ruby glow

Nikki could not get her boss off her mind or out of her wet dreams. It wasn't just his sexy smile, or the broad spread of his shoulders beneath his dark suits, it was the dirty words he'd whispered in her ear when he'd promised to visit her room at The Tartan Thistle Hotel.

Samuel McWilliams.


CEO of mega Scottish real estate company McWilliams Ltd. and host of this year's Property Matters conference on the shoreline of Lock Lomond.

Stepping out onto the balcony, she tipped her face to the warm summer sunshine. Around her, birds called robins, chaffinch, and a cuckoo in the distance. The caressing breeze that wended through the soft branches and rustled the leaves picked up the strands of her long blonde hair in a sweet tickling sensation. She always felt so alive when she knew she'd be with Sam. Anticipation sent awareness over her body, and her pussy quivered each time she glanced at the clock.

What she loved about this hotel was its sense of privacy and isolation. The staff were attentive but not obtrusive, and the rooms were all bespoke. Being Sam's secretary, she'd had the opportunity to claim an upgraded room even though her presence wasn't much required at the conference. She was just there to problem-solve any issues with the venue and maybe take a few notes at the odd lecture.

Oh, and keeping Sam happy. That was also her job. The boss had to have everything he needed… right? Every desire was met until absolute satisfaction was achieved.

She was in the elegant room now. Its balcony wasn't overlooked, the shower cubicle was plenty big enough for two and it even had a little writing table complete with plush chair and antique inkwell.

A smile spread on her lips as she remembered how her relationship with Sam had started, and she turned and rested her behind on the balcony railing.

Six months ago, her crush had been about to consume her. She'd needed an outlet, something to release the tension that was building within her. It was then she'd had the idea of writing a story about the object of her obsession.

A personal, private erotic story.

She bought a pink moleskin notebook especially, and an expensive new fountain pen. And then one evening, sitting on her trusty Ruby Glow ride-on vibrator, she'd penned a wildly erotic fantasy about Sam taking her over his desk at the end of the day, spanking her arse for being so naughty, and tugging her hair as she came. The details had been explicit—her wet pussy, his thick cock, his demands, her cries for more. There had been no sensation or desire left unwritten.

And as she'd ridden Ruby, writing furiously, climaxing hard, she knew penning her filthy daydreams about her boss was something she'd do again.

Which is exactly what she did.

Soon, the notebook was full of elaborate fantasies. The elevator broke down, and Sam got to his knees to lick her pussy, and her coming just before the fire crew opened the door. An important meeting where he'd inserted a remote control vibrator into her and had her orgasming as she took notes. A trip to a sex club where he'd tied her up and fucked her with everyone around them watching and masturbating.

Hell yeah, the fantasies had spilled onto the paper thick and fast, and each one had been penned as she'd ridden Ruby gasping and trying to keep her handwriting legible.

It was clear now, perfectly clear actually that her writing had been legible.

Because when Sam had found her book locked in the drawer of her desk—she hadn't known he had a key and he was looking for stamps—he'd read every word, devoured it cover to cover, and, it seemed, remembered every depraved kink and breath-stealing fantasy in glorious detail.

Nikki smiled, relieved that her initial sense of horror had turned into something wonderful.

A wild workplace affair of the most intense variety.

It was his birthday next week, and they were going to go public, but until then, she was enjoying the clandestine nature of their passion. A few people had likely guessed, but so what? They were both single, and Sam was the boss. He could do what the heck he wanted. And that was also true of them when they were in bed together. She was his. Totally. He did what he wanted with her.

A thought jumped into her mind. A gift idea for Sam. What did you buy a man who had everything? The answer was something that couldn't be bought. She'd write him another erotic story. A fantasy so beautiful and wicked that he'd be hard as a rock by the time he'd finished reading it and have no choice but to rip her clothes off and fuck her hard.

She wandered into the cool shade of the room. But her skin was hot, and her pussy was trembling at the thought of another story. Pausing at the table, she wrote a few words.

Sex Club

Black leather



Butt plug

It was a start, just a few words to pique her imagination and let a story unfold. Now, she had to let the seed germinate. It needed to be nurtured, adored, stimulated and teased to fruition.

Touching the pen to her lips and picturing Sam's handsome face when he read the story, she moved to the chair and sat. The gentle breeze floated in, and her skin goosebumped. Not with any chill but with excitement.

