restless nights

George opened his eyes.

It was going to be one of those nights.

It was balmy, close, outside. George sighed. He was hot and his mind had been whirring, as it quite often did. The whirring was loud enough tonight to wake him up.

He turned on his side, the last murmurings of sleep draining away. As well as the incessant inner dialogue pounding his brain, his mouth was dry.

He should be asleep.

He checked the clock on the bedside table. 03:11. Fuck.

Turning the clock face down, he snapped on the light and picked up the glass of water beside him, taking a long sip. It was too early.

His mind was still churning, ruminating over the evening before. He so badly needed to relax, to rest. If only he could turn his brain off somehow…

George turned his head to look at the woman lying silently beside him, deep in the slumber that eluded him. Her beautiful face was peaceful, thick eyelashes brushing her cheeks as she dreamed. Her chest rose and fell gently. George's gaze softened as he smiled at her.


She was the woman he'd loved since he first set eyes on her all those years ago. The woman he'd craved since their first time together and the woman he still coveted, decades later. The one person he lost himself in.

The sheets were still uncomfortably warm as he lay back against them. He stared at the ceiling. He still wished that he could fall asleep, but at least the chatter in his mind had been replaced by something more enticing. Like a private cinema showing the latest X-rated movie, scintillating memories of the two of them unfolded before him.

They had had to satisfy themselves with snatched moments at first, building up to half an hour here and there whenever possible. They'd grabbed furtive kisses in storerooms if they'd happened to pass each other in the corridor, Leidy's mouth open and welcoming, her hands caressing George's chest through the cotton of his shirt. They never risked more than a couple of red-hot minutes of kissing and touching, just in case they were missed. Leidy would always exit first, leaving George to smooth down his crumpled clothing and force down his erection, frustrated that they hadn't got more time. He hadn't got a chance to scoop one of her ample breasts out of her bra and slather her nipple with his tongue. And he was desperate to get down on his knees and nuzzle into her hot vulva, feel her knicker elastic nipping the side of his face.

It still amazed him that those amorous interludes at work had led to a lifetime of partnership and love that had stretched from minutes to whole days, then months, then years. They connected with each other on a level that wasn't just sexual, and that made the sex between them the most exciting experience he'd ever known. Wherever their life had taken them they had always found their way back to each other through hot, juicy, dirty sex.

George was wide awake now. And horny.

He reached out and stroked Leidy's arm tenderly, tracing his palm over her chin and cupping her face in his hand. He kissed her gently, willing her to wake up and make love to him, help him forget, lose himself… but instead, she pulled away and turned over, still lost in dreams.

As she moved away the words they had exchanged earlier seeped into the forefront of his mind again. They had had a lovely day. They'd mooched around the market, sipped tea at a pavement café and watched the world go by. It wasn't often that they had a whole weekend to themselves anymore. There was always work to be done, whether it was on the house, supporting the kids, or keeping their business running. They had always found it easy to work together and live together, but there were times when life took over to such a degree that George wasn't sure that they really even looked at each other that closely anymore—and then they would clash like they'd done yesterday evening.

Leidy was beautiful. So beautiful that sometimes George could hardly believe that she'd condescended to share the rest of her life with him. He used to sneak glances at her when she wasn't looking—the graceful curve of her neck, the way she pouted her lips when she was concentrating on something, her twinkling eyes when she laughed. Her ankles. Those delicious breasts. When had he last taken the time to do that?

He also missed the way Leidy looked at his naked body, that alluring combination of admiration and desire, her eyes running over his strong arms and broad chest, down his thighs, and back up to linger on his cock. He'd feel her gaze like fingers moving over his skin.

The thought sent blood rushing to his prick.

I need you, he sighed to himself as he cuddled into her back. Just feeling her bare flesh against his own thrilled him.

I need to feel you.

I need to fuck you.

His lips found her neck, his mouth no longer dry, but instead soaked with desire. He slid a hand beneath the sheet, onto her mound. She felt warm and soft, giving beneath his touch. Forgiving, perhaps?


Leidy's hand reached up to cradle his head, holding him to her as he planted kiss after kiss on her smooth skin.

But then she was turning away again. George held onto her—no way was he letting her go now she was awake, he was so desperate for her—but Leidy was only flicking her bedside light on and quickly returned to him, reciprocating the passionate kisses he bestowed on her.

Their fingers entwined as George slipped his tongue deep inside her mouth, cherishing the closeness as they stroked each other delicately, but intently. He found one of Leidy's full breasts, moving a hand over it and squeezing firmly, relishing the soft flesh and her nipple stiffening against his palm.

