One two three

"These are gorgeous, they're very you. Why not try them on?" My girlfriend encouraged me. I was tempted, they were the kind of barely-there items of lingerie that I loved.

"OK, but let me find something for you as well."

I smiled at Vanessa, over the rack of wispy garments.

Lace and silk, satin and embroidery, embellished with beads, fastened with ribbons—everything here was designed to frame the female body's best assets. Some crafted to conceal while others would display. The underwear from this boutique was knowingly playful, beguilingly frivolous andeye wateringly expensive.

My fingers, freshly manicured, danced over the hangers, seeking the correct size and style. Like a ravenous diner perusing a menu, my fevered imagination could picture what each concoction would look like on her slender frame. I was nearly salivating as I picked out something to embrace and cultivate her curves, to lift and separate my darling's perfect breasts, and offer them, like a delicacy on a platter. I could hardly wait to see the tips of her rosy nipples pressing against the contrastingly dark fabric.

When I glanced up from my deliberations, I could see she was watching me, her mouth slightly slack, her bottom lip temptingly damp. I yearned to nibble on it, right here and now. How discrete were the staff?I wondered, giving my kitten a very strict look. She bit her lip in consternation while pressing her legs together and drawing in a deep breath. Every outward sign told me the little minx was getting horny.

I hastened to select the bottom half of her outfit, knowing full well whatever knickers she was wearing at this moment were soaking up the stickiness of her arousal. Something cutaway which enhanced her coltish legs perhaps, although knickers with a bigger front panel, as worn by the starlets in the '50s, were very flattering. I tried to be decisive, but every barely-there thong or pair of panties designed to show off a peachy under-bum were clamouring to become my selection.

At last, I made my choice, and we could each slip into a changing room to try the garments for size and fit. With a giggle, my kitten passed over her chosen offerings to me, and I reciprocated.

"Don't peek!" she warned.

Her voice was just loud enough for the sales assistant to look up from what she was doing, discreetly adding price tickets to the jewellery in a display cabinet. I smiled at the young woman and then moved into the other cubicle, drawing across the curtain for privacy.

My kitten needed a little more discipline, I surmised, and that thought made my mouth curl in anticipation of a future pleasure.

Before I had done much more than remove my shoes and step out of my skirt, my phone pinged with the arrival of one text, and then another. I pulled it from my handbag and saw that it was from Victoria, asking what time we would be with her. I didn't want to rush this shopping trip with kitten, but we were both excited to see Victoria, so I answered that we'd be there in an hour and a half. We were taking the train, so the traffic didn't need to be considered.

"What are you doing now?" flashed up on my phone screen.

I took a photo of the changing room and sent the message, "Guess".

When she texted back the right answer, I replied with a thumbs up.

Victoria sent a row of excited faces.

"What's the dress code?" she asked.

"Black and barely there," I answered.

Her response was a little purple demon emoji, wearing a very naughty expression.

By now I had shed my clothes and shimmied into the scraps of fabric which my kitten had said were sovery me. I liked. I liked them a lot. They garnished me like a sexy appetiser, and with only a glance at the price tag, I decided I would purchase them. I wondered if my kitty-cat had been just as happy with my selection.

"How are you getting on?" I called out once I was dressed and standing outside her changing cubicle.

"Oh great, nearly ready," her sweet voice floated back to me. "I needed a larger size in the bra."

When the curtain whisked aside, she stood in front of me, her hair slightly tumbled from dressing and undressing.

"But Clarissa was very helpful," she smiled charmingly at the assistant as she set the lingerie she'd tried, down on the pad of tissue paper at the front desk.

"We'll take everything please Clarissa," I said.

There was no need to feel jealous that she and my kitten were already acquainted. It's just how my babygirl was, she charmed everybody until all we were dancing to her tune, and that's what made her so special. I whipped out my credit card ready to hover it over the sensor to pay. What was money for if not to buy me and my loved ones pretty things?

"And this please Clarissa," I pointed to a beaded, black choker in a display cabinet.

It would look perfect on Victoria—I couldn't spoil kitten and not bring something for her.

Once the garments and the jewellery were wrapped carefully in tissue paper and stowed in stiff carrier bags bearing the store's discrete logo, kitten and I left the shop. We were swept along the busy pavements amongst a flurry of tourists and shoppers. This part of London had narrow streets and a scattering of theatres and restaurants.

"Victoria texted, I told her we'd see her in ninety minutes."

"I can hardly wait, it's been too long since we got together."

We linked arms companionably. As we walked, the side of kitten's breast brushed lightly against my skin, warm and soft, encouraging me to wonder what the underwear had looked like on her curvy figure. I'd see soon enough.

En route to the station, we bought cups of iced tea, one of the most refreshing drinks on a summer's day. Within a few stops on the underground, we reached Liverpool Street Station, where we caught another train to take us out to where Victoria lives. We had plenty of time and found a carriage all to ourselves. Immediately my kitten's eyes sparkled with mischief.

"What?" I asked, trying to look stern.

"Maybe we can act out my fantasy," a secret smile pulled at her mouth.

