Just sylvan

When I asked her what got her hot, I assumed it would be the usual fantasy—getting taken for a meal, or the cinema, kissed on the neck, massage maybe leading to some sensual lovemaking. I was not ready for her actual answer.

She told me she liked to think of men wrapping their palms around their cocks and beating themselves off then telling her about it.

I mean, I'd never heard a woman say that before. I usually focus on their pleasure, making sure they come before me, almost my mission. I mean, I love it, it's not that I don't think of my own pleasure, it's just, I don't want to disappoint or leave a woman unsatisfied so my orgasm, or journey to orgasm has never really 'been a thing'. Like, I know I'm going to come. That's a given really. Even if things don't turn out the way the evening led us to believe and we part ways, I can end my night in a wank if I like. But it will be a quick solo hand job to ease the burden, not some sort of seduction.

But this, this, this is different. She's got me thinking differently. Almost as if I've reversed roles.

We had finished eating dinner, and as the waiter poured the first glass from the second bottle, she asked me, "What do you think about when you wank?"

I spluttered out wine over my empty plate and looked cagily to the waiter who thankfully retreated discreetly.

"Wh… what?" I asked wondering if maybe I'd misheard. Her expression, like that of the 'cat that got the cream' told me I'd heard her perfectly.

"I said…" she leaned in and pretended to pick fluff of the front of my shirt. I could smell her sweet wine breath with hints of the rich garlic sauce we'd just consumed. "What do you think about when you wank?" On the last word her gaze met mine and she licked her lips slowly.

"Well…" I shifted in my seat, we hadn't even fucked yet. Though she was by far the most sexual woman I'd ever met. The promise of a good time in bed cascaded from her. She oozed sensuality and intrigue and I could not get enough. "I don't know."

She raised her left eyebrow in a way that told me my answer would not do.

"I mean, I never really thought about it."

She sighed. "Well, Sylvan, if you don't know what you think about when you wank, how will I know you'll be any good in bed?"

"What?" Her question made no sense. "How does that follow?"

"I like a man to know himself. Really know himself." She took me in, her seductive brown eyes easing over my face then shoulders then shirt buttons. I think I could imagine what she was thinking right now.

"Why don't I show you how much I know myself…" I said, it was a risky strategy. We'd been playing this flirty game for four dates now and the yearning I had to feel my body slip inside hers was becoming unbearable. It was like the dating equivalent of edging and I felt like I was going to blow.

By the way she stiffened ever so slightly, I knew I'd been too crass. Fuck. I could have kicked myself. It's not like I wasn't enjoying what we had on this level. I was, I really was. And I'm no stranger to sexual denial or that glorious build up—that tease. It makes things all the better when they did finally happen.

"Sorry… I…"

"It's ok. I've been called worse than a prick tease."

"Wait, I didn't say anything of the sort." It was my turned to be pissed off.

We'd managed to break the spell we'd so carefully been casting over the past few weeks. A delicate web of arousal, desire, denial and back and forth.

"OK listen. I'll tell you what I'm going to do to myself tonight and what I'll be thinking about, and then on our next date, I want you to tell me what you did and what you thought of," she said as if trying to pull the mood back.

"OK…" I was a bit sceptical, but let's face it, her fucking gorgeous body and fuck-me eyes would provide plenty of food for… thought… if you will.

"And don't say you were thinking of me, that's predictable and sycophantic. I can't be bothered with that."

Jesus. I was beginning to feel my potential hardon soften. This was starting to feel like something other than a flirtation. I exhaled and sank back into my chair. She was losing me now. If this was how it was to be before we'd even fucked, imagine what a relationship might be like. I tried to formulate a break up sentence that wouldn't sound like I was butt hurt about not getting sex. It had gone beyond that. I felt a bit insulted to be honest.

"Listen, Jenny… I…"

She looked suddenly shocked.

"Oh fuck, Sylvan, that sounded terrible I'm sorry." She clasped her hand to her mouth and looked genuinely regretful of her words. But her eyes sparkled behind her palm and I knew she was smiling. What the fuck?

"Shit Sylvan, what a fucking arrogant prick I sound like," she said but she was laughing. "I didn't mean… I mean… oh god. I haven't explained myself."

She kept smiling and reached for her wine but the pulse at clavicle gave her away. She was nervous now.

"OK, so explain." I took a swig from my own glass but kept my gaze firmly upon her.

