In my dreams

"He's up for it, girl, and we're on—tonight!" says Stacy excitedly, swishing her long auburn hair from her eyes. She pauses to see Venera's reaction; shocked delight—which makes her eyebrows arch and her eyes pop. This would be her first FFM friends threesome.

"Arghhhh! Seriously? Oh My God, I can't believe it!" Venera squeals, dropping the bag of lingerie she's collected from the racks in the shop to try.

Stacy winks. "You'd better, baby! He's the real deal, trust me!"

Still looking Venera in the eye, she slowly shimmies out of her slinky dress and allows it to slip down her thighs and onto the floor of the changing room.

Venera can't help noticing Stacy's taught abs as she takes in this exciting development.

"I wanted to text you all morning, but I had to see your face!" Stacy whispers.

The women have been discussing and fantasising for weeks about having a threesome. Now it's actually coming to fruition, Venera feels suddenly nervous. She has escaped the drudgery of solo parenting for a much-needed weekend in the city with her best friend. Now the realisation of her dream becoming a reality suddenly hits. Her knees buckle slightly.

"Wait, this means we'll play together, too, right?" Venera asks nervously, suddenly feeling coy with her bestie.

"Why? …does that turn you on, darling girl?" Stacy says teasingly, running her finger up Venera's bare arm.

She gasps and realises with a churning stomach that yes, she wants this.

They had planned a relaxing afternoon in a café bar. But the celebratory and somewhat charged atmosphere sizzles palpably with burning hot energy and dripping desire. They laugh, squeal and tease each other, ordering lavish cocktails in a swanky bar.

The two women squirm in their chairs, plotting excitedly about the evening ahead. Venera has so many questions too;

"Who will he fuck first?"

"What if her nerves win?"

"What if she likes it too much?!"

Stacy reassures. "You'll be fine. It can flow at whatever pace we're comfortable with." Then chuckles, "You'll take to it like a duck to water."

Earlier, before leaving the changing rooms, they had each picked out sexy black lingerie. First, helping each other in and out of a delightful array of slutty ensembles. They chose the perfect pieces for him. He is in for a treat.

"Wait," says Venera suddenly, pausing over her drink. "I mean, I know you've already fucked him, but I don't really know the story…"

Stacy's face lights up as she begins to tell her friend how she met Aarron…

If anything was to go by her story he was going to be more than perfect for their FFM friends threesome.


She walked into the bar and spotted him instantly. Sitting at a far table, suavely taking up space with the manly charisma she recognised from their first brief encounter at a sex party a few weekends before. They hadn't hooked up, just exchanged a fiery chemistry and phone numbers, and a tantalising sexy text flirtation had ensued. Then, finally, they'd settled on a date. He exuded an air of confidence, she thought as she walked over, but yet she wasn't intimidated. On the contrary, she felt a zing of excitement.

She arrived at his table, and he stood up. He scooped her in his arms, and they locked eyes, then kissed deeply, intensely. It didn't feel like a first date at all—it was as if they were already lovers as they beamed at each other.

"Here is your drink, Delicious Little Slut," he'd said commandingly. "You'd better sup it quickly."

She saw the Martini glass on the table, cloudy and with an olive; perspiration dripped suggestively down the sides of the glass.

"Perfect, he's got it right." She'd thought; her favourite; Dirty Martini. She wouldn't normally have such a strong drink at lunchtime, but she had cleared her afternoon and could take this risk. Besides, although this was what she wanted, it still felt very bold. A bit of Dutch courage wouldn't go amiss.

She fixed his gaze, slowly lifted the glass to her lips and began to swallow, slightly sucking the rim of her glass.

"Jesus!" he whispered, "I won't be able to stand up to get out of here if you do that!"

Ten minutes later, true to his word, they were inside Aarron's flat. He was on his knees with his face planted in between her legs and had her pinned to the hallway wall with one hand. It was really happening!

"Fuck! This is so hot!" She had always wanted to meet a date and get down to fucking and filth within fifteen minutes of meeting.

But there was more to it. Much more.

She wanted to be taken, forced to do things as if this wasn't her choice.

It felt carnal. A sense of urgency peppered the air.

He didn't have to work hard to get her wet; she was already deluging desire. Her slippery juices flowed, her knickers drenched, and her brain felt deliciously scrambled. She didn't have time to relax into this, though.

"On your knees, you Greedy Little Girl!"

He roughly pulled her down.

Standing over her, he unzipped his dick from his straining work trousers. Her heart skipped a beat, and she noticed, despite the scene of consensual non-consent unfolding, he had placed his jacket under her knees—such a gentleman.