She knew I'd remember exactly what it was. We'd watched Risky Business several times, sometimes onlyfor the bit where Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay have sex on the train.

"Slip your knickers off now, and if nobody gets in here before we leave the station, we'll do it," I told her.

"I didn't put them back on in the changing room," she giggled.

Oh, my kitten deserved a spanking for that! But just now I was occupied slipping off my own underwear.

As the train glided slowly from the station, my kitten and I rejoiced that we were alone in the compartment. I pulled my skirt up to reveal my naked pussy and Vanessa straddled my warm thighs with her own. We ground our pudendas together while our mouths clashed in a hungry kiss. The insistent rhythm of train wheels on track set the pace for her hip thrusting rubs. I enjoyed the friction and moaned into her mouth with pleasure.

Like honey dripping from a spoon, the nectar of her anticipation drooled over us both. Kitten is always wet for me, but this was her fantasy. She must have daydreamed this many times, because she led me every step of the way, reaching between us to rub her clit and mine alternately while panting with growing excitement. I played my part. Wetting my finger in the hot moisture of her pussy, I teased it around the rim of her anus, swirling and massaging insistently until her body relaxed and let me in up to my first knuckle.

Kitten had one arm thrown around my shoulders, which allowed me room to nuzzle her neck and nip at her breasts through the silk of her blouse. I grazed her nipples with gentle bites. With my other hand, I fingered her, the heel of my palm rubbing none too gently against her clit. I wanted to give my babygirl a climax before we reached the station.

She threw back her head and groaned when she came, bucking against my hand like the pommel of a saddle. Her whole body pulsed, expelling me from her taint with the strength of it.

"Hurry, before anybody boards the train," I urged her.

Seeming a little dazed, she swung off my lap and settled in the seat opposite, adjusting her clothes in an attempt to look demure, although her face was flushed. The train drew into the station, but with not many people standing on the platform, none chose our carriage. Our secret was safe.

"Thank you," she sighed, "that was every bit as good as I'd hoped."

"It was naughty but nice," I agreed, "an appetiser for later."

I texted Victoria when we were nearly there, so she met us at the station, standing by her car and waving eagerly.

She looked absolutely stunning. Her blonde hair was down, hanging to her shoulders in artful waves. Kitten and I are both brunettes. We used to tease Victoria "does the collar match the cuffs?" but now we all have intimate waxes, the point is moot.

When we got to Victoria's house, she had Prosecco chilling in the fridge, so we sipped on the bubbles and caught up with each other's news.

"I'm dying to see what you bought," Victoria eyed the carrier bags which kitten had left by the stairs.

"I can't wait to show you," came Vanessa's reply, with a wink and a shoulder shimmy, "but can I grab a shower first? Travel makes me feel all sticky."

She threw me a significant look which generated a flutter in my pussy, fuelled by hot memories of her grinding in my lap.

"Sure, help yourself doll, you know where everything is."

Vanessa went bags in hand, leaving me alone with Victoria, who topped up my glass.

"I've missed you," she purred.

Her eyes were hungry and her lips pouted, just begging for a kiss. When I moved in closer, I smelled the amber notes of her perfume before I claimed those lips and branded myself upon her. Victoria pressed her body against me, so that became aware of her pebbled nipples pressing against my own small breasts.

When we broke our embrace, she was breathless. I'd smeared her perfect lipstick but I had claimed her as my own once more. I knew it was greedy, but I needed both of these girls under my control.

"I have something for you."

As I stepped away, I was relishing the heat between my legs, the slick of my folds as they swelled and rubbed together.


Her face lit up, and she quickly delved into the elegant bag for the ebony box within. Victoria has learned that some of the best gifts come in small packages.

"I love it!" she exclaimed.

Lifting the choker from its padding she admired the pattern of black and silver beads.

"Put it on me?" she asked and stood with her back to me, lifting her golden hair off her neck.

"To remind you that you're mine," I whispered huskily into her ear, once I had it fastened around her elegant neck.

She softened into me, almost vibrating with pleasure.

"As if I could forget."

"I'm going to grab a shower before we play," I tell her.

She followed me up the stairs, where I exaggerated the sashay of my hips. I'll admit I was feeling giddy with anticipation of the tangle of bodies.

"I'll be in my dressing room, waiting," Victoria called after me as I ducked into her guest bathroom.

While I shucked off my daytime clothes, she stripped down to her black underwear and lay back on a huge round chair. Victoria was already impatient for the fun to begin, so who can blame her when she began to let her hands explore? She stroked herself slowly and sensuously, pressing the smooth black fabric of her knickers against her warm pussy lips. She let her legs, encased in black holdup stockings, splay wide and greedy, her body was hungry for every sensation which would follow.

The new choker highlighted her swan-like neck and the filmy dark underwear lovingly hugged my girl's curves, making her pale skin glow in contrast. Victoria was a beautiful sight, spread out before me, willing and wanton. I stepped closer, ready to worship her with my lips and hands, fingers and tongue.

"Let me help you," I announced myself, making Victoria's eyes fly open.

She paused her explorations with a hand inside her panties and her expression languid and cat-like. I was soon kneeling over her on the round chair, bending to kiss her so the tips of our tongues tangled together before I nipped playfully at the firm stalks of her nipples.

