Fem love

Fresh out of the shower, I walked into the room, a towel working the wetness from my hair. Sofia was sprawled across the sofa, flipping through the newest Vogue magazine. Naked but for a pair of knickers, I couldn't help but smile when I saw her.

"Whatcha looking at?" I asked as I wrapped the towel around my hair like a turban. I walked towards her and looked at the pages over her shoulder as she showed me images captured by her mentor. She'd been on set for this shoot, although her role was to keep the photographer's coffee filled and phone answered.

She pointed to different models, telling me how nice this woman was or how difficult that one was. While I tried to pay attention to what she was saying, I couldn't help but be drawn to her face. She absolutely glowed, and I could tell how excited she was to have been a part of something that took center stage in a magazine like Vogue.

"I'm so proud of you," I said, sitting down beside her, running my fingers along the edge of her collarbone.

Sofia laughed. "I was a glorified answering-machine-slash-coffee-table."

"I don't care what glorified thing you were," I said as my fingers migrated to her breasts, barely touching her skin, "I still think you're amazing."

She reached out and lifted my chin slightly, bringing my mouth a fraction closer to hers. Her fingers laced through mine. "Now, I know why I like having you around so much."

I laughed and, as her gaze went back to the glossy sheets, I released her hand and bent my lips to her neck. "And here I thought you liked having me around because of the things I can do with my mouth." The tip of my tongue tickled the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

She smiled and leaned in, "Well, the oral skills do help." She giggled and kissed me, her lips lingering.

Breaking away, I stood. "I'm about to remind you what it is about my skills that you love so much," I said with a smile. I moved behind her and leaned down, my hands drifting around the outer edge of each breast. My tongue parted her lips for a kiss.

It didn't take long before she tossed the magazine aside, the towel fell from my head, and we found ourselves breathless. I ran my hands up and down her tummy, her skin soft and smooth against my own.

I suddenly wanted every part of her in my mouth.

Climbing over the sofa, I journeyed down her body, which allowed Sofia to take my nipple between her lips. Her tongue flicked against its sensitive tip. I stayed there a moment, letting the sensations to spread through my center.

But I wouldn't be deterred from my mission. I crawled further down her body, and Sofia's attention drifted over my belly as I focused on her pussy. My hand reached out, slipped under the waistband of her lace knickers, where I found her vulva puffy and wet.

I groaned against the flesh of her stomach. I wanted her so fucking bad. My fingers slid up and down her silkiness as her lips parted for me. Needing to taste her, I dropped to her pussy and pressed my lips against her warm skin.

Sofia played with the band of my knickers, and I sank down onto her as I moved her pants to the side, looking at the beauty of her exposed lips. I reached out and gave her clitoris a big, long lick.

Settling into a 69 position, Sofia wasn't wasting any time. Her mouth was all over me, lapping at my labia, teasing my clit, and finally, drawing the glans between her lips and into her hot little mouth. It felt so good, I stopped and soaked in the pleasure of it. I moved against her, pushing my clit deeper into her sultry warmth. Her hands, one on each of my arse cheeks, pulled my lips further apart.

I rode her face and, when she dipped lower, she teased the opening of my vulva, making me groan. I rode her harder, my eyes closed, my world centered on nothing but my clit and Sofia and the magical exchange that was going on between them. A wave of pleasure washed over me, and I fell forward, coming to lay on Sofia's stomach.

Wanting her more than ever, I pulled her pants aside. My fingers quickly found her clitoris. Pushing my pussy into her face, I dipped my head down to taste her. I swirled her clit while Sofia took the whole of my sex into her mouth.

It was all too much. I pulled away from her vulva and rocked against her in ecstasy, my body convulsing.

My fingers moved on Sofia's clitoris, rubbing fast and hard as I continued to buck against her, taking all the pleasure I could from her.

As the waves started to subside, her lips left my pussy and dotted chaste kisses across my thighs. When I finally felt stable, I crawled off of Sofia and knelt in front of her. Taking her face in both my hands, my head lowered to hers before devouring her in a kiss.

She tasted of me, and it was such a fucking turn-on.

I needed to taste her again.

My lips broke from Sofia's, and I trekked down her body, leaving kisses in my wake. I reached for her hips, hooked my fingers into her knickers, and slid them off.

Kneeling between her legs, I leaned forward, bringing first one nipple and then the other into my mouth. They beaded into hard peaks. Not able to help myself, I nipped them between my teeth. Sofia cooed, making the cutest damn sounds—noises that made my stomach flutter and my pussy ache.

