Pegged bliss

Regular relaxation is supposed to be good for you, right? So many of my girlfriends gripe because they never get a break. Yet, here I was sitting drinking coffee and reading a glossy magazine at my husband's behest, whilst he did the housework.

I should have been thrilled, but in reality, I was fidgety and completely unable to settle into reading. It didn't help that Don was currently hoovering the room I was sitting in. It wasn't the noise that was distracting me—it was more the sight of Don's tight backside clearly visible through his trousers as he bent over to move the furniture. If there's one thing I'll say for my husband, it's that he's thorough. Once he's decided to do something, Don makes absolutely sure that he does it well.

He turned towards me and began pushing the vacuum towards my stockinged feet. I lifted them out of the way so he could get past, and was rewarded by him wriggling his ass in my face as he went by. Whatever his motivation for distracting me, it worked—there was no way I was going to be able to read anything with that tasty sight in front of me. Giving in to the inevitable, I leaned forward and hooked a finger into the back of Don's trousers, pulling him down beside me on the sofa.

He laughed and leant away from me—I moved to grab him back, before realising that he was just switching the machine off.

Putting my drink and magazine down on the table, I beckoned him closer. As soon as he sat down, Don slid a hand up my thigh and squeezed. So he had been trying to tempt me, after all. Clearly, I wasn't the only one feeling fidgety this afternoon. I leaned in to kiss him, and he stroked my legs as his tongue probed my eager mouth. God, he tasted good. He stopped for a second and pulled back to smile at me in that way that made me instantly wet.

I stretched my leg out across his lap, and his kisses became more urgent, before he pushed me backwards onto the sofa. Sliding one hand down, he felt for my pussy, and I instinctively spread my legs to give him access. His firm fingers pushed against my clit and slid briefly inside me, making me gasp.

Sitting up slightly, Don pushed my leg up into the air and kissed my foot, before sliding down between my legs in order to give my aching cunt the attention it so desperately needed. I arched my back as he pushed first one, then two fingers deep inside. I could feel myself dripping onto his hand as he began to finger-fuck me in earnest, and I couldn't wait any longer. Grabbing the back of his head, I pushed him down hard against my cunt. He caught on quickly and immediately began to lick my clit in long, steady strokes as shuddering began deep inside.

He'd always been good at this; pussy licking was one of his greatest talents. His tongue swirled and probed, and I thrust myself upwards against him, desperate for the hotness of his mouth against the frantic pulsing of my core.

Realising I was close to the edge, Don reached his arms around my hips and held me down hard, whilst his tongue forced me closer to oblivion. I was shaking now, tipping my head forward to watch him sucking and licking at me, even as I lost control. I came suddenly, my entire body spasming into orgasm and my legs locking around Don's back as I gripped his head against me and forced him to taste the sticky wetness coming from my pulsing cunt.

As I subsided slowly, Don pushed my legs wide apart, so that he could see just how wet I was. Looking up at me, he gave a small smile and then leaned forward to lick my cunt again, sending what felt like electric shocks through the sensitive nerve endings. I shivered with excitement, and he sat back and laughed slightly, before climbing up between my legs and leaning over to kiss me. I could taste my own cunt in his mouth, and it only made me want him more.

Pushing him backwards so that he was sitting down on the sofa, I knelt up next to him and waited impatiently as he undid his trousers and freed his beautiful cock. Unable to stop myself, I immediately bent to take it into my mouth, luxuriating in the width and hardness of him and knowing that it was all mine to play with. Moving my head up and down, I fucked him rhythmically with my mouth and heard him gasp as I pushed his cock deeper down into my throat with each movement. His hand slid over my back and down onto my backside, where he gripped my flesh hard and made me intensely aware that my bare ass was sticking up into the air and just waiting for attention. I gripped his balls as I sucked at him, feeling the blood pulsing as his excitement increased. His groans got louder as he kicked off his trousers in order to be able to thrust up into my throat.