She wrote a few more words, a smile tickling her lips as she thought of Sam in the story. It was a delicious image of him dressed in black leather pants, bare-chested, and the golden eagle tattoo only she knew was there dark on his left pec. His expression was one of absolute concentration as he handcuffed her to a cross. She adored that look when she saw it at work when he was studying a contract, but she adored it more when he was concentrating on her pleasure—he took sex very seriously.

Quickly, she added the first few lines of the story. Them arriving at the club and a description of her scarlet skin-tight dress that was laced up the front and so short her arse creases were visible. She teamed it with red thigh-length boots and hair in a high ponytail secured with red leather lace.

Oh yeah, he'd like that look on her. She wouldn't be surprised if he actually went online and ordered it once the image was in his mind.

She glanced at the clock and was disappointed more time hadn't passed. It would be another hour at least before his speech to the delegation was over, and he'd be able to slip away.

And her body was impatient. She could sense dampness between her legs, and her nipples were tingling. It was a familiar sensation when writing about Sam, and she wasn't surprised it was there, only disappointed that he wasn't with her right now, at this moment, to satisfy her needs.

Luckily, she'd brought Ruby along. These days, she didn't go anywhere without it. Why would she?

Glancing at the balcony door, she wondered if she should close it. But then another heavenly whisper of breeze blew in, filled with the scents of summer, and she decided it was private and she'd be quiet. Her favourite toy barely made a sound.

She moaned softly and swiped her fingers over the gusset of her thong. Aye, her pussy was damp, soaking in fact.

After retrieving her toy from the desk drawer, she sat, eagerness bewitching her and the images from her new story still floating before her eyes—Sam with his sensual lips stern as he told her she wasn't to come until he gave her permission, and that would be hard because he knew exactly how to have her hovering on the brink of explosion.

"Oh, Sam," she moaned, spreading her legs. Her belly clenched, and her breath hitched as she held the smooth, velvety toy and its remote control. After a quick glance at the balcony doors to make sure no one had climbed a nearby tree, she hitched up the sheer material of her dress and draped it over her thighs. If she were writing, she'd sit on Ruby, but right now, she was still formulating the delicious story in her mind, so she'd let her imagination run riot and use the elegant curves of the vibrator to stimulate her clit.

The writing table was just the right distance away to prop her bare foot on, and when she did this, cool air washed between her thighs. Her arousal was etching up, her needs growing. She could have waited for Sam, but why should she when she could come now on her own and then again later with him? Surely, that was a win-win situation.

She brought the deep pink vibrator to life and touched it to her clit, over her panties. Instantly, it had her gasping. The buzz was intense, just the way she liked it.

Her stomach clenched, and she curled her toes.

Rolling her hips in a sensual glide against the vibe, she pictured the scene she was going to write—Sam strutting around her, trailing his fingertips, or perhaps a long peacock feather over her body. Drawing circles on her pointed nipples, tracing to her navel. Tapping up her legs to float the feather over her pussy.

She trembled and pressed Ruby back into its stand. She'd sit on it now and give her pussy a treat while she added to the scene in her mind.

It fit beautifully to her shape, touching her in all the right places, and she rode it and tipped her head back, thinking of a part in the story where Sam would turn her on so much she'd be dripping for him. It would be only then he'd allow her to come, but not with his cock with his fingers. Working her, pushing her to orgasm as he studied every flinch of pleasure and listened to every cry of ecstasy.

"Oh fuck," she muttered, grinding her clit onto the mound of pleasure. "Fuck." He'd be jabbing into her, her moisture making wet clacking sounds as her body tensed, her back arched, and she held her breath on the precipice of pleasure extreme.

"Sam," she moaned, opening her eyes and wishing he'd magically appeared before her, all brooding, curious and excited to find her getting off on her own.

But he wasn't.

Dragging at the neckline of her dress, she exposed her breasts. They were sensitive, and her nipples were hardening. Sam adored her breasts. He could spend hours playing with them, tweaking her nipples and stroking her pale flesh. When he was exhausted from their passion, he liked to rest his head on them and have her stroke his thick, dark hair.

A moan left her mouth. It had started low in her chest and rumbled upward, with her having little control over it. She wouldn't last long sitting on Ruby—it felt too good—and she still wanted to add to her fantasy story.

Scooting back into the chair, she pushed her thong aside and pulled the vibe from its stand again. A sudden memory blasted into her mind—Sam pressing her to her knees the weekend before and ordering her to suck his cock while they were in the shower.

Trailing her fingers over her lips, her cheek and chin, the freshwater taste of him came back to her. The way he'd filled her mouth, riding to her throat but always stopping before it became too much. He was so damn good at everything he did. She wanted his cock again, like that, in her mouth and saliva pooled at the very thought of doing it to him later in the shower at The Tartan Thistle.