I lowered myself between her thighs and dipped my face to her wetness. One, two, three big licks from top to bottom, then I surrounded her clitoris, drawing it between my lips.

My eyes closed, I made love to her pussy with my mouth and tongue, taking in each fold, not able to get enough, the flavor of her, full of musky sweetness, was intoxicating.

Noises radiated my consciousness, and I looked up. Propped on her elbows, Sofia watched me, moans escaping her lips as she tried not to thrust into my mouth. Her hand reached behind my head, wanting more but trying not to force it. My tongue pushed harder against her as I reached my hand towards her breast, my thumb rubbing over the hardness of her nipple. Her hand covered mine, pushing me against her, her head falling to the pillows behind her.

I sat up and kissed her. She traced my lips, licking juices from my mouth.

Playfully, I pushed Sofia back to the sofa and returned to my place between her thighs. Wrapping my hands around her hips, I returned my attention to her dripping, wanton pussy.

Before long, one hand was on my head, the other squeezing her breast as she tried to hold back from rocking against my face. Gasps and moans escaped her lips, and she was close to losing control.

But I wanted more. Pulling my mouth from her pussy, I slid a finger up and down her wetness, twisting it, pushing it deep inside her. Between the noise that she made and the grip of her cunt on my finger, I knew it was the right move.

Her breath deepened. Her hips reached for more. I kissed her inner thigh with an open mouth, my tongue stroking her flesh. Then, only centimeters from her pussy, I waited, watching her move, watching her ache, watching her want.

I exhaled, the warm air tickling her lips. Her hips lifted towards my face as her hand reached for the back of my head, nudging me to where she wanted.

I slipped a second finger inside her, finger fucking her as she arched against it, almost purring.

She was so beautiful. Her passion was uninhibited. Her brazen lust on display. She couldn't hold back as her body rocked on my fingers, thrusting to get me deeper.

As she gained speed, my arousal was building. I wanted… No, I needed to make this woman cum. I needed to feel her body explode around my fingers, to taste her juices as they sprang from her depths.

No longer holding back, I pushed my fingers deeper, curling them in and up to hit that special spot that I knew would have her writhing in seconds. As I lowered my lips to her clitoris, her hand held my head in place, ensuring I wouldn't leave.

I fucked her harder, her whole body moving with my fingers and tongue. Her breathing increased, and I drove harder, pressing against her clit, my fingers moving quick and hard. Her fist wrapped into my hair, and she pulled me even closer. Sofia's other hand pinched her nipple, and her head fell back, her body rocking with the force exerted on her pussy.

"God, Toni," her voice came out like a wisp. "I'm so fucking close."

I continued to fuck her, keeping pace. My fingers pounded into her pussy, assaulting her G-spot. I drew her clitoris between my lips and sucked, flicking its tip.

That was what she needed. Her body stiffened, then started to shake, her eyes closed. She called out as her hips lifted under my mouth, and her pussy convulsed around my fingers. I ground against her until she slowed and her body lowered back to the couch.

As her body stilled, so did my mouth and fingers, bringing her gently back to reality. Once the tremors settled, Sofia smiled at me, giggling. "Wow," she said, sitting up and leaning in for a kiss. Pulling her lips from mine, she whispered, "that was amazing."

With a smile, she collapsed back on the couch.

Slipping my fingers from her pussy, I moved to lay on her, my arms wrapping around her. We stayed there, still, basking in the pleasure between us.

Sofia kissed the top of my head, then my forehead, encouraging me to bring my lips to hers. Of course, I obliged.

"Now," she whispered, "it's my turn to pleasure you." She sat up and turned me around so my back was to her. She pulled me against her, one hand tracing circles on my breast while the other found its way to my throat.

Sofia forced my chin up, and her mouth fell to my neck, devouring my skin. I rocked my body against her, not wanting to be teased. Taking my hint, Sofia's hand dropped lower and gathered my knickers in her hand, she pulled the fabric to the side.

As soon as her fingers touched me, I couldn't wait. My lips parted and I ground against her, wanting her on my clit, on my lips, in my pussy. I wanted her everywhere, and I wanted her now.

My hand covered hers, encouraging her, trying to get what I desired. But Sofia wasn't having that. Her fingers left my pussy, traveling to tease both my nipples before she gave me a nudge and told me to move to my hands and knees.

She kissed her way down my back, and when she reached the top of my arse, she slid my knickers over my cheeks, down my thighs, and off of my legs. Then she bent down and positioned herself right in line with my pussy.

Her warm breath tickled against me, and I lowered my upper body to the sofa, my pussy aching for her touch. Starting at my clit, Sofia took a long, slow lick across my vulva all the way to my arsehole.

