Birthday treat

Jack grabs my hand as we approach the dark wood door. He pauses, his hand hovering over the handle. A lusty twinkle lights his blue-green eyes telling me he is already pining for his turn to pleasure me. All of his ideas are coming to delicious fruition just two weeks after the birthday treat reveal. Surges of excitement and hormones flourish as butterflies in my gut, they peak in my chest spurring on the rapid beating of my heart. This fantasy of mine about to unfold is sure to consume us both and blossom into insurmountable lust. My desire for a female's touch started in my teens, but I've always ended up with men.

What a perfect realisation both of us want this. I never would have guessed it had been one of his fantasies too. Furthermore, I had always assumed he wanted to be involved in our first threesome. His edging will be more than intense over the next twenty minutes. He knows the rules. He is not allowed to touch me once I'm on the bed until the two women leave. As much as I desire this massage, I cannot decipher if I'm more excited about feminine erotic touch or the aftermath of Jack fucking me once the women depart. It's like picking between chocolate and chocolate. Impossible.

He brings a finger to his smiling lips. I mirror his expression. It's about to be the best birthday treat ever.

I drop my eyes to the bulge already pressing out the crotch of his pants. I had to strip in the dressing room and slip into the soft terry cloth robe. My disrobing built the lusty fire in his pants, or perhaps it was all the wanton anticipation of watching two women bring me to climax.

He slowly presses the door handle, as if he's sneaking, opening the doorway that will gift me something I'll never forget. Surely neither will he. It will be a gift we can unpack again and again for years to come, celebrating and savouring it endlessly together.

I savour his facial expression. This is his birthday treat as much as mine to enjoy my orgasm at female hands—from the wonderful collaborative touches of two. In our ten years together, we'd never shared each other, his yearning for the taste of a role as voyeur mirroring my own to be on display in the throes of passion.

This is just perfect.

In the afterglow of magnificent sex, we had discussed the female erotic massage, which had wetted my pussy further. How had he even found this opportunity? The sex that had followed topped our first round in a flurried reverse cowgirl fuck, when I finished the ride, our joint juices migrated to his shaved balls.

I bite my lip as he urges me into the room with a gentle tug, his large warm hand never leaving mine, his demeanour the intimacy that cradles my worry and abolishes it. We are in this together.

His plush beige armchair awaits if he even lasts there. He will play the mime, blind to touch, the amateur cameraman, me never seeing, touching nothing as I'm touched. The mere thought of intimate female touch from two women freshly floods my pelvis with desire.

The room is dimly lit and decorated with calm beige tones accented by black. There is a lush white blindfold on the bed. Jack is moving so slow it's like a dream. The music wafting into the room is seductive and mysterious, dark, the notes asking questions yet telling us all in a beautiful way.

Jack points to the bed but stops me before I sit. He slips his hands beneath my robe, caressing me his hands boldly baring my naked body for his eyes. His seduction doesn't end there.

"This is the last time I can touch you until we are alone again." He leans in and almost kisses me but pulls back. He whispers in my ear, "And make no mistake, I will fuck you into so many multiples that I'll need to carry you out of here."

His promise thrills me to my core and I want to squeal. Instead, I nod as I lick my lips both enticing him to kiss me and to taste the citrus-tangerine lip balm. The taste sends a delightful tangy gush across my tongue.

I'm not above asking. "Jack, please kiss me before they come in." I tilt my head up and part my lips as my hands travel from the back of his neck to his pecks, down his taut stomach, ending in a cradling of his cock signalling my hunger for him.

He releases a low man growl that matches the intensity of his gaze, and my thickening womanhood twitches beneath her fleshy hood.

He murmurs, "Cher, you are so beautiful. I can't ever get enough of gazing upon you. Touching you." He brings his lips to an inch from mine. "My hands will be with their hands as my eyes will be touching you alongside them."

We French kiss deeply and I can't help but want to give in to my desire, lean back onto the bed and pull him on top of me.

He breaks our kiss. After a pause, he reaches behind me, and makes a point to cup my right ass cheek before dangling the blindfold in front of my eyes.

"It's time," he says so softly it's as if I imagine it. He presses the fabric to my closed eyes, and then secures it behind my head in a knot.

My world goes dark, but my senses go bright. Brighter than usual inside my brain. The music grows more sensual. His breathing verges on panting as it comes against my cheek in puffs. Even my own nakedness seems more sensual.

"Sit and scoot backward until your ass hits pillows. Then lie back or sit. It's your choice from here on out. Remember I love you forever."

I won't hear his voice again until it's over, but his words ring softly in my head with his affirmations of adoration, his promises. I'm a very lucky woman.

