
Darkness was all around. The weight of Sofia's arms already pulled at her wrists as they were bound above her head. The leather cuffs were comfortable, but her shoulders ached. The ball gag between her teeth forced her silence. She was owned and controlled. There was no doubt. It was as keenly obvious as the collar resting around her neck.

The air was chilly. Kept that way on purpose. This was how her Mistress preferred her: stripped bare, waiting, ignorant to everything that was to come. Anticipation licked her every nerve. Her skin felt electric, galvanic, even amongst the aches and pains that were beginning to develop.

She kept her gaze down, even when flexing her fingers to check circulation. Drool pooled under the gag. Her nipples were hard, proud. Enduring this made her stronger. Made her ready for more. The heaviness of her breasts reminded her of her nakedness, keeping it centre in her mind.

As she waited, thoughts drifted back to the beginning…

As a cog in the corporate wheel, life had become a source of constant stress for Sofia. Her boss was never satisfied. Demands were constantly being made of her time. Boundaries crossed between work and her own time off. As soon as a decision was made, her boss would change his mind, requiring everything to shift at a moment's notice to suit his whims and fancies.

"You need to go on a date or at least get laid," said Dylan, one of her closest friends, as they sat in their favourite café one Sunday morning four months ago. One of the few Sofia actually had off. "Mr Sant drives you like a slavemaster. And not the fun kind."

"There's a fun kind?" Sofia joked, then sighed. "When do I ever have time for that?" She knew he was right, but nothing as lovely as that ever seemed possible. The last time she'd met someone, Mr Sant called so often during dinners that her budding relationship never really had the chance to take root. Her attempts at stress relief usually included a sweaty game of racquetball or various battery-operated sex toys. Sometimes both, on particularly bad days.

Tilting his head, Dylan leaned forward on his forearms. "There are other options, you know…"

"Oh really." She took a sip of her cooling mocha latte and gently shook her head. "Like what?"

He dropped his voice slightly. "I've been seeing a Domme."

"Oh?" She lifted her brow curiously, her interest piqued.

"She's really helped knock a few bars off the old stress metre." He broke off a piece of croissant and popped it in his mouth. "I'm not having daily tension headaches anymore."

"And what do you do with her exactly?"

"Things." He smirked. "Sometimes there's sex. Sometimes there isn't. I mean, I know it's not the same, but it does sort of feel a bit like a therapy session. Just one where I can leave my body versus having to be tied to it. The orgasms are amazing."

"I've never really done much of this stuff, though. Just some occasional light spanking in bed."

He shrugged. "They take clients at all levels." He brushed off his fingers. "Here." Digging around in his wallet, he retrieved a business card and slid it over to his friend. "Give the agency a call. I'm sure it couldn't hurt." He gave Sofia a kind expression. "I hate seeing you so anxious all of the time. Maybe this will help, hmm? They have men and women on staff. So, I'm sure you can find someone perfect for you."

She reached out, twirling the card between her fingers. "I suppose there are worse ways to spend a day off."

Heels clacked against the floor, followed by the soft, sensual whack of a flogger against skin. Both sounds sent Sofia's heart racing. Thoughts pulled back to the present. Mistress was here. The evening had now truly begun. Strands grazed Sofia's ass, and her stomach dropped. The long wait was now over. Playtime began.

"I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long," Venera said with a hint of arrogance. "Sometimes these damn stockings don't want to cooperate." She stepped into eyesight. A mask of feathers and velvet covered most of her face, giving an air of anonymity. But Sofia knew her just as much as Venera knew her. They were locked together in this little theatrical play of theirs. Destined to play cat and mouse until both their bodies shook with climax.

"How's my good girl?" Venera asked before drawing her tongue along Sofia's jaw and mouth, then flicking her submissive's chin away in mock disgust.

Warmth spread through Sofia's chest at the faux slight. Yes. This is what she wanted, what she craved. To be toyed with and used. Humiliated and tortured. No one but Venera had ever been able to reach so far into her and pull out who she truly was.

Mistress gathered the rope holding her submissive's hands high, forcing her arms straight over her head. A sigh escaped Sofia's lips. Would Mistress focus on her armpits today? Her sides? There weren't many places on Sofia's body that weren't extremely ticklish. She closed her eyes. Venera's warm breath caressed the submissive's underarm. Sofia shivered. Her nipples beaded into hard points.

"You look so beautiful like this. At my mercy." Venera grazed the flogger along Sofia's side and up around her breast. "Both terrified and excited for what's to come." She pressed the handle against Sofia's cunt, moving it gently.

Sofia shuddered. Her clit had grown so swollen and charged during the wait.

"You lingered so patiently, though," Mistress continued as she playfully beat her submissive's body. "You know just how much that pleases me, don't you?"

"Mhm," she mumbled out around the ball gag.

"Sweet girl." Venera smacked her a little harder.

Sofia enjoyed the way her soft, curvy body would jiggle after every hit. It made her feel beautiful. Sensual. Voluptuously made. Our ancestors would worship goddesses with plump, dimpled bodies, and now her Mistress did the same.

Venera snaked her hand down the front of her submissive, fondling a breast before wrapping her arm around her throat as if in a headlock.