"You like that," I told her; not a question. I could see from her eyes that she already felt spaced out with desire.

"I've been edging myself ever since we spoke on the phone," Victoria confessed.

"I'll bet," I nearly growled, as visions of her teasing touches and groans of frustration crowded into my head. "I may have to punish you for that," I pulled on her lip with my teeth.

"Please do," she sighed, "I deserve it."

We were fully occupied with nibbling and kissing. Victoria lay, splayed open and submissive, while I rubbed the nub of her clitoris and teased my wetted fingers along the length of her slit. Our sighs and giggles were evidence of our pleasure when kitten came to join us amongst the cushions on the large seat.

"You could've waited," she chided, but she hurried to join in.

"I couldn't," Victoria breathed heavily.

She manoeuvred herself into the middle, inviting my kitten and me to stimulate her from either side. We complied eagerly, two sets of hands stroking her skin, sliding up Victoria's legs, plucking at her tight nipples, and taking turns to dip deep into her fleshy folds, where the peachy juices were gathering, hot and sticky.

My kitten looked a vision of sultry seduction. Her full breasts were cradled by a dainty balconette bra, the stockings and suspenders I had chosen for her earlier drew my eyes to her firm thighs while the sides of the knickers tied in a bow had my fingers itching to pull them undone.

I could hardly believe how wet these girls made me just looking at them, but soon my body was under attack from Victoria. She dragged my panties to one side, then wriggled her cute booty off the edge of the seat to kneel and lick eagerly between my folds.

"Kiss me down there," I groaned, swept away by the heat that was building.

"I knew your titties would look gorgeous!" my kitten murmured huskily, stroking the little mounds revealed by the peek-a-boo bra she'd selected earlier.

As soon as Victoria's fingers penetrated me, stroking and smoothing, probing and thrusting, she turned me into a hot confusion of building sensation. Beside me I was keenly aware of kitten writhing and wriggling, touching herself in much the same way as I was being touched.

I would not ignore Vanessa, even while Victoria was doing divine things between my thighs with her tongue, so I grasped the soft flesh of Vanessa's breasts and tugged on her nipples the way that she likes.

"Vanessa let me try your flavour," Victoria exclaimed, moving sideways so that she could stroke my kitten's labia, now drenched with dewy moisture.

Victoria's licking and slurping were almost drowned out by Vanessa, who was mewling with pleasure. I savoured her plump breasts and their rosy nipples, kissing Vanessa sweetly as she unravelled at the hands of our two-pronged attack. We suckled and tickled, rubbed and strummed until Vanessa was writhing in ecstasy and pulsing with need. Victoria had sneakily begun to stroke herself, one hand moving quickly, pressed to her pubis by the waistband of her panties. Meanwhile, I kissed babygirl tenderly as the waves of her climax crested, then ebbed away.

Climbing between us again, Victoria presented her rounded backside for our tender attention. The thong she'd worn so far had become sticky with emissions, so we divested her of it, to stroke her curves appreciatively. Vanessa trailed kisses and Victoria swayed her rump temptingly but she was seeking satisfaction now, so turned to face us again, coaxing us to use our lips and fingers to pay her homage.

Victoria was a delectable feast to be sure, and we crawled up her body intent on drinking every drop of pleasure she had to offer, but she wasn't in charge and I intended to remind her of that.

Although her damp pussy was waiting, quivering with need, I ignored her. Kitten guessed my thoughts and met my salacious grin as she leaned in for a kiss. We drew out this moment of intimacy, putting on a display of tongue flicking and fencing for Victoria to watch. From the corner of my eye I observed how her hips bucked, her frustration was clear, but a pleasure denied is a pleasure doubled by my reckoning.

With our heads together, my dark hair tumbling, while kitten's remained neat in its bun, Vanessa and I tag-teamed over Victoria's pussy with the intent of driving her wild. While I was licking her clitty, Vanessa would be thrusting two fingers in and out of Victoria's channel, but if I was fingering, then kitten was sucking, nibbling on Victoria's bean of pleasure, with tiny movements of her lips and teeth.

Victoria began to pant, the pressure was building as I could vividly imagine, a drawing tightness that pulled up from her fingers and toes until everything became focused, like a ball of molten lava, between the apex of her thighs. As she came, Victoria bucked against my face, smearing her juices over my lips. She groaned and gasped, and my stomach swooped to hear her, adding an extra dimension to the hot sensations my fingers had awoken in my own slit.

Not to be outdone, Vanessa was striving for her third orgasm of the afternoon, with ring and index fingers sunk deep in her wet pussy, she was humping her own hand. Working her hips in a circular motion, Vanessa breathed, "Oh yeah," hot and heavy in my ear.

"Jeez, Louise!" Victoria gasped, as the rollicking ride of her orgasm began to calm into eddies of bliss.

"Come here girls, I want to thank you for that," Victoria sighed happily.

We eagerly complied, climbing back onto the circular seat, we showered Victoria with butterfly kisses. Vanessa and I nestled in close, two brunettes and a blonde in a delicious girl sandwich.

The End