Mastrubation time

Last night was amazing. The evening, everything she'd wanted. He'd taken her to a new Indian restaurant and the conversation—not to mention the tandoori chicken—had been first-rate. They'd both spent nearly three hours laughing and regaling one another with stories about their childhoods and more. Roughly five months together and there was still so much to learn. Boredom had yet to set in. After the restaurant and a lovely stroll through the town square, they'd ended up back at his apartment.

Now, she awoke alone. The delicious ache of his big cock stretching her open still burned between her thighs. Sex still clung to the sheets. As much as she wanted to wallow in it, she needed a shower. But she had nowhere to be today. The bed beckoned her back afterwards. She slipped under the covers and opened the book she'd started a few days ago to pass the time until Tony returned from work.

But not even the story could make her forget his hands all over her body. She glanced down to realise she was cupping a breast, her nipple tucked between two fingers. A gasp slipped past her lips as she pinched them together.

She was only two chapters in and her mind was wandering back to last night, replaying everything as her touch roamed over her body…

"Let me do that," she insisted with a smile as he began to slip off his blazer.

He grinned in reply, turning so she could. "Thank you, baby."

Smoothing her hands up his back and over his broad shoulders, she grabbed his lapels and pulled off his coat, revealing his gorgeous cobalt-blue shirt, before folding his jacket neatly and placing it over the sofa. He was always so well-dressed. Sexy. The air of confidence was always present. She wrapped her arms around his middle, hands sliding up his torso and cupping his pectorals as she nuzzled her face against his back. He took such good care of his body. She bit her lip, growing warm just thinking about licking the lines of his Adonis belt.

He brought her hands to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on each one. "Soon, my hungry girl." He turned and slipped off her linen jacket, discarding it with his. "First, have a seat and I'll fetch us some tea."

This was typical for him. He loved to string things out, make them last. He wanted her cunt aching with anticipation before having his way. She sat on the sofa, watching fondly as he rolled up his sleeves and began to make them both a cup of tea. She always enjoyed watching him move about, so agile and elegant as he busied himself with tasks.

Fifteen minutes later, he sat on the other end of the sofa, leaving plenty of space for her to lie her legs over his lap. But tonight she couldn't wait. The evening had been lovely, but now she wanted to feel his skin against hers, wanted him to satisfy that yearning burning deep inside her belly. She moved her bare foot between his legs, pressing it up against his cock. His sac was so warm, soft. Her mouth watered thinking about bathing them with her tongue. She kneaded gently, teasing. He was never a fan of pain, unless he was the one delivering it.

He kept his gaze keyed in on her, seemingly ignoring her foot massaging and caressing his cock as he cautiously sipped his drink. His ambivalence only spurred her on more. Setting her tea down on the coffee table, she crawled closer to him and took his cup, placing it on the end table behind him.

"Mm, what's with all this initiative I'm seeing?" He touched her hip and grinned, squeezing lightly. "I like it."

"I need to feel you." Slithering a hand into his shirt, she stroked his collarbone as she looked into his eyes and bit her lip. Silently, she urged him for more.

His pupils dilated further, and his voice slid into a salacious growl. "You know I cannot resist that innocuous gaze, kitten."

She said nothing, opting instead to reach down and palm his hardening cock. A thrill spiraled through her when he responded with a low moan. Leaning down, she nuzzled the bulge in his pants, feeling its heat against her cheeks.

"Let me tie you up, my darling girl." He stroked her hair. "What do you say?"

Her skin shivered with excitement at his proposition. Licking her lips, she looked up at him. Despite being together for nearly six months, they were still easing their way into all things kinky. She'd been so vanilla when they'd met. A lot was still so new to her.

"Nothing frightening or heavy," he continued. "I'll simply restrain your hands." He caressed her cheek, no doubt reading her trepidation. He was an attentive and observant dom. "Never will I push you farther than I believe you are ready for."

Letting out a sigh, she took hold of his hand and placed it over her pussy. "Relax me first, please."

"Of course." He kneaded the heel of his hand against her. "I could do more if you took these silly things off."

She gave him a soft smile and stood, keeping eye contact as she removed her jeans.

He trailed a finger over the front of her lace panties. "These, too." He hooked his fingers over the waistband and slid them down her legs before leaning in and pushing up her top, nuzzling the skin of her abdomen. He inhaled deeply, almost like he wanted to take her into himself. Her head swam. How wonderfully dizzying it was to be so desired and loved by someone.

Standing, he pulled the blouse over her head and then removed her bra, tossing both to the floor. His hands caressed her body. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" He tilted her chin and kissed her. "Come here." He moved down to the opposite end of the settee, patting the armrest. "Sit, darling. I want you to see yourself as I see you."