I sigh deeply as if meditating and mirror his words. "I love you forever and a day."

He chuckles. "Ditto. And a day beyond forever is how long I will pleasure you."

The silence seems way too long already as I slide back on the bed, and I haven't even felt cheeks on the pillow yet. My impatience is boiling. My heart is beating as if he were spanking my clit with his palm. The anticipation has me bursting inside, which I yearn to release vocally. But for now, I wait.

The music doesn't cover the sound of the door opening as the click signals the entrance of the women. I draw in a deep breath once more to settle my nerves because I'm so excited I could scream. I twitch slightly as I sense them come nearer to me.

It's an eternity I'm untouched.

The scent of argan oil wafts off the woman on my left as she is the first to lay hands on me. She massages my shoulders, her fingertips careful, yet firm. Her small hands send gentle sensations into my muscles as I draw in a slow deep breath. Her touch is even more delicate and purposeful than I had expected female touch to be. A smile spreads across my face.

The second woman lightly strokes my thighs, legs, and back up to my pussy. Four delicate hands so deliberately taking their time to map my body, savouring each inch of me. Their dedication to my pleasure lulls me into euphoria instantly. Each moment is a hope for the next.

I sense them flowing about my body light as spirits as they assess their approach to pleasure me. Hot breath bathes my left breast before she takes it into her mouth. The action combined with the mere thought of a woman suckling my nipples sends me into lusty overdrive.

Oh, do I need this.

The other woman joins the exploration of my chest. Fingers on one nipple, tongue and mouth on my other and I'm already overwhelmed to be receiving this indulgent gift to simply sit and be pleasured. My brain swoons at their play with my skin, the ecstasy promises to be never-ending.

They join above me and kiss, their lip smack sounds engorging my desire to see them as their lips meet. But their sounds tell me exactly what they are doing so I smile.

Their fingertip caresses and fondling of my thigh and pussy paint a visually elegant picture in my mind as I imagine the beautiful scene Jack is enjoying as he films us. I can't wait to watch the sex video later.

My pussy slickens as she pets it, the light tickle of her stroking of my most intimate organ swells my elation. Heaven in a bed.

Her tongue travels the crook of my thigh as I pant. They kiss again but I'm not forgotten as the woman on my left caresses me. The music quiets to silence and the sounds of their lips sucking each other gets gloriously louder. I am an auditory voyeur to them, and I want more.

The woman on my right kisses my mouth and I taste the mouth essence of the three of us joined orally. The thought is intoxicating.

Fingers crawl up my abdomen in concert with caresses of my vulva causing my breathing to become heavier. She hovers her fingers over my face. I smell myself, taste my juices as she presses her fingers into my mouth.

I can't help but wonder what they are wearing, and what Jack is seeing as both women move and touch me. Being an assman, is he getting hornier? I can't wait to hear what his thoughts were during this and I especially can't wait to put a visual of what she just did to me.

The points of touch: a mouth and finger to my nipples and one on my pussy lips intensify my lust and I pant harder. I just knew a woman would suckle my tits differently than a man. It's a supreme delight.

I pant harder as the attention to my pussy and clit increases. Very soft moans just float out of my mouth, a sigh. I enjoy laying back as they focus on my pussy with three hands massaging. The sensations without sight are mind-blowing. I'm so inside my own head yet led by each caress they gift me.

The wet sounds from them teasing my vaginal entrance turns me on more. They are steadily working towards my climax. I imagine Jack must be using great restraint to not reach out and join in touching me. I'm sure he must be drooling. His pleasure in this means so much to me too.

Another kiss as my pussy is pampered to my rise in arousal. If I were standing, I'd swoon to the floor. A finger exploring inside me, one tracing around my clitoris in circles, one hand presses my abdomen, and a sensual French kiss all have my head spinning in rapture. Just when I can't imagine more pleasure, four hands nuzzle my womanhood. My journey up my orgasm hill takes a giant leap forward.

My moans and heavy breathing fill up the room, taking up more air space than they should with this blindfold on. Wet squishing sounds join my vocalisations confirming for them all things are getting even hotter.

The finger fucking ramps up and my wetness increases as does my arousal. This will deliver me to my peak soon. Thumb rubs on my clit rage me further along. They know exactly how to pleasure a woman. And why wouldn't they? Being women themselves.

My rapidly increasing grunts join their kissing mouth smacks once more. I smile as I make out an appreciative sigh from Jack amongst our group's sounds. What a beautiful indulgence, our noises a symphony of different levels of collective elatedness. I sense our four moods undulate together as a spiralling wave.