I couldn't wait any longer. Pushing myself upright, I caught hold of Don's shirt and shoved him backwards onto the sofa, so that I could position myself over him. He laughed and smiled up at me, the anticipation clear on his face as I reached for his thick cock. I gave him a squeeze and he gasped as I lowered myself slightly in order to rub the head of his cock against my soaking-wet cunt.

Oh god, there was no way I could hold out any longer. I sank down, groaning as his engorged cock stretched me until I could hardly bear the pressure. Leaning forward, I kissed Don deeply, sucking his tongue into my mouth as I swirled my hips letting him fill me completely. I gripped the sofa arm for leverage and pushed myself back and forth, riding him forcefully as I took my own pleasure.

He grinned up at me and I slapped him hard. The shock made him gasp and thrust automatically upwards, pushing himself even deeper into my hot, wet cunt. The throbbing of my orgasm rose deep inside me and I became almost frantic with desperation. I slapped Don hard again, before bunching his shirt in my fists and using it to anchor myself as I forced my body down onto him. Rolling my hips in order to gain maximum contact against my pulsating clit, I used one hand to grip his neck so he couldn't move. I had the perfect rhythm going now, sliding myself up and down the full length of his swollen cock and pressing him into every last inch of me. It felt as though every nerve inside my cunt was on fire as I pushed myself towards the edge, not caring about anything except my own pleasure. I gave one last twist of my hips and was gone, exploding from my very core and shuddering with the desperate desire to have him as deep inside me as possible as I came hard and tightened around his cock.

Leaning forward, I kissed him deeply as the shaking slowly subsided. He was still hard as a rock, and it was tempting to keep going where I was, but I'd had a better idea. Giving him one last brief kiss, I forced myself to slide up and off his cock in order to go find what I was looking for.

Don sat waiting as I left the room, and looked slightly confused when I came back in empty-handed. But I had a surprise in store for him. Taking his hand, I led it down my body to where my skirt puffed out from its pleated waistband. As he felt what was hidden beneath the fabric, Don grinned.

I slowly pulled up my skirt to reveal the black, strap-on dildo I'd been hiding and saw a distinct gleam appear in his eyes. Without warning, he pulled me down onto the sofa and rolled on top of me. Taking each of my nipples into his mouth in turn, he dragged them on his tongue and sucked hard, before pulling away with a delicious slurping noise. His hands roamed my body, stroking the smooth length of the dildo and then moving down to where my slippery wet cunt waited for more attention.

Pushing himself upright, Don balanced himself between my legs as I looked up at him in anticipation. His cock was so hard that I could see it throbbing from where I lay, and I wanted nothing more than to feel it pushing slowly into me. Gripping himself with one practiced hand, Don slid his cock up and down the length of my wet slit, making me groan with pleasure. The dildo stood temptingly upright and I couldn't stop myself from imagining how I was going to use it to punish my horny husband, as he thrust himself deep inside me without warning and I cried out. I arched one leg up and over his shoulder as he began to fuck me in earnest, stretching me open and forcing me to take the full length of him.

He bent forward to kiss me and I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth, not wanting to let him go. His thrusts became more urgent and he reached over my head to grab the sofa for leverage as he ploughed me hard down into the soft leather. I was becoming overwhelmed with sensations, his cock feeling as though it might split me wide open as he hammered himself into me.

Just as I thought he was going to come there and then, he slowed and lowered his weight onto me. His hips rolled against my very core and I felt as though I might float away, but he was too clever for that. He gave a sudden, deep thrust with all of his weight behind it and it was all I could do not to scream as the neurons in my head and my cunt fought for dominance in a desperate race to push me over the edge yet again. As he pressed down, the hard surface of the dildo pressed between us and I stroked it in anticipation as Don pushed himself rhythmically into me. He licked and sucked at my toes as he rolled his hips and fucked me with the full length of his cock and found myself toppling. I reached my arms over my head and hung on to the sofa arm in a desperate attempt to anchor myself, as I lost control completely. Spasming up against him, I clenched my cunt as hard as I could and gripped against the heft of him as I came hard yet again. My own wetness dripped down between my buttocks, making me want him inside every last part of me. He slowed and I moaned softly as the waves lessened and I once again became aware of the room around me.