"Look what you've done. You are going to take this now Slut."

Her eyes popped at the sight of his resplendent erect dick, standing to attention, ramrod hard right in her face. She gasped.

It was a beautiful sight, glistening with his desire in the hazy afternoon sunshine which was filtering in through the skylight above. She hardly had time to admire it, though.

"You are going to take Daddy's cock until you gag."

Fuuuuuuck! Her insides almost liquified with a mixture of fear, excitement and shock. He had really understood what she wanted.

He pulled her hair sharply and whacked his dick against her face. "Open wide. Take it now!"

She trembled but did as she was bidden and began to move her mouth up and down his solid shaft. He groaned loudly and thrust against her. Saliva built up and dripped off her chin as her lips squashed and stretched around his ample bulging veiny length.

"Oh, God, that's good!" He plundered further into her mouth and throat; her head juddered with the force of it, and she almost choked.

She had a sudden jolt of nerves; she wasn't sure she could take it that deep, could she?

Although she'd always been desperate to have her limits pushed, she'd never done rough play like this before to find the depths of her depravity.

But it was so fucking good, being used, and degraded by him.

Despite the slight twinge of apprehension, her lust took over, and she trusted him. They had discussed a safe word she could call upon if needed. Not that she could speak… Anyway, she was determined not to spoil it by stopping too soon.

"Keep going," her inner voice encouraged.

He glanced down, looked into her eyes, understood her turmoil perfectly, it seemed and momentarily checked in with a quick nod.

She answered by continuing with her wicked work, fully concentrated on his pleasure. She showed him her dedication.

"Take it, Slut. Just imagine if there were two of you to satisfy me."

This new image he supplied made her jaw widen as she thought of Venera kneeling there beside her, both of them sharing his dick.

Her throat became relaxed as she felt her devotion soar.

Those simple words had clearly made his inevitable explosion build even more quickly in his cock and balls.

Stacy's eyes watered. She was distracted by his firm grip on her hair, helping her keep rhythm. It hurt, yes, but she didn't really notice, so intent was her focus.

She really wanted to serve, to please him.

Her tongue continued lashing his dick as she felt the tell-tale shudders that signified his rising climax.

It was there. Hot salty liquids gushed down her throat. His thighs clenched, his head thrown back, and his release was visceral, vital.

"Fucking hell," he groaned.

She allowed a few good solid pumps to slide down, then pulled away slightly. She was suddenly desperate to watch it coming out. And so that some of it could rain down on her face and chest.

And boy, did it!

It squirted out in ribbons of silky silvery white and soaked into her work blouse…


"Yes, it had been an incredible first date," Stacy tells Venera when she finally comes up for air after this rapid burst of exhilarating storytelling. "And he will be an even better lover for our FFM friends threesome." She giggled.

Venera is goggle-eyed in incredulity.

"Wow, that's so awesome and so insanely hot!" She adjusts her skirt and says in a rush of excitement, "You've just got me so worked up! Did he really say that about me?" She shifts in her seat. "Erm, my new underwear is sodden!"

They roar with laughter as Stacy goes on to say that she and Aarron have met a few times since then for increasingly passionate incredible sex sessions.

Yes, they are a little smitten with each other, and both so turned on by the idea of introducing another naughty member to their little lewd fuck-fest.


Aarron sits in his favourite leather chair. He silently ponders and patiently waits, glancing at his watch.

"Where are they?" He can hardly stand the suspense. He was more than ready for this FFM friends threesome. His cock twitched with anticipation.

He replays Stacy's words describing Venera, "She's ripe as a peach waiting to be plucked!"

The thought that she is a newbie, someone to introduce to the beauty of a friends threesome, is very arousing. He has a sudden thirst as he imagines savouring both women.

And Venera's pictures are so inviting, too, with those sexy curves.

He picks up his glass of Bourbon and sips, slowly savouring the hot burn as he contemplates.

Stacy has already texted him earlier, teasing him, telling him how hot Venera looks. His cock is bulging in his smart trousers as he thinks of the two girls playing together properly for the first time. And with him there to witness it all. He's in for a treat, that much he knows.

Stacy is so stunning too. Thinking of her always gives him an instant boner. He undresses her in his head, reliving the moment he first fucked her. The little muffled cries she makes when he enters her, and the way she grips onto his body with her thighs, make him rock hard for her.

It had been surprisingly tender and intimate, however, given the depravity of their first sexual encounter in his hallway.