She obeyed and faced her nude reflection in the wide, full-length mirror. Suddenly self-conscious, she closed her legs and covered her breasts. He knelt behind her and brought his arms around, placing one on each thigh.

Gently, he opened her legs, exposing her. "Look at yourself, baby. You are exquisite." He unfurled her arms from her chest. "There is no need to hide. Whatever physical faults you perceive in yourself, let them go." He nestled into her neck, sucking at her skin as his hands fondled her breasts, rolling their nipples.

His large, slender hands dwarfed them. Gradually, she relaxed into him, gasping when his hand ventured lower and began to tease her slit.

"Watch yourself," he commanded. "Keep your arms back. I want you to see how delicious you look when I touch you." He swirled two fingers in the pool forming at her entrance and then pushed them inside.

Her jaw went slack, and she curled her arm around his neck as he caressed her side and the swell of her breast. Never had she been on display like this. But as she stared at herself, the more she became aroused. This was how he wanted her. Open. Pliable. Accessible. His little toy to love and enjoy.

"I'm going to tie you to my bed, darling." He snarled into her ear, staring at her face in the mirror as he pumped his fingers in and out. "I'm going to breathe you in. I'm going to bite your shoulder, your neck, and your ear. I'm going to fuck you, sweetheart."

Her pulse raced. Bondage was new. Her cheeks burned in a mix of fear and wanting. How would being so helpless feel? Would it be more than she could handle? Or would it be everything she never knew she'd needed? He crooked his fingers, stroking her inside and out and pushing her over the edge. Her thighs shook. She gripped his hair, trying her best to keep her legs open.

"There's a girl." Slowly, he pulled out his fingers and displayed the lust coating them, before sucking them clean.

He rose from the settee and walked around, offering his hand to her. She followed him into the bedroom. She'd been here before, even slept over a few times, but it almost felt as if she was seeing it for the first time. She never imagined being tied up, and now her mind took in everything, wondering how it would happen. He led her to the bed and allowed her to sit down before he walked to his wardrobe.

She glanced at the headboard and ran her fingers over the wooden spindles. "Convenient." She chuckled.

"What's that, darling?" He walked back with a pair of furry handcuffs in his hands.

"Just noticing how advantageous it is," she crossed her legs, "that you have such an accommodating headboard."

He grinned mischievously and winked. "Why do you think I chose it? To restrain beautiful creatures like yourself and keep them, to call them mine."

For a moment, she wondered just how many women he'd tied to his bed but shook it off. Thoughts about a lover's past were never a good thing to ruminate on.

As if reading the uneasiness on your face, he stroked her cheek. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe here." He kissed her, easing her lips apart with his tongue. "What's your safeword?"

She sighed and steeled herself. "Almond. Same as before."

"I assumed it would be." He softly smiled. "But it helps to remind you that you have the power to bring an end to all of this, should you decide to do so. I might be your dominant, but I follow your lead. I only do what you allow."

"Thank you." She slid her hands up his taut, lean thighs, stopping on his belt. She began to unfasten the buckle. "But I want this, Sir." She felt his cock twitch under her forearm with the added appellation.

"Patience, love." He stilled her work but couldn't mask the look of hunger on his face. "Scoot back to the middle of the bed for me."

She did so, waiting patiently as he took her arms and extended them over her head. Only the sounds of metal against wood and their breathing filled the space between them as he lashed her to the bedframe with the cuffs. Her breasts heaved with excitement. Despite his calm, collected exterior, he was a wolf. And she longed to give him the gift of her body on a silver platter to feed from until he was sated.

Once she was bound to the bed, he removed his clothing.

His eyes were trained on her with a predatory stare as he lingered over every button, drawing out each unhurried movement before slowly stripping the shirt from his torso. His hands came to rest on the loose ends of his unfastened leather belt and he smirked. Her eyes were fixed on his crotch. Her breath was caught in her throat. Her cheeks flushed even more as she gaped at him. She was needy. She knew it. He knew it.

He paused, teasing her, refusing to show what he knew she ached to see. He abandoned his pants for the moment, moving instead to toe off his shoes and peel his socks from his slender feet. She watched with hungry eyes as his hands returned to his waist, at last opening his fly and pushing his pants and boxer briefs down over his slim hips to pool on the floor. He straightened up, revealing every inch of his gorgeous body.

She licked her lips, drinking in the familiar sight of his thick cock. Her body hummed. She was so ready for all of this to begin. It wasn't until he crawled onto the bed that she noticed the tie clasped in his hand.

"What's that for?"

"Blindfold." He moved closer. "Is that okay?"

She nodded and allowed him to tie it around her head. Her breath quickened with the loss of sight. He placed a deep kiss on her lips then moved, the bed shaking as he positioned himself between her eagerly parted legs. She shivered when she felt his stubble graze her inner thigh as he trailed kisses there. He made his way to her pussy, where he lapped and sucked her swollen clit.

