Summer fling

Julia clung to Chris as they left the theatre. "That was so good. I enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you for booking the tickets."

"I knew you'd like it."

"Like it, I loved it, just like I love you." She squeezed closer, inhaling his cologne. It was the one he wore on evenings out and it always made her think of sex, of them having sex—which they did a lot and would soon if she had anything to do with it.

He kissed the side of her head as they walked. "You'll never tire of Sandy and Danny, will you?"

"No, Grease is iconic and I know it word for word."

They turned right, heading under the amber glow of streetlights towards his car. "So which is your favourite bit," he asked.

Julia thought for a moment. "It's actually more of what is suggested than what is actually on screen."

"I don't understand."

"Well." She smiled, remembering how when she was younger she had no idea what the characters were singing about. Now it was a different matter and her imagination went into overdrive.

"Tell me." He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound that each time she heard it made her fall just a little bit more in love with him.

"You know how they sing about getting frisky down at the beach?"

"In Summer Nights?" he asked.


His car came into view and he pulled his keys out. "He showed off splashing around, right."

"Ha, you know it well." She was impressed.

"More than I ever thought I would."

"A bonus of being my man, huh." She released his arm as he opened the car door for her. "And he, Danny, says they got friendly down in the sand." She looked at him. "It's that bit I like, imagining them on the beach, fucking, out in the open, just going for it without a care in the world apart from each other and coming of course. Coming hard."

He studied her, shadows slicing over his handsome face. "You've really thought about this, haven't you?"

"Sure. How could I not?"

His right eyebrow rose, the way it did when his mind was whirring something new over. "A lot. You've thought about it a lot."

"Yes." She giggled. "Is that bad?"

"God no." He cupped her chin and lowered his face to hers. "I want to hear about all of your fantasies."

"I don't have—"

He set his mouth over hers to quieten her, then, "Clearly you do have fantasies, I just have to be a bit clever to discover them, to help you discover them."

"What do you mean?"

"Tomorrow we're going out for the day?"

"We are? But I thought—"

"All other plans are on hold. We have somewhere to be, something to do, and I know it's going to hit the spot for you."

"You're being very mysterious, Chris."

"I'm a man with a plan, and you're going to just have to trust me, Julia."

"Of course I trust you." A little fizz of anticipation tugged between her legs. "What do I need to bring?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing."

* * *

"I haven't been out here before," Julia said, watching the dusty landscape fly past.

"I know." He set his hand on her bare thigh, his fingertips skimming the hem of her short red summer dress.

Suburbs had given way to sheep dotted pastures and irrigated fields, and then the land had turned drier, stop points few and far between and the odd cactus holding its arms aloft.

"Look, there's the ocean," she said pointing forward.

"Our destination." He glanced at her then returned his attention to the road.

"The ocean?"

"Well, the beach. That's our destination."

"The beach but I…" She paused. "Oh! Now I get it."

"Finally." He laughed and lifted her right hand to his mouth, kissed it. "I was wondering."

"Its just…wow, this is really what you've planned?"

"Making your horny fantasy come true, hell yeah, are you complaining?"

"But the beach will be busy, surely."

"No, not this one. I came here a few times as a kid, it's completely off the beaten track and the rocks make it useless for surfers. The most we'll see as we're pretending to be Sandy and Danny is a yacht in the distance."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's a bit of a walk down but then the overhang will shield your modesty."

"And yours." She slid her hand to his groin. Through his jeans she rubbed his cock. "They probably wouldn't need binoculars to see this big beauty."

"Fuck not yet." He harnessed her wrist and pulled it up. "Much as I enjoy your touch getting hard is damn uncomfortable in Levis. Throw in driving and it's really not fun."

"So how long until we're there? Until we can start the fun?"

He smiled. "Soon, real soon."

Within twenty minutes Chris had pulled up in a small overgrown gateway. He killed the engine.


"Yes, there's a path, just beyond that tree, it will take us down to the beach."

"So what are we waiting for?" Julia climbed out. Instantly the sun caressed her shoulders and the salty breeze lifted her hair. But she didn't linger to enjoy it. Impatience clawed at her. The need to get naked, and down and dirty with Chris was building by the second, and now it was so close the desire had intensified.

He locked the car then helped her climb the gate. When they reached the shade of the tree he stopped. "We should get undressed here?"

"We should?"

"Yeah. Come on." He stooped and pulled off his boots. Next came his jeans and boxers.

Julia admired his long cock. Even flaccid it was impressive and she adored the cute freckle on the tip.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked, fisting his t-shirt behind his shoulder blades and dragging it over his head.

"Nothing." She wriggled from her dress, kicking it along with her sandals to land on his pile of clothes.