I gasped.

She did it again. And again. And again. On her next pass, she pushed her tongue into my pussy before trailing up to my arse.

I was withering, struggling not to push back against her.

When Sofia settled on my clit, my breath was coming in pants, and I wanted nothing more than to come on her mouth. But she had other plans.

After another lick or two, she sat up, both of her hands coming to play on me. Her fingers rubbed my pussy, teasing my opening, while the thumb from her other hand danced circles around my clit. She'd get me moving, then break to tease me with her tongue, refusing to let me reach my crest.

She continued teasing me with her fingers and tongue. Before long, she had me thrusting against the air, wanting all that she was giving me and more. When she lowered her mouth next time, her tongue didn't just assault my pussy. She tickled my clit. Then my lips and opening. And then Sofia teased my arsehole, flicking its tight pucker.

She took a big lick from my clitoris to arse, then brought that damn teasing tongue back. I was losing it. Gasping and moaning and gripping the couch pillows tight, my body sought any type of release.

That's when she started with her thumbs. First, a thumb in my bum and the other on my clit. I was entranced. It felt so good, I couldn't move. I just laid there and took all that she gave, cooing for more. And that's when Sofia slipped the thumb that was on my clit inside me, rubbing it against the thumb in my arse, only thin, sensitive skin separating them.

That was enough. I stood up as she released me. "Wait just a moment." I held up my finger and ran to my room. A moment later, I returned, my favourite anal sex toy and lube in hand. "Now I want you to really fuck me!"

Eager to get what I wanted after Sofia's endless teasing, I laid down on the sofa and turned my arse to her. I watched with anticipation as she lubed the toy and then my bum. She rubbed the toy against my arsehole, then applied just enough pressure to make my anus open and accept it.

"Fuck, Sof," I moaned, my fingers reaching to rub my clitoris. But my lover wasn't done with her teasing. Slowly, she pulled the toy out, then pushed it back in. I moaned into a pillow. She did it again, and this time my body followed it, not wanting to lose the feeling of being so full.

The next time she pushed in, I grabbed her wrist and smiled. I started moving her hand, the one that held the toy, building up a rhythm that I knew would bring me to climax. As the sensations built, my other hand reached between my legs to turn circles on my clitoris.

I threw my head back, thrashing back and forth. My orgasm had been rising for so long, it felt like it was determined to stay just beyond my reach. I moved Sofia's hand faster, making her fuck me harder.

She slid closer, her skin pressed against mine. She kissed the cheeks of my bum, her lips and tongue skating across my skin. It was just what I needed. My breathing quickened. I looked back at Sofia. "Baby, I want to cum."

"Fuck, Toni," she smiled. "I want you to cum for me." She increased the pace of the toy, and I did the same with the fingers on my clitoris. Her lips fell to my shoulder, and that was it.

My orgasm wracked through my body and a deep moan escaped my lips. I thrust against her body, soft on my back. Our hands moved even faster, hers fucking my arsehole, mine assaulting my clitoris. Together we moved faster and faster, taking my climax higher and higher until I finally called out as spasms moved through my body.

But it wasn't enough for Sofia. As I tried to still her hand, she ignored me, keeping the pace high, moving the toy in and out. Her other hand threaded through the hair at the base of my head. She leaned in close, her breath warm on my ear, as she whispered, "I want to see you cum again, Toni."

And at that, I swooned. I gave in to her and the pleasure she created. Holding my gaze, she encouraged me, "That's it, Toni. One more." She moved the toy faster and this time, my orgasm crashed into me, my body thrashing back, then folding forwards on itself, unable to be controlled by anything other than the orgasmic pleasure coursing through me. Again and again, my body spasmed. Again and again, I thrust against her, wanting whatever she gave.

"Fuck, yeah," she said under her breath as another wave of bliss washed over me. I reached for her, and her mouth dropped to mine. Her kiss centered me. It gave me something I could ground to as I withered. Sofia kissed me again, allowing her lips to calm my flesh and soothe the spasms still moving through me.

As my orgasm finally waned, and the toy stilled in my ass, my body quieted. Sofia removed the toy, setting it aside. Then she came to me, her lips on mine. "I've never fucked anyone in the arse before," she said. "That was pretty amazing."

We both giggled as we snuggled into one another. "And here you thought it was my tongue you loved so much."

And at that, Sofia reached over the edge of the couch and picked up her copy of Vogue. Looking at me over the cover.

"You know, I do love your tongue. And that pretty little bum," she said with a wink.

The End