"Is that pussy soaked and ready for me, my little pet?" She sucked her ear, licking it like a cat.

A chuckle escaped from around the gag in Sofia's mouth. Her ears—like the rest of her—had always been a ticklish area, but her Mistress had a way of using laughter as a means to break down Sofia's walls and inhibitions.

"Sex should be fun," she would say. "It should only ever be a liberation. Laughter is pleasure."

After winding Sofia's ponytail around her hand, Venera forced her head straight, leaning in once more to lick, nibble, and suck at her. The submissive trembled. Her eyes felt glassy. Her head was fuzzy. With every touch, she became more and more removed from the worries of every day. Work concerns melted away. Reminders of unpaid bills dissolved. Nothing mattered except her Mistress.

The domme circled around her, stopping at her front. Their gazes met. Venera's lithe fingers slipped between the submissive's labia, circling and rubbing. The pleasure didn't last long. Her Mistress cupped her face, making out with the gag in her mouth like a woman possessed. Sofia felt like a toy. A plaything. A mere distraction for her Mistress to enjoy.

And it made her heart soar.

These moments of bliss, of peace, made daily life worth living. The drudgery of existence, of work. Here, she could escape all that and merely be a thing to be savoured.

Her Mistress's touch enveloped Sofia's heavy breasts, kneading them. She leaned down and captured a ripe nipple between her lips. Sofia's eyes fluttered. Her cunt flooded with more lust the harder Venera sucked. She squeezed her thighs together, attempting friction. When that failed, she crossed her ankles, moaning when her Mistress slapped her tit.

"Supple little fruits, hmm?" Venera smiled.

She explored her submissive's curves, raking her nails up and down her body. Sofia giggled. Her nerve endings fired. The tickling did little to help the needy mess pooling between her thighs. Gently, Mistress pulled the gag from Sofia's mouth. They shared a grin between them before their mouths devoured one another's. Moans drifted from Sofia into Venera as the Mistress once again petted her pussy. She liked being licked and slapped and petted. There was something animalistic and primal about it. Sofia longed to be coated in her Mistress's scent.

A smile pulled at Sofia's mouth when Venera began to undo the cuffs. There was so much more to come. Excitement swirled in the submissive's veins. More opportunities to be worshipped and used. More chances to please her Mistress. Venera kissed the inside of Sofia's wrists as she released each one.

Hands free, now she could explore her Mistress. Sofia's mouth crashed against hers, tongues lapping against one another. Her touch glided over Venera's taut body. They shared moans and light giggles, finding joy in one another.

Mistress teased her cunt a little more before squatting down, leaning in to feast on the slicken part like a hungry animal. Sofia could barely stand. Her knees almost buckled as her Mistress sucked, licked, and kissed her pussy and plump mound.

"You want more?" Venera managed to ask between their kisses. She grabbed the ball gag, yanking her submissive close as it rested around her throat.

Bliss prodded at the corners of Sofia's mind. Subspace began to blossom, snaking around her senses. "Yes, Miss. Please." Their tongues licked at one another once more. "Use me. Play with me."

Venera smiled from beneath her mask. Pained pleasure filled Sofia as Mistress smacked and slapped one of her large breasts. Her nails raked against the plush cheeks of her ass. She grasped the gag once more, leaning Sofia's head back. Venera's tongue slithered over her chin and cheek, before slipping back into her warm, waiting mouth.

Another laugh pealed from Sofia as her Mistress stalked around her. The expression brought her strength. Made her more able to be who she was. She sucked in her bottom lip as she endured Venera's torturous teases and caresses. Every inch of her body felt more alive than it had in years.

Mistress once again rubbed Sofia's swollen clit. Stars burst behind her eyelids as she held onto Venera's waist for support. No. No, not yet. She longed for denial. It took everything in her not to grab her lover's wrist and make her stop. But that would only lead to punishment. Endless orgasm sounds good to a submissive—until it's actually happening. And Sofia didn't want that tonight. She craved to give her Mistress everything she wanted.

"Can you come for me, baby girl?" Mistress asked, quickening her pace.

Sofia's body trembled. "I want to. I want to so badly."

"Then stop fighting it." She nipped at Sofia's ear. "Soak my hand, darling. Come on."

Venera's raspy voice tipped her over the edge as wave after wave of euphoria washed over Sofia.

"Well done." She pressed her lips to her submissive's cheek. "Your thighs are glistening. What a slutty little thing you are." Venera let out a dark, condescending chuckle. "Who did that to you, baby?"

Aftershocks coursed through her. "You, Mistress." She moaned as Venera spanked her pussy. The wet slap of skin was almost enough to bring her over the edge once more. Sofia loved being so needy, so hungry, so full of desire for her Mistress. Loved being reminded of that lust.

Their foreheads rested against one another as Venera towered over her. Sofia could barely contain her smile as her lover continued to praise her.

"You did so well, pet. Your knees didn't buckle at all." Venera kissed her deeply, cupping her face. "I'm so impressed with you."

Sofia fondled her Mistress's ass, loving how soft her skin was. "Thank you, Mistress."