When he had his fill of her sweet honey, she felt him move again. She gasped as his large hands gripped the underside of her thighs at the knee, pushing her legs back. In all the time they'd been together, he'd never exposed her quite so lewdly. Momentarily, she panicked, but soon her thoughts came back to him. Slowly, he pushed into her, letting out a deep moan. Her lack of sight served only to heighten every other sense, and she found herself mesmerized by the sound of his voice.

"You have no idea how much pleasure your tightness gives me, sweetheart." He crouched over her body, his mouth resting by her ear as he sucked on her earlobe. "Don't think, just feel." He began to move in and out of her, slowly and tenderly at first. But as soon as she was whimpering and mewling beneath him, his thrusts turned more feral, and he began to mercilessly fuck her.

"Feel your tight cunt stretching around my cock." He growled against her neck. "Feel me impaling you, baby, filling you up." He bit her throat. "Feel how deep I am inside that delicious pussy, how your whole body shivers around me."

"Tony…" she cried, overwhelmed by sensation. His cock bottoming out with each thrust. The skin stinging at her wrists. "Please."

"Do you want to come?"

"Yes, Sir… Please." She felt his hand slide down between their bodies. The bliss of his lithe fingers working her clit nearly made her pass out as she squeezed her eyes tight, seeing stars behind them.

"Think of nothing but the feeling of our bodies. Of how good I feel inside you." He continued his torturous workings. "You're so fucking wet, my darling. Are you going to come for me?"

She couldn't speak, only nod her head. Everything was so surreal and so…good. He thrusted in harder. She never knew he could be so aggressive and animalistic. She struggled against the cuffs, but the fact that she couldn't move, couldn't touch him sent her over the edge. She came hard, crying out and clenching around his cock. Reality began to slip away then, and she barely recalled him grunting and releasing into her shortly after.

Her clit swelled beneath her lust-soaked fingers. Recalling the night before had certainly stoked a fire, but it wasn't quite reaching the heights she needed. Her thoughts drifted back to him. He would find every bit of her struggle a sheer delight to see.

"Can't come, can you?" his imaginary voice echoed in her mind, tinged with a deep, husky chuckle. "How adorable."

Her cheeks burned. How embarrassing to get this far and not be able to push yourself over the edge. Her vision softened. She arched her neck. Yes. How fucking pathetic was she? Naked. Legs wide. Rubbing herself off to no avail. The euphoria of shame swam through her veins.

And she fucking loved it.

She wanted more.

Grabbing his pillow, she rolled atop it. She hadn't humped one since her college years, but she was beyond needy right now. The soft fabric brushed her labia as she straddled it. So fucking sensitive. She positioned her legs just right and gently ground herself against the plush material. Her eyes squeezed shut once more. She pinched her hard, aching nipples.

"Go on, kitten," his voice found its way back to her. "Show me how badly you need my cock. How badly you need me to fuck you."

"Yes, sir," she replied aloud. "All for you."

She imagined he was there, leaning against the wardrobe and watching her as she began to move. Every inch of her wanted nothing more than to please him. She added pressure to the pillow. Her hips moved faster.

But it wasn't hitting the spot.

Her chest tightened. She sighed loudly. Goddamn it.

Reaching down, she worked three fingers into her tight, dripping hole and pressed the butt of her hand against her clit. These were vain times. She needed to up her game. Her head spun. So eager to obey. So eager to please. Desperate to prove how much she wanted him. So much so she'd humiliate herself, hump a pillow like a bitch in heat—just for him.


Her pussy throbbed and only his cock would ever sate it. Her body served one purpose and that was to serve him. This was her place. This was who she was. She fisted the bedsheet. A whimpering moan escaped her.

"I need you," her voice was strained. Tears of frustration threatened to spill over. Her orgasm sat just over the edge, taunting her. "Please."

"You know what you need. Why are you holding back?" She could feel his invisible hand trace down her spine and grab a handful of flesh. "Do it."

Bucking, she fucked the three fingers stretching her hole. Ah. That's what she craved. She lost herself in the feeling. The fullness. The pressure against her walls. The arousal collecting in her palm, so sticky hot. The lewd sounds of squelching wetness filled the air.

"Pathetic…" she heard against her ear, like he was there, squatting beside her. "You're so fucking wet, and for what? All because you need to be fucked? You better come for me."

The ache deep inside quickly melted down her spine and blossomed around her fingers, spilling out in warmth. Her body sang. What a good girl she was. What an utter desperate slut.

The fantasy softly dissipated. She lay there, smiling as she basked in the afterglow of an amazing orgasm. She swirled her drenched fingers around her clit, languidly drawing it out. He would lay down tonight and smell her scent as he drifted off to sleep.

An aftershock coursed through her body.

She couldn't wait to be shamed and humiliated.

The End