"Coming out tonight, Julia?"

Julia glanced at the text message and checked the time. Quarter to five on a Friday afternoon. One of the numerous benefits to working from home was signing off on her terms; she shut her laptop and stretched her arms over her head.

Her phone vibrated again. "Or are you actually going to woman up and invite that neighbour of yours over for a drink?"

Julia rolled her eyes and picked up her phone. Rebecca, her best friend, clearly wouldn't be ignored. Now that her neighbour had been mentioned, however tangentially, the guilt for finishing work a few minutes early dissipated. Pressing the microphone icon, she held her phone to her lips and muttered, "I'm too drained to go out, I'm afraid. And shut up about Dominic."

Rebecca replied instantly with, "Oh, so he has a name now?"

Julia got up from her swivel chair. Phone in one hand and empty water bottle in the other, she made her way to the kitchen and filled her bottle with chilled, filtered water.

She responded to Rebecca's last message. "Yes, he and his dog both have names. Dominic and Bailey. That's all I know about them."

The ellipses appeared, followed by the green bubble. "That and he's unspeakably hot."

Julia laughed once, the sound echoing off the sturdy kitchen cabinets. "This coming from the married woman," she replied.

"Doesn't make me blind. Don't think I didn't look over the fence and saw him push that lawnmower. Those gym shorts didn't do a good job hiding that juicy ass. How much do you think he lifts doing squats?"

At that, Julia blushed and took a much-needed drink of water, which instantly cooled her rapidly heating skin. In lieu of the headache of trying to get a Sunday brunch reservation, she and her close group of friends rotated hosting duties for a weekly mimosa and Bloody Mary filled reprieve from responsibilities. Julia remembered the day to which Rebecca referred like it happened yesterday, instead of earlier this summer. They'd been lounging on the back patio, each of the five friends about two mimosas into the midafternoon, when the scent of gasoline and roar of a Craftsman push mower interrupted their conversation. At first, she'd been annoyed at having to shout at her friends to talk like they were back at any of the nightclubs on 18th Street. When she'd turned to look over her shoulder to see who'd be rude enough to start their yard work at that admittedly reasonable hour, the admonishment had died in her throat.

Closing her eyes, the kitchen fell away as her mind was flooded with the memory of her first look at Dominic and his adorably happy yellow Labrador trotting around the fence line. As he pushed the mower up the steady incline of his yard, Julia first noticed the sharp lines of his calves flexing with each precise step. Unable to stop herself, she'd continued ogling him, her eyes pausing as his faded maroon gym shorts inched up each leg, exposing thick yet well-hewn thighs and culminating to full, firm glutes. The fact that she couldn't determine if he'd worn a gold band had been the swift reminder for her to set an appointment for a vision checkup.

The phone vibrated in her hand, and Julia returned to reality. Glancing down at it, she saw Rebecca's new message. "Too bad he doesn't have a fitspo Instagram."

"Of course you'd go looking for one," Julia typed back.

Incapable of halting these intrusive thoughts, she wondered what sort of workout regimen Dominic undertook. As she sipped her morning coffee, no longer needing to battle a punishing morning commute to a drab office, she'd noticed him jogging in the early mornings, a cloud of air fluttering from his lips steadily, Bailey in a black harness running next to him, matching his long strides. Julia was certain he combined that with a well-rounded weight routine. No man could appear as if carved from stone without doing both.

"We all need something to motivate us," Rebecca responded.

Not wanting to continue this conversation, Julia double-tapped the thumbs up icon and trudged back to her office, shoving the charger into her phone. Succumbing to distraction, she stepped across the hall into her bedroom, a grey and black minimalist space free of framed photos, as she hadn't yet had either the time or the inclination to decorate any further, and opened her top nightstand drawer.

She sighed, then quickly reminded herself that all she'd been taught in her childhood was incorrect. Indulging in imagined scenarios behind a locked door and drawn curtains, where she was bold instead of reserved, was perfectly healthy. Reaching for her black vibrator, she tossed it on her cream-colored duvet and went to her closet, pulling the violet sweater from her body and hanging it in its place. After peeling off her grey leggings, she turned and gave herself a once-over in the full-length mirror.

A lifetime of cross-country running had honed her body into its perpetually lean form. The matching periwinkle bralette and panties did nothing to hide her strong thighs and defined arms. Julia ran her hand through her long, dark hair and pouted at her reflection, briefly wondering if Dominic preferred that sort of expression, or if he was drawn to a more impish grin. It didn't matter either way; she would always be too shy to approach him.

As long as he stayed on his side of the fence and she stayed on hers, her carefully crafted life would remain in order.

Stepping out of her closet, Julia picked up the vibrator and made her way to the living room. Keeping the thin, white curtain drawn, she bit her lower lip and opened the front window a bit, needing to feel the late summer breeze on her flushed skin. She glanced at the digital clock on her barely used DVD player and saw it was now half-past five. Based on the patterns she'd recognised about the people in the neighbourhood, she knew Dominic would pull into his driveway any minute now, then immediately open the door to his patio so Bailey could run around the yard.