I yearn to know if the women are dressed or naked. Luckily, I can easily focus on my intense enjoyment, which settles my brain to be patient. I know I will get to see these amazing women eventually. I imagine they might be giving Jack and his camera a few suggestive glances from time to time. The beauty of all this is I will get to relive this glorious moment with Jack right alongside me. That thought alone pleases me to the highest level, let alone the orgasm that will soon flood my brain with delicious dopamine. This is lifting me to sexual bliss.

She ramps up the motion of her fingers going in and out of me. I imagine him nodding, silently directing her to fuck my pussy properly with her hand while massaging my swelling clitoris, bringing my body closer and closer to orgasm. My body twitches as it always does when I'm about to come. She knows exactly what to do as I give her my cues, not holding back one little bit.

I'm going to lose my shit as one woman eats me out and the other kisses me. The dual connecting of them to my orifices is exhilarating and intense at once. They work my mouth and my pussy leading me up to my climax hill. All of their focus is on my clitoris, my lips, and the space above my pubic bone. Our threesome was a dance like no other.

Their massaging drives me to speak for the first time in fifteen minutes, "You guys driving me crazy." I manage to get it out between grunts and pants. I giggle.

They are working me so hard that my breasts are jiggling in time with their motions. One kissing me tugging at my erect nipples, and the other is aggressively focused edging me closer and closer to climax. What they are doing is working beautifully.

I kiss her back hungrily as she deftly molests my left breast. Four fingers ride my cunt. Gawd bless her! And her!

They push me right over the edge and I twitch and gyrate as my first orgasm shoots out from my clitoris across my body. The vaginal contractions are distinct the strong, each one delving out that telltale tug. My sighs change as I descend off the high. I am coated inside with supreme bliss.

Now I am sitting, with one woman behind me, cradling me with her naked body, her breasts delightfully smashed against my back. She runs her hands up and down my front, her orgasm aftercare helping me go down nice and slow. I sigh, and release a short happy laugh.

The pleasuring goes on.

Our damp skin joined shows how hard we've worked.

I'm never left out when they kiss, they caress me, tend to me. I am more luxurious than silk on soft skin. She dips her fingers in me and allows me to taste myself on her. I'm salty today. The frantic aggressive finger pumps turn sensual. It's all so decadent.

They fix my blindfold as they continue to play. I'm not to see yet.

My sweet spot isn't ever ignored but touched, rubbed, licked, and sucked. I have never been the focus on receiving such intense pleasure. It's as if I'm floating in a dream, a fantasy, but I get the realness of skin on skin.

She eats me out. The sounds of her tongue turns me on even more, then a mouth smack makes my clit twitch. In the middle of my rising to my second orgasm, the women change places.

The one at my head licks my lips all over, while the other rides me down below with her mouth. Slow. Deliberate. Focused. Sensual.

She strokes my clitoris with fast hard motions and my body shakes as I lose control of it. I charge into one orgasm, then two, then three, like it's triple-peaked. The climax floods my body and I instantly am sleepy, soaking in the lovely hormones they helped course through me.

I let out a sigh of relief. Oh, the gifts they've given.

They each kiss me. I hear a kiss that doesn't touch me. A gesture for Jack.

I smile and say, "Whoa."

The door clicks behind them.

I relax as I breathe, running my hands all over my body reminiscing their touch.

The bed depresses and Jack crawls up the bed to lay beside me.

"That was unbelievable, babe. I want you so bad right now."

I lift my hand to remove the blindfold, He stops me.

"Let's leave that on and keep you in this sensual state. I want to taste you like this, to fuck you to orgasm, their fingerprints all over you. How does that sound?" he whispers.

He's already touching me, his fingers tracing the memory of the women's hands on my skin, their mouths. His saliva joins theirs on my nipple as he hungrily nuzzles his open mouth around my tit. He sucks and flicks my erect nipple, taking a moment to stop and nibble. I flinch with a smile. His hands travel me as he suckles, stopping to spoon my other breast in his curved palm. He gives my breast a squeeze as he presses his erection to my side. It's a solid log, a promise for sexual delights.

He lifts himself off my nip. "You are so beautiful, so gorgeous. I loved watching them with you. I got it all on film for us too."

He drags his hand down my cheek, across my neck. As his lips grace the hollow of my neck, I release a soft bemoan.

"I want to make love to you like this, Cher. When you are all soaked with pleasure. I want to please you too."

"Mmmm," I mutter, writhing against his touch. The contrast between his bold caresses and the memories of the softer touches of the women add to the eroticism and I can't get enough of his hands on me. "Please, Jack. I want you. Want all of you. Please, fuck me."

"That is my intent forever, my love."

Our bodies tangle into each other as we kiss. He tastes my skin in all the places the women did and blissfully presses his cock into my hungry cunt. The next wave of pleasure has begun.

The End