He licked his lips and watched as she discarded her bra and knickers. "Fuck you're beautiful," he said, his gaze dipping the length of her body. "I'm so damn lucky to have you."

"As I am you, Zuko."


"Danny Zuko." She laughed and dashed beyond the tree into the sunshine.

"Wait." Chris clasped her hand. "It's steep, be careful."

"I know I'll be okay if you're with me."


He led the way and the ocean came into view again, sparkling in the white bright light of midday. Heat caressed Julia's body, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes and everywhere in-between.

Climbing down the smooth gray rocks she felt alive, free, wonderfully liberated. And Chris had been right, there was no one else around. Not a soul, not even a bird or a seal bobbing in the curling waves. She kissed his cheek and laughed, the sound catching on the breeze.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"I love it."

"Come on, up here." He tugged her atop a large flat rock and curled his hands around her waist.

She clung to him and kissed him again, letting him know with each touch of her tongue to his how much he meant to her. How happy she was to be naked on this beautiful beach with him.

His hands slid to her ass and he dragged her closer. His hardening cock lodging against her pussy lips.

With her heart rate picking up she pressed in close, wriggling her hips, tempting him, teasing him. She wanted the main event to start, but also she never wanted this moment to end. It seemed he felt the same, his kisses deep and full of love.

Eventually, though, he took her hand and helped her down from the rock. "Over here, lets get wet."

"I'm already wet for you." She giggled.

"Good." He grinned and led her into the gently ebbing waves. "I'm going to fuck you so good here, make your horny fantasy one hot reality."

"I believe you."

He kissed her and hooking his hands around her ass lifted her up.

Julia wrapped her legs around his waist and clung on.

"Do you think?" he asked between kisses. "That she, Sandy, sucked his cock on the beach? In the waves?"

"Definitely." Julia wriggled free and sank to her knees. Her mouth was already watering to taste him. "Just like this." His cock was hot and hard in her fist. She swiped her tongue over the tip.

Small waves fizzed and tickled her knees, her feet and her ass, as she began to suck him just the way he liked. Julia wanted this to be as special for Chris as it was for her.

"Ah yeah," he said, gazing down, his mouth slack. "I love how you do that."

She licked the end then took him deeper, bringing him to full hardness. It was so exciting to be fucking outdoors, at the beach, giving him oral sex. A risk she would only take with Chris.

After a few minutes pre-cum coated her tongue.

He pulled her to standing, her breasts flattening on his chest as he kissed her. "Does it feel too good, Chris?" She caught his solid shaft.

"Always with you." His eyes flashed. "I want to be inside you when I come."

"You will be." She stepped toward the sand, leading him by his cock.

He followed with his arm around her. Then, with his smooth skin sparkling with droplets from the ocean, he sat with his back against a rock.

Julia followed him down, straddling his legs and allowing her pussy to kiss the tip of his erection. "You're so hard."

"It's the affect you have on me." He gripped her waist and urged her to take him that first inch. "And here…damn it, you look like some kind of naked beach goddess."

She smiled, held his face and kissed him. She could go with goddess.

"Sit," he said. "Take me."

Julia lowered, his wide cock stretching her to a delicious point that almost hurt but then became a wonderful dense sensation that blurred the lines of where she stopped and he began.

He groaned and held her tighter, encouraging her to rock her hips.

Her clit rubbed up against his body and within seconds the need to build to orgasm tore through her. "Oh! Oh yes," she gasped, her words mingling with the sound of the waves buffeting the rocks. "Oh, Chris."

"Come when you want to," he said onto her mouth. "As many times as you want. This is your horny fantasy."

Flattening her hands on the rock behind him, she ground harder, worked faster. It would be so easy to climax like this. She was already so turned on.

"Oh baby, I'm coming," she gasped. "It's…here."

The climax was swift and breath-stealing. Like a hard spank it was suddenly there in all its glory. Sharp, intense, a starter for more.

Chris didn't come with her, instead he held her close watching her pleasure-soaked expression. His eyes were full of lust and love.

"Oh that was good," she managed breathlessly.

"There's a yacht." He glanced over her shoulder.

"So lets lie down, maybe they'll think we're just sunbathing." Julia giggled and dropped to the sand.

Chris was quick to follow, slotting in behind her, his cock shiny with her moisture and looking painfully hard.

"Do you think we'll fool them?" he asked, finding her entrance and sliding in.

"Ahhh, oh, no, but…fuck I don't care. Just make me come again."

"That's my plan." He kissed her and began to thrust his hips, slipping to full depth then almost out on each plunge.

She was lost to it. His cock was rubbing a special deep place inside of her. Her breaths were long moans as the pressure began to build again.

"Fuck you're amazing like this," he murmured. "Free and wild."

"Thank you. Thank you for doing this." She turned her face. "It's so…" Words escaped her. She didn't want him to ever stop fucking her here on this beach.