Confident he wouldn't hear her, Julia placed the vibrator on the glass side table and sank into the plush, light-grey armchair next to the window. Letting the world fall away, she closed her eyes and sank into the softness of the cushions. The breeze fluttered the curtains, its welcome touch bringing her nipples to prominent points against her lace bralette. Rolling her body, she revelled in the familiar, electrifying sensation, her nerves coming alive while her limbs became more languid. Instead of stopping herself, Julia pressed on her upper thigh more firmly, spreading her fingers wide.

For this scenario, she recalled the attire he'd worn one evening that remained a permanent fixture in her memory: pressed khakis that fit him perfectly, a forest green button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and brown leather shoes paired with a matching belt. In her mind's eye, playing out like her own female masturbation sex story, Dominic bent over her, one hand gripping the armrest, the other stroking her thigh. He exhaled long and low with each caress, his warm breath heating the delicate skin of her neck. He took his time to acquaint himself with her body. This was not the impatient fumbling of a young, eager man, the kind she'd had the misfortune of knowing throughout her twenties. Rather, this was the exploration of a man who savoured his experiences, the kind who slowly sipped a glass of Lagavulin 16 after braising a red-wine short rib. She'd seen him kick his feet up on the railing of his patio, an open paperback on his lap and Bailey resting her head on his thigh. In her most private moments, Julia was woman enough to admit, if only to herself, she was jealous of his dog.

As she ran her hands over her body and writhed in the armchair, she heard the distinct sound of tires scraping against asphalt. A quiet gasp escaped her lips as she realised he'd arrived at home. Not allowing reality to interrupt her self-exploration, Julia covered her breasts with her hands, rolling and squeezing them, welcoming the wish for Dominic's touch instead of her own. Pressing her thighs together, she couldn't help but wonder if her neighbour was confident enough to read her movements and anticipate what she wanted. It didn't matter, of course.

That was the beauty of fantasy: in her mind, Dominic behaved in accordance to her deepest, most desperate desires.

Peeling the scrap of fabric covering her left breast, Julia stared down at her dark, pointed nipple. She could so easily imagine Dominic kneeling before her, his gaze darkening while she continued rolling her body in the armchair. The man in her dreams was patient with her, allowing her to slowly tempt him into unravelling. Raising her hand to her mouth, she wrapped her lips around her index and middle fingers, swirling her tongue over her soft skin, nipping her teeth against the point of her index finger. Julia couldn't help but think of Dominic's fingers between her lips, wanting to send the subtle, distinct shock of her bite straight to his cock. Removing her fingers from her mouth, she teased her nipple, her wet fingertips and the cool breeze a sharp, welcome sensation.

She pinched and tugged on her nipple, then covered her breast with her palm to soothe the aching point. Her eyes still shut, she could clearly imagine Dominic's lips covering her breast, his tongue and teeth working exquisite torture on her sensitive flesh. As she coiled her hands in his impossibly thick hair, which she'd long ago noticed was light brown streaked with silver strands, he growled against her skin. She pulled her right breast from the bralette, roughly gripping her delicate flesh, desperately wanting his warm hand confidently manipulating her, pushing her further into the depths of her passion. In the armchair, Julia released a slow, shuddering breath; the mere thought of her neighbour on the brink of unbridled lust for her sent her deeper into her present pleasure.

Her thighs still clenched together, Julia pressed her forearm to her chest as she reached for the lace waistband of her panties. Slipping her fingers beneath the fabric, she brushed them against her curls. Catching a tuft between her fingers, she gently tugged the coarse hairs upward, her toes curling against the plush cushion of the armchair. In the sensual dance playing out in her mind, Dominic still licked and sucked on her breasts while beneath her hips, he pressed one of his hands against the damp satin between her legs, his thick thumb circling her entrance. It didn't matter how urgently he wanted her; she let the scene play out on her mental stage, grateful for not having to direct him to slowly unwind with her.

Through the cracked window, she heard the whine of his storm door opening, followed by the jangle of Bailey's collar as she sprinted down the wooden steps into the lush grass Dominic maintained with diligence. Not stopping her self-ministrations, Julia smiled and wondered if he was glad to be home, enjoying this brief moment of respite with the rustling of leaves on the late summer breeze. Continuing to stroke her tender, aching flesh, she pondered how he would spend his weekend. Perhaps he'd take advantage of the warm weather and go for a lengthy hike, working those sculpturally perfect legs up and down one of several trails along the Blue Ridge Mountains. Fuck, those legs of his were incomparable.

"Bailey, come!" His sharp, deep voice pierced through her delicious mental fog. She slowed her self-exploration and opened her eyes halfway, angling her head to the window. There was a brief pause as she pictured the dog trotting toward him before sitting at his feet expectantly. Julia then heard a low, rumbling laugh. "That's a good girl."