It's true; when he met Stacy, she had quite taken his breath away with her spectacular physique and coquettish smiles. The moment he saw her in that outfit from across the room, he'd decided he wasn't going to let the chance to meet her slip by.

He didn't expect their first date to develop in the way it did. It was ridiculously horny when she sucked him off on her knees in his flat hallway.

Each time they've met since, it's been more mind-blowing than the last. And this FFM friends threesome was going to be just as intense.

They had fantasised about Venera joining them too. This had fuelled all-night marathon sex sessions; worthy of a medal in some kind of Sexual Olympic Awards. They were left exhausted but smiling. Still coming back for more.

And the incredible orgasms she has.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God!" The way her face crumples up just before she comes and then the look of complete euphoria that floods her features; making her even more beautiful.

Yes, he smiles to himself. I'm definitely ready for more filth.

He reaches to the ashtray, takes up the metal clipper and neatly slices off the end of the cigar. Yes, why not? He deserves this while he waits.

How timely, he thinks as he hears the girls arrive.


They sneak in quietly. Stacy wants to warm Venera up first.

It's true; they have an intimate friendship and no secrets, but this threesome will surely take it to another level, an altogether scintillating thought.

But Venera makes the first move and pulls Stacy towards her. Leaning against the wall, they start to kiss, slow and tentative, then growing greedier.


He decides he will stay seated and let them come to him.

What's taking them so long?

He hears soft giggles.


Out in the hallway, the girls have a few minutes of intense kissing, their tongues becoming entwined.

Venera pulls away, slightly embarrassed. "Oh My God, your lips are so soft," she pants, chuckling. "Why have I never kissed a woman before?!"

Stacy puts her finger to her lips and bobs down to her knees, deftly pulling down Venera's skirt.

Venera inhales sharply at her own near-nakedness, then grins down at her naughty friend. Jesus, she is about to become my lover.

The girls disrobe and stand in their glorious new lingerie.

Stacy looks at Venera with a wicked glint in her eye.

"Ready to meet him?" She whispers.

Nodding enthusiastically, Venera tells herself, Go for it, now or never!


Their entrance is not disappointing.

Jesus, the sight of them in their new lingerie is breathtaking. How can he bear it?

He watches as they stand, waiting, slowly teasing him.

They begin playfully caressing each other, almost kissing. He is pleased to see that they aren't entirely focused on each other.

They glance suggestively over, waiting for his beckoning.

Their kissing becomes desperate with fervent hunger.

He sucks on the cigar, puffs out smoke and enjoys the sweet, heavy odour as he drinks in this sight. Anticipation builds.

His desperation to feel them is taking control like an unstoppable force. He is utterly bewitched.

But he's waited this long. He can hold it a few more minutes, surely.

Finally, he hears the delightful click of their heels on the hardwood floor as they come closer.

This threesome is going to be sublime.

Stacy struts straight over to him, excitement at seeing her man spills over as she kneels and leans into him. She needs connection and intimacy, even if only briefly, before they get stuck in.

Venera's heart is beating so hard she thinks maybe the others can hear it! But she pushes her nerves aside and starts to rub her hands up and down his body from where she has a bird's eye view behind the chair.

Stacy begins to unzip him while Venera cheekily grabs the cigar and takes a few puffs, with huge naughty grins filling her face as she sees this unfold before her.

"Is this for real?"

But she sees that Stacy needs help to disrobe their prize.

With frantic glee, both girls pull down his trousers and lavish his now bare chest with their attentions.

"Oh my God! Such rippling muscles and smooth skin." Venera can hardly contain her excitement. He is a sight for sore eyes.

He is already hard, so excited by the reaction from the girls that he swells with pride. Their moans and groans only make him want them both more.

He watches as they start to lick and suck. Taking his balls in her mouth, Stacy looks up at him as she takes lavish slurps up his length and meets Stacey's lips over the top of his cock.

The feeling of her tongue lashing and gently probing his tip is utterly exquisite.

The leather chair squeaks audibly; it's almost as if it's this inanimate object is part of their play. Stacy begins to deep-throat him.

But her new underwear needs to come off; she quickly unleashes it. The beaded decorations clink onto the floor with a pleasing sound.

Venera isn't disappointed with how things are progressing. But she can't think straight; her thoughts become jumbled with confusion and hot desire. This feels somehow wrong and yet so so right; "Oh God, don't stop! Oh, Sweet Jesus, where has this been all my life?" She thinks.

