Golden hour

Antonia's eyes light up as her gaze locks with mine, her joy matching my own as we enter through the wooden gate.

Yesterday my neighbour had told me about this clearing, a crop circle in the middle of his field, and I immediately made plans to bring Antonia to it. We loved outdoor sex—to frolic in the delightful sunshine buck naked when we pleasured each other, so this hidden spot sounded ideal. I told her about my idea over breakfast burritos, and that lusty expression she gets when she's horny had blazed bright. Her eyes had roamed my chest, then drifted back up, and she smiled salaciously. She was all in for our nature sexscapade before I had even finished describing the situation.

I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. She glances at me. Her absolute glee sets my heart rate aflutter. My girlfriend is the sexiest creature I've ever laid eyes on, and the fact that she's been mine for the last year still astonishes me. How did I get this lucky to garner the likes of this woman? I erase any doubt on my face before she sees it. I'm not going to question it for long because there is too much enjoyment at hand.

"No one will see us, Antonia," I say as we part the vegetation with our footsteps. In the back of my mind, I wonder if my neighbour told me about this secluded clearing so that he could watch us. He knows we're outdoor fuckers and this would be like his very own lesbian outdoor porn story.

"Well, you know I don't care if they do," she says with a giggle, she looks beautifully relaxed and carefree.

I know exactly what she means because being watched doing anything sexual rages up my lust too. "I'm kind of hoping we do get spotted." Part of me wishes I had hinted to my neighbour so he'd come spy on us. "A horny peeping Tom, or Tomalynn, would be so hot."

She snatches my hand in hers, and we tear through the waving stalks of wheat—the full splendour of feeling free bursting from us as we race along. The wind lifts and plays with her luscious brown locks, and her sundress hem claps against her bare thigh as she scoots along. All I can think about is her big O face, which wets my pussy lips further. I'm thrilled we are running because physical exercise always helps my climaxes be extra delicious.

"I see it ahead," she says loudly while looking back at me.

I smile at her, and her giddiness makes mine swell.

"We are gonna have such a good fuck session. I can't wait," I say through my panting.

We rush into the clearing in the vegetation and both of us flip our sundresses off in two seconds flat. No underwear or bra needed when one is going to a field to moan and climax.

I bite my lip as I gaze upon her yummy pink nipples. I can't wait to get my mouth around her gorgeous feminine nuggets. I shove all thoughts of work aside, even though my project deadline threatens my mood. Right now is my time with Antonia, and yes, we are playing hooky from work, but how could we not on such a day full of sunshine and lust?

Golden sun. Golden crops. This hidden crop circle is most glorious, and it couldn't be more perfect for a scissor fuck.

We plop down on the blanket, and Antonia pulls the camera out of her bag. That had been her last-minute idea as we left the house. A photoshoot in a sun-bathed clearing in the middle of a field sounded perfect to me. I was all in. A nature boudoir image to commemorate the day was beyond brilliant. I'm instantly even happier I bought her that camera for her birthday. It seemed kind of frivolous to buy a Polaroid Instant, and it hadn't been easy to find, but getting the photos printed out right on the spot is seriously fun.

I drink in the creaminess of her bare skin as the sun shines upon it. I caress her body as we engage in a brief, delicious kiss. She tastes like mint. She looks nothing short of a Goddess, playful and horny. The best combination in a girlfriend. I need her giggles, so I snatch a piece of wheat and tickle the bottom of her foot. She shoos me away with a joyful expression, but I go after her again until she grabs the camera.

Time for sexy fun poses. I clap in delight.

I stand and don't care a lick that my naked top half is above the shield of the plants. I raise my arm in a sexy stance, the almost celestial glory of my sexuality singing out in the vastness of the field as I pose. I sit, and she snaps another pic, and hands the photo to me. I glance at it and place it carefully to the side. A treasure to add to the memories of this sexy day.

She tilts her head and gestures for me to photograph her. Her smile is teasing, wanton and I just want to make her come. She situates her lovely form away from me and grins backwards. It's a pussy-wetting smile that I return.

Time stands still as I lay back, and she takes pics of me lounging on the blanket. A soft gust of wind tickles my skin. The tease of the vegetation as it gyrates in the breeze around us reminds me that we will be undulating our hips in a pussy-to-pussy fuck very soon. The thought swells inside me, and my lust rages higher.

We kiss, our constantly moving hands showing our hunger for each other's flesh.

I tangle my limbs into hers, us touching, kissing, caressing. A hungry elegance blossoms as I suckle her erect nipples. This sexual crop circle is our stage under the brilliance of the blue sky.