Leidy rolled to face him, her body open and available, letting George touch her wherever he pleased. The argument receded in his mind once more—he was completely focused on the gorgeous woman enrobed in the bedsheets beneath him.

She sighed in bliss.

Transported by the sound of her breath caressing the air, George pushed the sheet away from her torso, desperate to see and feel more of her. Leidy's thighs opened instinctively as he brushed the cotton away from her skin. He sucked one of her boobs into his mouth ravenously and Leidy arched her back in pleasure, her gaze fixed on him as he filled his mouth with her.

If she was still hung up on the row they'd had earlier, she gave no appearance of it. A moan escaped her lips as they began kissing again, and she responded so urgently that George's body pulsed with need. Their bodies moved together effortlessly, undulating fluidly within the solidity of their loving embrace.

His hand moved over her. Sliding between her breasts, down her body to her mound, then back up again, cupping her so that he could feast on her tits once more. He could feel the melding, the melting together in flame-red passion that they always experienced when they got close, got naked, and put their mouths on each other. They were two separate bodies fused into one vast, overwhelming entity of sexual desire.

Leidy pushed the sheets from her as he moved down the bed. They were two people moving as one, both with one goal in mind—to have George's head between her thighs.

Not wanting to move his hand from her body and break the connection, George cradled one of her lithe legs over his shoulder as he buried his mouth in her moist labia.

Leidy's was hand in his hair, her fingers twisting and tugging him onto her, and he imagined she was watching him as he flicked his tongue against her delicious shaved pussy. The thought made him harder, knowing that she had always loved watching him do this to her, snogging her cunt, lapping deeply at her sweet musky essence. She tasted so good, and waves of bliss broke over his body as Leidy smoothed her palm over his head, stroking it as she writhed against the sheets and against his soaking mouth.

She was moaning now, and George glanced up to see her handling own breast, pulling at her nipple, teasing herself even further as she pulled and wobbled at her straining flesh.

George went even deeper, every inch of his tongue fully inside her, probing and swirling. He looked up at her, wanting to see the bliss she was feeling all over her face, her closed eyes, her parted mouth. His shaft was pressing against the bedsheets, and watching Leidy in thrall to her lust was making his cock even thicker.

He wanted to give her more pleasure. He slid two thick fingers into her, rotating them tantalisingly in her dripping hole. His tongue flicked and danced teasingly over her rock-hard clitoris, finger-fucking her faster and faster. He moaned delightedly as he glanced up to see her throwing her head back in ecstasy.

Mouth and chin saturated with Leidy's pussy, George sat up and admired her supple body. Her legs were spread wide for him. Her eyes aflame with desire. He pulled her to him and, throwing a leg over his shoulder once more and slid his cock deep inside her warm, wet hole. She gripped his shaft snugly, welcoming him home. He moved slow, his thrusts insistent, and every moan that escaped her parted lips made him harder, more determined that she got every inch of him.

He lay against her, their mouths locked together once more. Their kissing was so sweet, so loving, even as George was fucking her quicker and quicker, humping her harder and harder. He loved fucking Leidy, and especially loved fucking her just like this, the way she liked it… then he rose to his knees, longing for Leidy to feel the full power of his big dick moving inside her.

He took her hard, riding her fast, the bed creaking beneath them as they fucked without restraint.

Overcome by an overwhelming need to hold her close he pulled out, reaching to kiss her again. Being close to Leidy either steadied him or excited him immeasurably and tonight both feelings were pulling at his body, his soul. Her arms around him were a sanctuary for his frazzled mind, balm to his anxious heart. He could stretch out and be vulnerable with her, be forgiven by her, be held by her, anytime he needed to. The roaring, crackling sex between them was tethered and held by love, and he cherished that. He cherished her. And as the waves of love rose between them, lust crested again.

They were on all fours now, and George thrust into her effortlessly, her pussy walls squeezing him, milking his cock. The pleasure was building again. They were both moaning, George breathlessly, Leidy mewling as she looked back to watch his pelvis moving, slapping against her gyrating buttocks.

George slowed down, finding Leidy's neck and mouth again, luxuriating in her kisses. He didn't want this moment to end, the connection to cease, but his cock had other ideas, and he had no option but to go with it.

He fucked her snatch hard. Leidy was moaning harder now, tossing her hair as she writhed against him. George gathered her to him once more, kissing her neck just for a moment, but the fuck had taken over for both of them. Leidy reached behind her for his hand, tethering love and lust together as she clasped her hips to him, keeping him there as he pounded in and out of her.