"What I mean is." She sighed again, as if to compose herself. "I want you to focus solely on you. How your dick feels as you wrap your fingers around it, coaxing it into life. The velvety skin sheath skating over your shaft as it becomes engorged. I want to know what goes through your mind as the first pulse of blood begins to plump out the flesh, your prick becoming heavy and swollen, thick with arousal." She paused to swallow and touch her fingertips to her décolleté, her glaze flicking down my shirt buttons one at a time as if she could open them with her mind. "I want you to take notice. I want you to really take notice of how your body responds to your own touch."

Well, fuck. I could start telling her that it was most certainly responding right now. But not to my touch, to her words. Shit. My dick was now straining into my dress trousers, pressing against the rough seam of my boxers. It felt… it felt tight and stifled and fucking sexy. I began to understand. She was getting me to really think about what was happening—to take in the physiology of my body and weird as it sounds, it was turning me on even more.

My thoughts drifted to her body. And her arousal. What was it like for her to do this?

"Ok, I think I get the idea." I shifted in my seat again to signal that I definitely got the idea.

She smiled, knowing exactly what had happened.

"And you?"

"Me?" she replied cocking her head to the side as if she had forgotten everything we'd just been talking about.

"Yes, you were going to tell me what you're going to do to yourself tonight and what you'll be thinking about."

"So I was." She grinned.

"But you better not say you'll be thinking of me. That's predictable and sycophantic. I can't be bothered with that."

"Touché." She held my gaze unwaveringly and reached out to take my hands in hers over the empty dinner plates. "I will most definitely be touching myself tonight. And I'm sorry to say, you've ruined my plan as I will also, most definitely be thinking of you. And your beautiful thick dick, with your hands and fists wrapped around it, while I reach down between my legs, my skirt bundled up. I know I'll barely make it through my front door before I finger fuck myself."

Jesus. My cock was almost painful and I had to adjust my position. She didn't miss a thing and raised that sexy eyebrow again, knowing precisely what she was doing to me.

"I will slam back onto the front door diving my hands beneath my skirt and pull my drenched knickers to one side, plunging my fingers right in to my sopping cunt."

Her voice was a raspy whisper, she'd kept the volume low so the surrounding tables wouldn't hear, but part of me wished someone would—if only to bear witness and let me know I hadn't fallen into some fantasy sex dream. This woman was fucking incredible. Erotic words dripped from her filthy slick mouth like cherries on the breeze and I ate them up, their succulent sweet flesh sliding into me. Goosebumps skittered down my nape and over my shoulders as I witnessed her nipples stiffen and bead beneath her blouse.

"Then what," I breathed, barely a sound came out.

"Then I'd push three fingers from my left hand deep inside as far as I could while frigging my stout clit with the other. My plump lips pouting and glistening as I stare at myself in the mirror placed opposite."

"What do you see?"

"I see a dishevelled cock hungry desperate woman with her cunt full and her body burning, her eyes wild with feral desire."

"What are you thinking?"

"Well, Sylvan, I'm thinking, fuck. Fuck. That man has ruined me. He has turned me into this dripping mess of a woman. I can't control my thoughts I can't bring them back I…"

And she leaned in, cupping the back of my head in her palm and pulled me into her, crashing her lips against mine. Our kiss was a furnace of lust and desire. We were the centre of the universe.

And then, we broke free. We broke free and went our separate ways with promises of our orgasm stories for tomorrow.

So now I'm here, at the pool in the hotel. She refused my invitation to my room as I knew she would. I didn't push it, much as my body was screaming at me to bring her to bed, let me sink into that body, and I thought she might have even said yes on the second ask, but I also wanted to try her experiment.

It's late. There's nobody here, in fact, I'm not even meant to be here but the door had been left unlocked. I'd turned on the lights and cast my gaze around the flickering room to make sure there was no obvious CCTV. The hotel is only small, this 'spa' the main draw so I can't think they've spent any more budget installing security.

Once last look around and I take of my boxers and sit on the edge, dipping my feet into the cool shimmering water. It's soothing and the cold momentarily pulls me out of my sexy thoughts. But the sloshing noises quickly get me thinking about her. Her moist, juicy pussy soaking through her knickers at the restaurant. Oh my god. To not think about her might be a challenge too far. My cock grows, blood plumping the cells, making it harder. I try to pay attention, try to be present as it swells and my balls lift and tighten between my legs. I want to be able to describe these sensations tomorrow. The fluttering feeling. The tightening, pulsing, the heaviness. I reach into the water, scooping up a palmful and drizzle it over my now hard cock. I shudder as it splashes down my shaft, tingling between my balls. I wrap my fingers around my dick and run the flat of my thumb over the head, the dip of my slit where precum oozes.