Her skin is too lush not to touch. I can't get enough of her. We rub our breasts against each other's, the heat between us bearing its warm fruit. She's ripe for the plucking, and I intend to savour every morsel.

She pats my legs open.

"All that you want, sweet baby," I murmur as she gives me a desirous look.

"My pussy," she utters as her hands caress my upper thighs.

"Yes, all yours," I repeat.

She kisses me passionately. The smacking sounds of our kissing heightens my want. Her soft moans are so yummy. I love it when she's this turned on and devours my kiss with hers.

Our mouths dance as we flick each other's tongue tips.

She tells me with her eyes that she's going to eat me out something fierce. Damn, girl, I'm more than ready.

"Please," I beg in a whisper.

My breathing blooms into panting as she laps at my hot core. I slowly lay my head back and explore my own hardened nips as she continues to eat me out. I open my eyes and wonder how I didn't notice that plane overhead before now. It's literally hovering right above us, likely getting a nice view of Antonia's bobbing milky white ass.

I catch her gaze and jerk my head upwards. She spots the plane above and smiles huge as she devours my clit.

What an ideal addition to our play in this spot hidden by land, but deliciously exposed to the sky.

She licks my folds like she's enjoying a lollipop. Her attention to my crevice fuels my desire further as she rides her tongue up and down my slit. I moan out my pleasure.

I imagine my pussy lips must be glistening in the sunlight from my own juices and her saliva. I bite my lip through a smile as she's enjoying her oral feast. It's certainly a mutual pleasure and my arousal is growing.

I hold her head as she bobs against my swelling vulva lips. She parts my folds with her tongue and dives in for deeper licks. Our moans grow louder as the plane flies off into the distance. It circles quickly and begins its journey back to view our sexual show from above.

I ride her tongue with my pelvic gyrations. Fuck. She's going to make me cum. And bless her for it. She hums against my kitty and the vibrations fling me up the orgasm hill fast. Her hard full-on clit suck is so well timed, followed by her jiggling suction as she works my sensitive bean. I'm getting so close now.

She grips my breast as she mouth fucks my pussy. This girl has mad pussy eating skills, this I knew, but being watched from above has me edging so far that I'm going to climax on her sweet face too soon.

Bingo. She's got me on my way. My clitoris sends contractions to my vagina and my body jerks as she bounces her sealed lips aggressively at that perfect spot.

I cum hard, coating her face in my juices, my release sending jolts of electricity through my spine.

She massages my outer lower lips and gives them a peck.

We kiss and I taste my juices on her lush lips.

"Mmmm," I say softly.

The sun glints off her golden earrings as I press my index finger into her mouth. She hungrily sucks as we hold each other's lusty gazes.

I point at her with a wicked expression. She obeys and lies back.

I kiss down her beautiful body, from her mouth, to tummy, to pussy, and begin my oral vulva massage. Her wet lower lips are my special treat.

Inspecting her expertly shaped triangle of pubic peach fuzz, I enjoy the sounds of the hovering plane above, hoping they enjoy our show as much as we seem to be enjoying them watching it.

Her sounds are so sweet and delightful as I begin my gobbling of her womanhood, petting her with my tongue as her whimpers grace my ears.

She plays with her own nipples as I savour her in nature's bed. I need her mouth, so I crawl up for a kiss while I finger her with increasing intent. I'm going to make her cum and soon.

Her body bounces against my panting, and she makes that sound I love. My oral consumption of her is working beautifully with my plan. Edge her as long as I can stand it, then make her plummet into a juicy release.

I love how she watches me work her pussy into a frenzy. Her wanton whimpers egg me on to do my absolute best. We kiss again, and I pump her clit aggressively. Her lips are slippery and warm. I can't wait for her to cum again.

"Mmm, yeah," she murmurs as she presses her head to mine.

Her climax begins its control of her body as he pussy spasms around my fingers. She goes into the throes of a building orgasm, into that scrumptious tensing, twitching, then stupendous release as she pants harder.

Fuck yes, I'm getting her there damn good. I absolutely love watching her cum. She giggles as her body relaxes, the euphoria of post-climaxing evident.

"Beautiful," I murmur, my hot breath puffing against her warm flesh.

I pop my finger in her mouth so she can get a taste of her orgasm. She greedily enjoys her flavour off my skin, complete with mouth pops of satisfaction.

We kiss.

Oh, we aren't done. Her fingers find my swollen vulva again.

"Right here," she says as she pats the ground between her legs.

She sits behind me, spooning my back. I scoot towards her, so we are flush back to tummy. I adore the swell of her breasts on my shoulder blades. We cradle each other in our reswelling lust. We will get to orgasm over and over again, time means nothing.