She arched her back in pleasure and George saw her biting her lip, trying to hold his cock back, but he wasn't having any of it—he was intent on having her, in as many positions as she could take before he exploded.

He slid out of her and lay flat on his back, chest heaving. Leidy took his thick cock in her hand. She closed her wet mouth around it, and he could see that she was revelling in the fact that she could taste both of them at the same time, just as he was. Her free hand stroked his chest. Surely she could feel how hard his heart was pounding, as well as how hard her tongue was making him?

She was an expert at blowjobs, George thought, his tongue sliding across his lips before they parted in moans of pleasure.

He raised his head. He wanted to watch her, but what she was doing to him was too good, the sound of her hungry lips smacking as she sucked him pushing him further and further to the point of no return.

Leidy lapped him enthusiastically, from balls to tip, moaning deliriously and swirling the tip of her dripping tongue over his glistening glans. George had to use all his strength not to erupt into her mouth there and then.

Letting his cock fall stiff against his belly, she moved over him, her body melting against his. She pressed her lips to him and as they kissed it was George who got to relish the flavour of both of them in his mouth this time.

Leidy mounted him again, gasping as George's length stretched her wet hole. He held her hips to him, caressing and squeezing her buttocks. He needed to keep her there, to not let her go. Her arse cheeks parted in his hands as she slid vigorously up and down his shaft, moistening him with her juices.

Reaching back, Leidy slipped one of George's hands to her skin. George knew that she wanted him to spread her arse as wide as it could go—she had often told him that she adored the feeling of being open while she was plugged with his cock at the same time. He was happy to oblige. George would never deny Leidy any pleasure that he was capable of giving her, especially when anchoring her to his prick by her parted cheeks turned him on just as much, if not more.

He couldn't take his eyes off her as she writhed in front of him, breasts jiggling. Lust enflamed his entire body, so all-consuming that he pulled Leidy's hands to his chest, needing the pressure on his rib cage to help him control the grinding of his hips. He needed her to ground him, steady him, keep him held so he could give in to all of it—the smell of their sex, the noises she made, the sight of her body swaying and rolling on top of him… and the feeling of her hot, wet pussy as she rode his cock into sexual oblivion.

Leidy knew and understood George's body so well. She slowed her movements, bringing her body down to his so they could hold each other once more. He was willingly enslaved by her, losing himself in her as he knew he would, cherishing this moment they'd created together.

But now she was throwing her head back, arching in pleasure on his cock. She pressed her palms into his hard thighs to support herself, leaning back and letting him do the work for a bit. God, George thought, the ease at which she could take the thickness of his penis. She'd learned how to accommodate him through the years, and was now able to take him in and devour him, dribbling all over him as she slipped up and down his shaft with consummate ease. Her breasts began to bounce in front of him again as he fucked her, and he eagerly grabbed them up, manhandling the flesh and teasing her nipples, which were getting tighter with every stroke.

Leidy's stiffening tits, as well as the way her slick pussy was milking his cock, told George that she was getting close. As he bounced her up and down on his hard prick, Leidy grabbed his hands to her hips and placed hers on top, holding him there, ensuring every part of their bodies became a sensual bond of love and desire. And then she was coming, moaning loudly, body stretched into her release. His pelvis still grinding against hers, George nearly came himself as he watched Leidy cry out in frenzied elation, wave after wave of pleasure consuming her body.

She collapsed against him. George enveloped her until her orgasm subsided and they kissed each other lovingly while he was still inside her, moving gently. They stared into each other's eyes, all communication between them clear now, desire ever-present. He sucked one of Leidy's tits into his mouth as they held each other close and George sank his shaft into her as deep as it could possibly go, fucking her hard and fast and before he knew it, he was coming too.

His hips were jerking, ramming hot cum into her cunt as the room spun away from him. All that remained for him now was Leidy's pussy, wrapped hot and wet around his pulsating penis. Nothing else mattered, nobody else existed. They were in a place that only they knew.

George drifted back into the room, spunk dripping onto his belly as Leidy dismounted. Her hair brushed his face as she swept it over her shoulder and she pushed against his chest, raising herself up and away from him.

"So … are we friends again, then?" he murmured to her huskily.

She planted a long, languorous kiss on his mouth, which he received with a mixture of joy and relief, then climbed off the bed and retired to the bathroom.

He watched her go and smiled as the sweet relief of sleep descended gently.
