energy drenched her whole body, squeezing and releasing. Her legs strained and she tilted her pelvis up, like a flower towards the sun. She swirled and circled her clit in a determined rhythm, focussing on her destination until she reached that peak, then crested over, freefalling into blissful elation. She let these emotions and sensations carry her until gradually her breathing steadied. But her thirst was not quenched, nowhere near.

Sybil stroked her skin as if she was smoothing on lotion; her arms, her ribs, and then her legs. That climax had made her feel golden, precious, and revered and she wished to worship herself, to show her gratitude. She turned to position herself on her knees, with her buttocks facing into the room. Reaching back she spread her cheeks. Should she tease that sensitive whorl of flesh that normally stays concealed? Roaming over the pert globes of her ass, she appreciated their swell and what these touches awoke. Tingles and flutters coaxed her hand back between her thighs, to massage and tease her fleshy labia from underneath.

Sybil was fully aware of the view she was presenting, she'd watched herself in a mirror at a fancy hotel, and more memories of her sexy adventures made her sigh. She'd put on a burlesque show for her lover as he sat in a chair. With his cock in his hand, her one-man audience had urged her on while she made an exotic display, bending and preening, hiding and revealing, she'd touched herself. On that occasion, she'd massaged her pucker, then using her pussy juices to lubricate one finger she had slipped it, by slow increments, two knuckles deep in her anal passage. While her lover groaned encouragement, grasping his tumescent cock and applying steady strokes, Sybil had climaxed from her own show, throbs in her cunt echoed by more in her anus.

Her lips were still juicy from her recent climax, and her arousal had engorged them with blood. When her finger began to slide between them, their heat and slick brought a heavenly twinge to her cunt walls. She wanted more, you deserve more, so again she slotted her finger inside, slipping and stroking between the split of her labia to great effect. As she did, a chorus line of dicks paraded across her consciousness, each one beautiful in its own way, all had plundered her hole and filled her need at different times. Some had a curve, some boasted veiny thickness and others bobbed above magnificent testicles, making Sybil's mouth water at the thought of the ones she had sucked.

The hand which reached between her legs now tentatively touched her clitoris, which sung with sensation, but not unbearably so. If she added her other hand, reaching over her buttocks, she could finger herself from behind. This two-handed finger fuck began with Sybil moving slowly at first, then picking up speed. Her second climax was always different from the first, much slower to build, but worth the effort. In pursuit of it, she alternated between roughly fingering herself, glorying in the bump and grind of her knuckles against the fleshy pads of her labia, and using her index finger to rouse her clitoral nerve endings to a frenzy.

Sybil bit her lip, pleasure mixed with pain as she focused almost too much attention on the already sensitive nub of flesh. With it trapped between two fingers, she could rub it from both sides, which produced heat and chills of dizzying intensity. Her solar plexus had begun to spasm intermittently, and her hips wanted to rock and thrust. She became very vocal as every ounce of her body cried out for more: more stimulation, more penetration on its quest for a climax. Sybil changed position once again.

As she reclined into the deep pile of the throw, its fronds caressed her skin and her head sank into the pillows. She spread her legs wide so that one was braced against the window frame and the other raised on a vertical pole. She was vaguely aware of cool air against the fevered flesh of her honey pot. She imagined being a cam girl, performing her show for a faceless, but appreciative audience. Each person watching would let their pleasure rest on Sybil reaching this orgasm. Imagining their thirst for satisfaction, combined with her own, brought urgency now to her movements.

Her body was on display. Her pale nipples had darkened to taut stalks, which hummed with arousal on her chest, currently flushed pink. Her spread thighs seemed to invite an absent lover to climb between them and harvest the fruits of her burgeoning desire. Soon her legs began to shake, betraying her imminent climax. They trembled, like leaves on a branch stirred by the breeze. Sybil could not resist its influence any more than trees can resist the wind, so when her orgasm hit, she was borne up by its power, then scattered like a hundred autumn leaves. She rode her climax as it tore through her body, embracing every nuance until she was bathed in its afterglow.

She sighed to herself, then settled back against the cushions with her cool tea. Now she felt satiated and relaxed, rendered boneless; that final tremble in her legs had left them wobbly. It was a good thing she wouldn't be required to shift furniture. Sybil glanced at the clock to ensure she still had time to get her pants back on before the truck arrived to deliver her bed. What a great day!