Her touch is so arousing. She takes my nipple between her fingers, and I moan against her hungry grabs. We both make such yummy sounds of enjoyment, moaning, whimpering, sighing. I wish the pilot could hear us.

I nestle my buns into the soft blanket below us as she milks my pussy along. She gives me a dab of myself off her fingers and it pushes me quickly closer to another blissful peak.

How many times will we get to cum in this secret paradise?

There's just no end in sight to this ecstasy.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice something moving. I jerk my head further in that direction. It's a man. He's got a huge grin on his face.

I scoff and smile sheepishly at him as he approaches us. His body is half covered by vegetation, but his top half is visible. He has on overalls, a red plaid flannel shirt, with a straw cowboy hat atop his head.

The farmer—my neighbour.

"We have a spectator," I say with excitement.

"We do?" She looks in the direction of my gaze. "Oh, indeed we do. How lovely."

We both wave him closer.

"Hi," I say wondering if he will kick us out.

"Hello," he says, still grinning huge.

"Um, we are kind of squatting on your land. So sorry. It just looked like such a delicious place to fuck."

He laughs heartily. "Indeed. I just had to stroll over and see what all the movement was. You two enjoying yourselves?"

I breathe a sigh of relief. At least he's not calling the police on us for public nudity.

"Yes, very much so," I say with a finger swipe down my mound.

"I couldn't have imagined I'd find such a glorious sight as you two in the middle of my field." The twinkle in his eyes hinting he wants more.

"Well, we can leave if we are bothering you." Antonia caresses my breast boldly right in front of him. "Or, you can join us."

His head jerks back as he releases a guffaw. "Did you just say that? Or am I dreaming?"

"Oh, she said it alright. Care to get naked? We both like cock too."

He grins so big it enflames my lust.

He doesn't say a word but undoes the straps from his overalls. My eyes travel his broad chest taking in what promises to be a very fit farmer's body.

His walk through the field seduces me further as he undoes a button with each step. The excitement in his eyes is delicious.

"You sure about this?" he asks as he shoves his denim down his legs and steps out. The firmness of his pecks and the washboard stomach peeking through his open flannel call to my fingers. I just want to run my hands down those ridges and pull his erection out of his underwear.

"Wow," Antonia mutters. "Farm life suits you." She chuckles as she presses her fingers to her clit.

He throws his head back and laughs. "Well, at least I have something other than a bushel of grain to show for all my hard work."

He slips his underwear down his thighs, making his hardened cock swing out. He has a generous thick dick which I thirst to have riding my cunt.

"You are like a gift just appearing like this." I hold his gaze as he nods.

"I'm all yours." He sways his hips which makes his hardon tick-tock back and forth. "Tell me where you want me, I've never shied from a woman asking exactly for what she wants."

Permission granted.

Antonia and I advance towards him on our hands and knees, both meeting each other's eyes, then his bright blue ones as we crawl. My breasts sway beneath me, my nipples fully erect.

We sit at his feet ready to worship this magnificent cock of his. I run my hands up his firm shins. Antonia is a bit ahead of me showing her eagerness, she's already got her fingers mid-thigh.

Her hand wraps his cock in an instant and she begins to stroke him. He groans out deeply expressing his extreme pleasure at her touch.

"Oh, fuck do I need this," he says appreciatively.

Antonia and I catch each other and nod. We both tip our heads sideways and place our mouths on his shaft. We suckle his taut firm boner making our way up to his fat cockhead. He places a hand on each of our heads as we take turns bobbing our mouths on him.

He grunts and man-growls as we aggressively give him head. His body twitches when I hum on his meat. Antonia pulls me off and deep-throats him with a gag.

His body jerks violently as he groans out climaxing. Antonia expertly swallows his seed. This is her forte, not mine. I grin as I watch her take all of his spunk like a pro.

His expression is beautiful and endearing, so full of relief and pleasure as he dips his head back and flings his hat off in one swoop. His hair is lush dark brown with a bit of a wave. I long to run my fingers through his thick hair. He's a gorgeous man with no wedding ring on his finger.

His torso gyrates as Antonia continues to suck him off. She sits back and wipes her lips. I grab her and press my tongue into her mouth. I want to taste this man too.

He palms his cock gently. "That was fucking amazing. Thank you. Can I be of further service to you ladies?"

Antonia smiles politely. "No, but you can watch us if you like. We love onlookers."

He strokes his cock as he takes a step back. "Have your stage ladies. I'm a happy, and very appreciative, audience."

We giggle and entwine our limbs as we lay back and make out.

"Such a gentleman," I say into Antonia's ear.