"Are you going to come again? Like this?"

"Yes, don't stop. Oh, Chris." Her skin was tightening, her muscles tensing. She clasped his cock with her pussy. "You know I love it like this, from behind…oh…god, yes…"

He held her close and she knew he wouldn't stop until she'd taken what she needed. Curling her toes and splaying her fingers she concentrated on her G-spot. It was taking one hell of a pounding. Chris was always so good at getting the angle just right.

"Oh, it's here, it's here…" She let her head fall back and held her breath as the pressure reached a tipping point. And then it was there. And as he shoved in harder and faster she let it unravel. Her wail of ecstasy was lost in the brined breeze and bright lights flashed over her eyelids.

He stayed close, eking out every last gasp of pleasure.

Finally she caught her breath and gripped his sandy buttocks. A wave crashed on a rock behind them, sea spray flying into the air.

"I'm two ahead," she said onto his lips. "How do you want to come?"

"On your knees, turn around."

She was quick to comply and his cock was there instantly, slipping back into her pussy as he cupped her breasts.

"Oh yeah…Chris." This would be good. She could take him so deep again and likely find another orgasm.

Briefly she wondered if the yacht was still there, then decided she didn't care. If it was then they'd be getting a really good porno show.

Chris's hands were everywhere, caressing her body as if he didn't know where to touch first. He tugged her nipples into tight points then held the heavier underside of her breasts squeezing them together.

"Tip forward," he said against her ear. "I can get so far into you from that angle."

Julia didn't think he could get any deeper than he already was, but she fell forward, her palms sinking into the damn sand.

He fastened his hands onto her hips in a vice-like grip and buried in, balls nestling up against her.

She moaned and her eyes fluttered closed. He'd been right, that was so deep, so intense, and with her pussy already sopping and puffy from two orgasms she knew he'd wring another climax from her.

He was fully erect, he couldn't get any harder. She always knew when he reached that point because the root of his cock stretched her entrance taut, creating a nip of pain.

She had to come again, soon, if she wanted to join him.

Quickly she sought out her clit and rubbed fast little circles over the swollen nub.

It was a wild new sensation thrown into her already pulsating body and her orgasm crashed through her with near violent spasms of her pussy. She cried out, not caring if she was heard. Chris made her feel so incredible she forgot where she was, hell she forgot what planet she was even on.

Yet still his stamina held.

She pushed up, clasping him around the neck and arching her back. "I want you to come." She circled her hips, grinding onto his cock. "Please. Come."

"Are you satisfied?" he murmured. "Did you get your Sandy and Danny fantasy?"

"Yes. Yes…" She was breathless and hot. "But mainly I got the Julia and Chris fantasy."

"That's good to hear." He squeezed her breasts. "I'm going to come now, in you, so fucking high in you."

"Yes. Do it. Now."

His expression hardened. She couldn't tear her gaze from his face. Steely determination had sharpened his jaw line and narrowed his eyes.

He was pumping into her fast now, industrial, quick jerks of his hips. Building up to his release. Nothing would stop him, she knew that. Not the appearance of someone else on the beach, not a nuclear bomb. He was all about reaching that climax, the pinnacle of pleasure, in her, with her.

"Ah. Yes. Yes." He punctuated the words with thrusts. "Fuck. Yes."

And then his mouth hung open and his cock throbbed inside her. His release was like a tight band springing free. His cum flooded her pussy, mixing with her own arousal.

In that moment she'd never seen him more beautiful, and never known more definitely that he was the man for her.

"Was it good?" she asked, kissing him.

He was trembling, his muscles as solid as the rocks surrounding them. Still he worked his cock inside her, gently massaging and making sure there was no ounce of their pleasure not discovered, not released.

"It was amazing. You're amazing, Ju." His breaths were coming fast. "I didn't even know fucking on a beach was one of my fantasies, but it turns out it is…as long as it's with you."

She grinned and her heart, still beating fast, swelled with love. "Will we do it again? Here?"

"What do you think?"

A giggle escaped her throat. "I think we will, often."

"And perhaps you'll think of some more fantasies for us to explore."

"From movies?"

"Movies are a good start." He paused. "There must be some in that Fifty Shades film all you girls were obsessed over."

"Are you serious?"

He pulled from her and spun her to face him. "I'm always serious when it comes to giving you orgasms."

She wrapped her arms around his neck, his cock slotting between them. "Which I'm very grateful for and…and yes, I'm sure there's some scenes from that sexy movie we could act out." Her mind was whirring; it was sometime since she'd seen the movie.

"So Grease was just a starting point for us?"

Slanting her mouth over his she let her tongue slip between his lips. The kiss was deep and profound. "Yes, Chris, this was just a starting point, and thank goodness you pressed go."