Oh to have her lips wrapped around me, her plump ripe pout sheathing her teeth as she devours me, owns me. Will I press my hand to the back of her head? Or will she take charge and suckle me deep. A tingle runs down my spine and I tug my cock up, dragging my balls too. It feels good. It feels good to take my time like this, nestling into sensation.

I grip a little harder, feeling the ripple of blood tense my dick further. I squeeze near the tip and yet more precum oozes to the tiny basin of my hole. It glistens like her lips did as she swiped her tongue across them. But I try to pull myself back, remind myself that this is about me, my sensations. But I can't help it if she's a fucking magnetic muse. Oh if only she were under the water ready to break surface and dive onto this cock of mine. Sink her mouth down to the root of it and gobble me senseless. The thought sends shivers cascading over my nape and shoulders and I twitch involuntarily when she gags slightly as she opens her throat in my mind's eye. Holy fucking shit.

I take a break for a moment and lean back on my palms behind me, just observing my dick, watching it bob between my thighs, bereft of touch, straining and twitching. I guess it's quite a funny sight and I let out a soft laugh. The light flickers and bounces off the pool, glinting in a slow seduction and I take my cock in hand once more, settling in this time for the climax.

I watch the way the water casts flickering shadows over my legs and torso, how my dick looks fucking magnificent in this light. I try not to think about what a waste she's not present to witness my solo seduction but the thought is here.

Oh fuck it, I want to visualise her. I will. This is my fantasy now, my wank, I've done enough naval (or cock) gazing it's time to think about what really gets me off. And today, in this moment, it's her. Thoughts of her sucking me, licking me, riding me. Pulling me into her with undulating hips, taking me deep into her hot wet cunt. Oh how we'd fit, I just know it.

I see her now—long legs approach while I sit with my feet underwater, leaning back. She doesn't say a word, she just struts right over and straddles me, thighs and cunt in my eyeline and she leans to tip up my chin so I can see her face. Her look is one of pure white-hot lust and she spreads her feet apart wider and releases my face only to cup the back of my head and pull me into her pussy.

I take a moment to inhale her delicious scent. She is everything I knew she would be, sweet salty, musky, hot and oh so fragrant. I bury my nose between her lips, bathing my face in her sweet juices. The groan that comes from her throat is telling me she's desperate for more, desperate for me to suckle her straining clit.

Her fingers tangle into my hair as she draws me deeper, pulsing into my mouth. I open her pussy more with my tongue and find the sensitive nub where I feast and devour. Her groans are getting louder and I lift one arm wrapping it around her thigh and grabbing at her ass as I eat her. She dips lower spreading herself for me and I take the hint, sliding two fingers up into her welcoming hole from behind. She's wet, so fucking wet and I ram my fingers home. She growls this time and grips tighter, pushing onto me, shrieking and it's too awkward I have to bring my arm around the front to give her a proper three finger fucking. She shifts to accommodate me and I start thrusting three thick digits knuckle deep into her hot cunt.

Lick by lick, her fever mounts and before I know it, she's spasming and rhythmically pulsing around my fingers and my whole hand is slathered in her beautiful silky come.

And then, and then, after the twitching subsides, she releases me and stares into my eyes with a huge grin.

"Well, fuck," she says and I think, yes please.

She slowly bends her knees and squats, hovering over my dick which is honestly harder than it's ever been—I'm going to blow very fucking soon.

When she finally sinks low enough, her pussy swallows me up, wraps around me and grips me like a fist. She's so fucking slick and starts to slide up and down, faster, harder her tits bouncing in my face, her hair flicking over her shoulders oh my fucking god, she is incredible.

Before I can take a breath and savour the moment, the surge in my balls overtakes me and the warm gush starts shooting up my dick. Her pussy squeezes tighter, my cock thrusts deeper and there it is. I come. I come hard and erupt all my emotion out into this fucking hologram of a fantasy woman.

I open my eyes to see the streams of come splashing up over my torso, my fist wrapped tight around my twitching shaft.

Holy fucking shit indeed.

What a woman.

I run my thumb over the tip of my cock to get rid of the last drips of come and carefully get up from my position not letting any of my fluids fall into the water.

I take a long shower lathering hotel soap over my body washing away the jizz and chlorine trying to think of what I'm going to tell her what I thought about when we meet tomorrow.

I am hoping, and think I might be right in thinking, that maybe this time, we both broke the rules and thought of each other.

It was an interesting thing to try but she is just too present in my mind to keep the focus purely on myself.

As I lie in bed, my phone pings. It's from her.

Hey gorgeous, what you thinking about?

The End