Julia moaned. The contented satisfaction was evident in his voice, and its pitch awakened something even more desperate within her. Returning her attention to herself, she tore her panties from her body and spread her inner lips before circling her clit with the tip of her middle finger. Oh, but the way he'd said those four words… how she yearned for him to direct that attention toward her as he cupped her pussy and made her his plaything.

She tore her other hand from her chest and grabbed the vibrator off the side table. Raising it to her lips, Julia grinned to herself: the manufacturer had moulded protruding veins into the silicone, an artful touch that she appreciated. Spreading her legs wide, she coated the underside of the toy's tip with her tongue, the scene in her mind changing. Now Dominic stood next to her, his hips perfectly in line with her face. As she stroked herself, he grasped his thick erection through the khaki fabric, which did nothing to conceal the contours of his cock.

"Touch me," he instructed, his vocal chords scraping against one another. She clearly saw herself reaching for him, brushing her fingers against the hard ridges of his flesh. Above her, she watched him tilt his head back and shudder before she quickly unclasped his belt. The Julia she imagined herself to be was no longer shy with him; she was now too needy for him to care how eager she came across. As she tugged his pants down his thighs, she noticed a small dot of moisture on his grey boxer briefs and her mouth instantly watered. Dominic groaned as she pulled his cock from his fly and traced her thumb along the soft tip that yielded to her touch.

Wishing the toy was in fact his straining cock, Julia filled her mouth with it, swirling her tongue over every inch of rigid silicone. She moaned around it, still circling her fingertip across her needy clit. Taking more of the phallus into her mouth, she could almost hear Dominic shudder and groan before whispering, "That's a good girl."

Her pussy flooded at the thought, her entire being seeking nothing but praise from him and relief for herself. She spread her legs wider still, throwing one leg over an armrest. With each lick, she imagined him slowly thrusting his hips forward, needing more of her around him. The very idea of her outrageously sexy neighbour needing her like this, wet, open, and wordlessly begging for him, brought her closer to the edge.

As she removed the phallus from her lips, she then imagined Dominic tearing the rest of his clothes from his impeccable body and tossing them with abandon. Now she needed him to be just as desperate for her as she was for him. She brought the vibrator to her glistening entrance and pressed the button, turning it on to its lowest setting. The quiet rumbling broke through her fantasy as she then pictured Dominic lowering his hips between her open legs, gripping his cock and angling it to where they both needed him. Julia knew how wet her pussy was and didn't wait, sliding the phallus inside her with one swift thrust, her body creating the sensation of his smooth, heated skin covering hers.

She moved the toy rhythmically in and out of her aching cunt, increasing the vibrator's speed. Conjuring his head next to hers, she could almost hear him whisper, "Fuck, you take me so well. Such a good girl." She bit down on her lower lip, nearly believing she held the skin of his neck between her teeth. Shuddering, she grasped the smooth fabric of the armchair, needing it to be the back of his perfect thigh, needing to feel the muscles beneath his skin ripple and strain as he took her. Each flex of her wrist against her cunt was, in her mind, another deliciously punishing thrust of his hips.

The familiar pressure built deep within her belly. "That's it," the fictitious Dominic growled into her ear. "Come for me, Julia. Come all over my cock."

In the next second, she pressed the vibrator's button once more, every nerve ending in her body attuned to her pussy. Grinding her hips to meet the rigid toy, she broke and cried out, no longer caring if any of the neighbours heard her through her cracked window. As she moaned and gasped, riding out each wave of overwhelming pleasure, her traitorous mind conjured Dominic growling into her neck and whispering sweet, filthy words of encouragement: "Fuck, Julia. God, I love it when you come. Such a good, good girl."

With one final, strangled gasp, she let the last wave crash over her body before turning off the toy. Panting, she opened her eyes and let the still, nondescript living room come into focus. She waited for the furious blush to rise to her cheeks, and was surprised the blood didn't come rushing to her face. Slowly, she pulled the thick phallus from her pussy and brought it to her face, grinning at its glistening surface before bringing it back between her lips, licking the heady sweetness of her arousal from it. Before descending fully into reality, she imagined Dominic looking down at the two of them, smirking and muttering, "Look at the mess you've made."

Julia took a deep breath and stretched her languid limbs before rising from the armchair and making her way to her small en suite bathroom. Flicking on the light, she glanced at her reflection and rolled her eyes. Her dark hair cascading in all direction, she looked thoroughly used yet serene. Julia cleaned her vibrator and somehow found the courage to perhaps see if what she'd just envisioned could in fact become reality. With a sigh, she whispered to herself, "Carpe diem, after all."

Placing her newly cleaned toy on the pristine sink, she went back into her closet and pulled on a red maxi dress, not bothering with either a bra or underwear, needing to feel the sun's warmth on her skin. Making her way to her own patio, she sighed with relief he was still there, stroking Bailey's ears in unbothered contentment. Before she could think twice, she took a deep breath and called out to him.

"Hey there, Dominic! Any chance you like Merlot?"

The End