I glance up every so often to see if he's still watching us and it turns me on that he is still watching, cock in hand.

My attention turns to Antonia, she's so sexy she consumes all my focus without even trying. We kiss as she molests me, spanks my clit hard. The hard strikes send wonderful jolts through my pelvis. Fuck, I love when she does that. I press her hand to my swollen clit head and moan loudly as I peak with body undulations against her finger press.

So damn good.

She claims my nipple and twists it as I enjoy the bath of endorphins flooding my body. I sigh in post orgasm glow.

I reposition to face her and spread my legs. I swish my fingers back and forth in a scissor motion. She happily follows suit with an acknowledging sound.

Time to scissor fuck. My favourite.

We nestle our bodies together, pussy to pussy, legs over legs. It's a slice of heaven as we pussy ride each other, a gorgeous dance of feminine parts. Another pussy juice taste, and she runs her lush tongue over her lips.

Our pelvises gyrate, and our lower bodies make skin smacks as we scissor. Wet lips meeting wet lips in an ever-increasing show of our love. We pick up the speed as those delicious taps turn into more as we pound against each other's pussies. The wet sounds of our moistening flesh mashing together are intoxicating and gratifying.

I ram my pelvis into hers… smack, smack, smack.

Her eyes glaze into pure lust as she responds with her own pelvic thrusts into me.

I grip her thigh for our hot core ride, rubbing, thrusting, and rotating my hips in circles to stimulate her female parts with mine. Our mutual rise is evident as we combine our privates on repeat, our slits scrumptious saddles for each other's pleasure. We will each take our own get off. My only hope is it's at the same time.

I slap her tit and she laughs but doesn't stop her pounding of me.

Her eyes roll as she grasps my neck, her fingertips digging into my flesh.

Our mouths are both open wide panting as she lays down, her left breast rubbing my knee as we both savour this sensual journey. We grind ourselves together, the passion between us exploding, ever-flowing like the sunshine.

She presses my butt cheek to brace herself and she fucks me like the Goddess she is.

I take charge. I sit up and pump myself against her, coasting us onto the brink of coming.

We get a hold of each other's necks and work each other's bodies fast to max our own rises.

The farmer groans out loudly. "Oh fuck yes, that's so hot as fuck. Gawd yes!"

My enjoyment explodes beyond gratification to know he's still watching us. I'm getting close to climaxing, and his presence is heightening it all.

I fondle her neck as my face spurs into a wanton grimace. I'm close. We ride each other, each of us a master of the speed and pressure we need to burst into that amazing release.

A slice of heaven descends upon us as we both blast into our full-blown orgasms. Our panting sounds and moans become rapid as we both enjoy the hormones that bathe our insides with euphoric pleasure. The orgasmic afterglow seizes us. She giggles and it's so satisfying to hear and see the look of ecstasy on her face. I undulate my body against hers, soaking up every speck of enjoyment of our cum-soaked pussies joined.

We clasp our hands and kiss as the plane makes another pass over the top of us. We've had such fabulous watchers. I press my forehead to hers and we nuzzle into another familiar kiss. I'm home with her, no matter where we have sex.

We stare into each other's eyes, caress each other's skin. Another beautiful lovemaking session in the book of our womanly love.

A gentle kiss. Soft face touches. We are the luckiest on Earth.

I glance around for our horny farmer, but he's gone.

We lay back, thighs wide, wet lips airing out, drying slightly in the warm sun.

The magic is real as we lay together. The swaying of the vegetation around us is dreamy. With our heads in the shade, we come down gently off our highs.

"Well, that was fun as fuck. I'm so thrilled his peeping tom turned into a damn good cock suck." She smiles. "He had a really nice dick."

I giggle. "No doubt, and, yep, me too. And speaking of that, I'm hungry," I sigh, not wanting to leave just yet.

"Me too," Antonia says. "Let's go home and eat. I made that pasta salad this morning. I knew we'd work up an appetite."

"Oh, bless you, my love. You're a genius. And that was epic. Pure bliss."

She grins. "And how about our peeping pilot? How hot was that?"

I caress her once more because I can't seem to get enough. "I know, right. That was delicious. And he kept coming back."

"How do you know it was a he?" she asks innocently.

"I don't, but in my mind, he is."

She laughs, then sits up. "Let's go home, babe."

She rises and dons her blue dress. I slip my white one over my head, then grab the photos, the camera, and the pillows.

She folds up the blanket. We walk hand in hand. We make our way back through the field, leaving our little hidden sex spot behind us but taking the memories deep in our hearts with us. The day will be tough to top, but I have no doubts we will.

The End