Aarron's thoughts drift as he watches the girls kissing. He can't decide whether he prefers watching them kiss just above his cock or whether the feeling of their lips sliding up and down his shaft is better.

Venera feels her confidence soar, "I was born for this," she thinks and moves up to embrace Aarron deeply; his lips feel so soft against hers, and she realises she's never sucked a guy's cock before actually kissing.

With so many firsts happening all at once, her mind fizzes, and she almost misses the next development.

Stacy squats down and gracefully removes her panties. Now she turns around and squats again. This time impaling herself onto Aarron's meaty dick.

Venera feels a slight rising panic; "What to do now?" but she relaxes and leans into snog Stacy passionately.

With renewed poise Venera's hand boldly strays down.

Down towards the first pussy she has ever touched other than her own.

"Oh, my God. She's so soft and so wet…" Her fingers strum, and the feeling of her friend's hips pressing into her hand is so new, so incredible.

Stacy's pace has picked up, and the sound of the chair joining in with its squeaking, luxurious leather sounds only made this whole experience seem more taboo. The undulations of Stacy's body gyrating and her loud panting and groaning make Venera even hornier.

"Oh my god, I'm so desperate to fuck him too," she thinks desperately, "When will it be my turn?"

Aarron can feel his rising lust, he tries to contain himself, but Stacy's grinding action feels so fucking good.

"I must hold back." He commands.

Watching Venera spank and kiss his lover's pussy is wild. "Fuck, she's coming so soon!" he can always tell when she's close. She judders, and her thrusting builds pace.

She's a spectacular fuck-machine. He just loves the way she gyrates.

Venera has a sudden urge to savour Stacy's juices and steals Aarron's soaking dick out of her cunt. Greedily she sucks the sweet sex tastes before allowing the slapping, pump and grind to continue.

"Jesus, this is like my own private sex show!" Venera is still slightly in shock at the scene unfolding and the dichotomy of feelings as she kisses her best friend while she is being fucked.

Stacy is in her happy place; the sensation of the other two caressing her all over while she is being pummelled from underneath is sublime.

But she is also desperate to see Venera with Aarron; this is what she's been dying for. The thought of this brings renewed vigour.

Her orgasm is electrifying and breathtaking, but she can't stop.

It intensifies, builds and releases.

The girls' kisses morph into shrieks and pants, and Venera's hand around her neck is the final straw. Her body shudders in exquisite pleasure.

But she pulls away. Its time.

Venera sees what's happening.

"Oh my god, it's my turn! I'm getting to fuck him now!"

Knickers off in a flash, she gets into position but first teases, prolonging her desperation and rubbing her soaking slit along his shaft. The filthy thought of her juices mingling with Stacy's is finally too unbearable, and she impales herself on him.

"Ahhhhh, no wonder she enjoys him so much!" she gasps to herself.

His conquering cock hits every spot perfectly as she moves up and down rhythmically, building in all-consuming pleasure.

Stacy now climbs up and, once again showing off her squatting prowess, positions herself gingerly on the arms of the chair.

"This is gold." Aarron thinks as the girls kiss, moaning and groaning, fills the air pleasingly. "We've made a true love triangle!"

Venera is quickening already. The intensity of their fucking, the whole scene, is addictive.

"More, more, more!" the voice in her head is relentless alongside this, thrusting up into her. She is surprised though by the soft caresses he is tenderly treating her to, much more intimate than she had imagined…

As their wonderful FFM friends threesome continues to erupt, they all become lost in each other's skin, lust and licks. Each time they think it's coming to an end, another orgasm, more sucking and fabulous frenzied fucking, frankly, they are all in heaven.

But finally, it is time for Aarron. He has earned this. He is dying to take a more dominant role and stands up to fuck Stacy from behind. He can now see Venera facing him. Watching.

"She really is so hot, but Holy Fuck, Stacy is such a good girl. She's really taking it", he thinks.

The show is almost over, Venera has the best front-row seat, and her clit is being treated to the most delicious waves of mounting pleasure.

She can see Aarron is close. He is an incredible man; she's never seen such a fit guy.

"Jesus, did I really just have sex with him?"

It's almost unreal—he is about to unload his spunk into her best friend while she is there watching, joining, cheering this on.

But yet, it feels so natural and so intimate. She is so utterly satisfied to see Stacy taking such a good pounding.

His face contorts in that recognisable way; he is coming for sure. Stacy is being filled up with his hot pulsating jizz!

Gradually the tension eases; they chuckle and kiss sweetly in unison at what wonderful filth has just taken place. They are bonded now, more than ever.

This is only the start.

The End