And I hadn't even carried out my own devious plans yet. Don licked and sucked my nipples and then moved up to kiss me, his tongue probing my mouth as though testing how deep he could get inside me. He was stroking the dildo as we kissed and I decided that it would be cruel not to let him experience it fully.

I dripped some lube onto the very tip of it, watching Don's reaction as I did so. He couldn't take his eyes off it, following every move I made as I stroked the lube from the base up to the tip and back down again. Reaching a hand out, he began stroking it himself, as if playing with his own cock. I led his hand around and over it, getting him used to the feeling. He stopped to pour more lube onto it himself and I knew he was ready. This was going to be some fun wife pegging husband sex.

Guiding him onto his knees, I pushed him gently forward so that he was leaning over the arm of the sofa. Unable to stop myself, I gave his backside a sharp slap and, instead of complaining, he audibly gasped. Yes, he was ready.

Positioning myself between his legs, I dripped some of the lube onto his tight hole, which twitched and puckered as I stroked it with the tip of my finger. I could see his body clench as the tip of the dildo pressed against his opening and I placed a reassuring hand on the small of his back.

There's a good boy, I was saying silently, open up for me. Take me inside…see what I can give you.

He relaxed into it and I pressed myself slowly against him, opening him up a fraction at a time. He was nodding and groaning as I slid deeper inside him.

See how it feels? I thought, thrusting the last couple of inches without warning and making him cry out. I held still, pressed tight up against his body, as he became accustomed to the intrusion and murmured to himself with pleasure. Slowly I began to rock against him, pulling out a short way and then sliding back in, keeping the momentum building.

"Do you like this?" I asked him, breaking the quietness. He couldn't find the words and just nodded silently as he pushed back against me. I began to thrust harder, looking down at where my smooth cock was sliding in and out of his willing hole.

Pulling out fully, I watched him close up and then forced myself back deep inside him, watching him stretch open to take me. Sliding out again, I pulled Don over onto his back and positioned myself between his legs. I'd had so much fun with his cock that I wanted to watch it whilst I fucked him. He held his legs wide apart and gazed at me with anticipation as I slid slowly back inside him. His cock was pulsing again now, and I suddenly had a desperate urge to fuck him so hard that he would come as I watched.

I leaned back slightly, so that I could see myself sliding in and out of him, and reached a hand forward to grasp his cock. Taking my weight on my other arm, I began pegging him in earnest whilst stroking his cock in time with my thrusts.

Oh yes, I thought, you like this, don't you? You love this wife pegging husband sex as much as I do. You like taking me in your ass and letting me fuck you, letting me stretch you open and filling you with my hard cock as I ride your ass and pump your cock until you don't know what to do with yourself…

Don groaned as if he could hear me, as if he knew what I was thinking when I fucked my husband and made him feel how I felt when he fucked me. How it felt to be stretched from the inside, to be forced to come—forced to take more, to feel more, to be pushed so close to the edge that it felt like you might burst apart at the seams and all you can think about is that cock deep inside you and how it makes you feel, how you need it to be deeper, harder, more…

I was pumping him hard now, my own excitement making me almost lose control as I fucked his ass deep and watched his face tighten with the sheer, animal pleasure of being well and truly taken. I felt him clench and pushed myself deep inside him, pressing tight against his flesh as he groaned and spasmed. He spurted without warning, spraying upwards as his ass tightened around me even through the silicone of the dildo.

I collapsed onto him, kissing him gently as he jerked upwards one last time and then subsided. He groaned as I slid carefully out of him, and we lay there like that for a few delicious, sticky moments, remembering how to breathe again.

I smiled quietly to myself. I do like to think we have a very well-balanced marriage.

The End