"Let's rest those legs now, shall we?" She slipped her hand into Sofia's.

The combined sound of their heels was the only noise reverberating in the near-empty room. Venera led her over to a tufted, mustard-yellow bench. Sweet, gentle moments like this were something Sofia desired as much as the aching torture of Mistress's whims.

"Kneel here for me, darling."

Sofia did so, leaving her feet hanging over the edge as she rested back on her calves. The plush bench gave relief to her throbbing feet. She was never one for heels, but Venera was. And the pain of them reminded the submissive who she belonged to. So, she would never complain about them.

Chills covered Sofia's skin as the strands of the flogger brushed against the small of her back.

"Sit up straight," Mistress scolded her. "You know I hate it when you slouch." Venera wrapped Sofia's ponytail around her hand, forcing the submissive into the proper position. "There you are. Shoulders back. Chest out. So lovely." She slid the flogger against Sofia's skin, slapping her gently here and there whenever she liked.

Lust pooled between Sofia's thighs as the strands stung lightly. It wasn't enough to hurt, just to entice. She closed her eyes. Synapses fired with every whack. She felt her Mistress's love enter through every pore she touched.

"Look at that gorgeous round ass," Mistress said, slapping it before grazing the flogger up Sofia's back. "And this tall spine." Her hand slipped around Sofia's neck, forcing her head back. Mistress gripped her chin and crushed her mouth into her lover's.

The kiss didn't last long before the appraisal of Sofia's body recommenced. Venera fondled, caressed, petted, and scratched every inch of her submissive within reach. She pressed the handle of the flogger between Sofia's teeth like the bit of a horse.

"My little show pony. One day, you'll let me parade you around to my friends. Won't you, baby?"

Sofia nodded. Her cheeks warmed. The idea was a little intimidating, but she'd do anything for her Mistress. "Yes."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good girl." She smiled, discarding the toy. "Now, on your back for me. I'm still hungry."

Sofia obeyed, pulling her legs up and lewdly displaying her cunt.

"Mm, look at this luscious little morsel." Venera moaned as she feasted, pausing here and there to spank her submissive's plump pussy.

"You like that, darling?"

Sofia nodded, loving the way her Mistress's mask looked between her thighs.

"I would love to have you like this in a room full of people." She sucked a labium into her mouth and let it go with an obscene pop. "And then one by one, each of them could have a little taste of you as well." She spread Sofia's cheeks wider. "Maybe even have a lick of this cute rosebud." Venera assaulted her asshole with her tongue.

Sofia groaned loudly. Need swirled in the pit of her stomach. Mistress rose, kneeling on the bench and slipping two fingers deep inside Sofia's cunt. She placed her submissive's leg over her shoulder, moving closer as she fingerfucked her.

"I want you to come for me one more time, then I'm going to sit on your gorgeous little face." She gripped the gag once more before cupping the nape of her lover's neck, holding her up. "Come on, love."

Sofia clawed at the tufted velvet. Once again, she was at war with the desire to come and the never-ending craving for denial. But she nodded in acquiescence. Warmth melted down the length of her spine, spilling out between her thick thighs. Her body shook beyond her control as her orgasm took over.

"Good girl." Mistress kissed her sweetly, then shoved her shoulder back. "Now, lay down. Let me ride that pretty face." She straddled her submissive, yanking her own knickers over to the side.

A bare pussy stared back at Sofia. It glistened like the most delectable of treats. She wasted no time in gripping her lover's thighs and leaning up to devour everything Mistress had to offer.

"Oh, fuck, baby girl," Venera moaned, cupping the back of Sofia's head and shoving her deeper into her slit. "Mmm. Eat it all." She wrapped her lover's ponytail around her hand once more and ground her hips down into her mouth.

Yes. Yes, this is what she wanted. "Use me," she mumbled.

Before she lost herself entirely to the taste of her Mistress, Sofia glanced up as Venera removed the mask and tossed it aside. She reached out, snaking a leather strap that hung from the ceiling around her wrist.

"Yeah. Yeah." She nodded, watching her submissive. "Eat that cunt, darling."

The spacious room filled with the commingled moans and sighs of the women. Venera rode her face, using her like her own private sex toy until sweet release flooded Sofia's mouth. She lapped it all up like a good girl.

Mistress kissed her once more, then walked out, leaving her there. Sofia's chest heaved as she caught her breath. She sprawled out on the bench. Eyes closed. A smile spread across her mouth. After a few moments, she sat up. Her demure stance was so unlike the wanton slut from minutes ago.

Once she felt calm and steady enough, she slipped off the heels tormenting her feet and walked to the little room adjacent to the bench. There she cleaned herself up and redressed. She could still taste her Mistress on her breath. The thought made her feel like a disgusting little whore. Smiling at her reflection, she grabbed her purse and headed out to the parking lot.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket.

You did well tonight, pet. Let's talk more about presenting you to my friends, hmm. Give me a call tomorrow. We'll set up a lunch meeting.

She bit back the biggest smile as she typed a reply and hit send.

Yes, Mistress.

So many exciting things awaited her on this journey.

And she couldn't wait to explore them all.

The End