She moaned and placed the tip of the vibrator on her clit again. A sharp intake of breath accompanied her movements. She was so turned on, aching for it now.

The chair was big, and she drew up her knees, planting her heels on the edge. The need for penetration was intense, and she set the tip of the vibe at her entrance. There was no need for lube. Thoughts of Sam always had her wet, no matter where she was or what she was doing.

She pushed in, her thighs clamping together at the deep invasion that hit right on her G-spot instantly. "Oh, yeah…" she moaned softly and gripped the arm of the chair, almost dropping the remote. Thank goodness she'd brought Ruby. She'd have had to resort to her fingers or the showerhead if she'd forgotten it. Neither would have been as intense or satisfying.

The story was still with her, behind her closed eyes as she canted her hips, taking the toy deeper. Now Sam was fucking her from behind, the handcuffs were still on, and she had a butt plug up her arse.

A butt plug?

That thought had strutted into her mind a few times lately. What would it be like? Would Sam be into it? Was he the only man she'd trust to play that way?

"Oh yes…" she said on an exhalation. "Yes." She was agreeing with herself, she'd write that into the story and gauge Sam's reaction when he read it. Look into his eyes and see if he wanted to fuck her from behind while she had a plug in her arse. It would make her tighter, right? He'd feel it. Oh God, what if it was a vibrating one? Maybe he'd lose control of that steely willpower of his and come in just a few wild thrusts when he felt it buzzing on the length of his cock.

Sweat popped on her brow and under her arms. The vibrations were just right for her, not too much that she came before her fantasies played out, yet strong enough to know she always would come.

"Mmm…" For a moment, she enjoyed the languid position and a gust of summer wind that floated in, basting her hot skin.

She pictured him now, in front of a conference room full of delegates, knowledgeable and confident as he explained the nuances of the current property laws in Scotland.

Oh God, even property law was sexy when Sam was talking about it.

The vibrator was singing away inside of her, stimulating her internally to the point of no return. Pressure was building, and her pussy was weeping. Her clit throbbed for attention, and she set the heel of the vibe over it and upped the speed setting.

"Ah…oh…" Her ride to orgasm was starting. Like a racehorse let out at the start of the race it was suddenly galloping towards her. And it was going to be deep and dense and race from her G-spot to the winning line.

Her body tensed, her spine stiffened, and she held the vibrator solidly in place. She didn't really need to, it fit inside her beautifully with its elegant curved shape, but she wasn't going to risk it falling out, not when her story had taken her to a place where Sam was removing the plug from her arse and setting his cock tip at her pucker, gripping her hips and getting ready to drive into her darkest hole.

A full-body tremble attacked her, and her arsehole clenched. What would it feel like to come with him in there?

"Oh…oh…oh…" She could hold off no longer, the story was complete in her mind, and the vibrator had built the orgasm in her pussy. For a honey-sweet moment, she held her breath, enjoying the solid stimulation that was about to rip her climax from her.

And then it was there, a full body experience as her G-spot fired white-hot fingers of bliss to her clit, her arse, her belly and everywhere else. Her heart missed a beat, then did two to catch up, and her limbs jerked as pulses of energy winged through her body.

"Sam. Sam." His name was on her lips. His face was in her mind. It was only him. He was the only man she wanted. "Oh, Sam."

Suddenly the vibrator was too intense, and she pulled it out, her pussy spasming and contracting as she did so. Her breasts were rising and falling with her rapid breaths, and her mouth was dry from panting.

She pushed her hair over her shoulders and closed her eyes. Delicious aftershocks were knocking through her, and she savoured every one of them. When they finally started to settle, she found the concentration to turn off the vibrations and put the wand back in its cradle.

"Phew," she said, glancing at the clock. "That was…" She let out a sigh and smiled. "Now it's time to write." She wanted to make sure she got her fantasy down on paper. It would be a great birthday present for Sam.

And hopefully for her, too.

After putting the toy away, she poured herself a drink of water and then sat at the desk. Within moments she was writing as though a demon was behind her, urging her on in order to save her soul. The erotic story poured from her in mouth-watering detail, Sam the star of the show and her the willing submissive. She'd just reached the part where he was going to insert the butt plug when she heard the hotel door open.

"Hey, honey." Sam's deep voice came down the small corridor. Twilight was setting in and he appeared from the shadows a few seconds later. "What are you doing?" He dropped the key and his phone onto the desk. She noticed he had a bottle of champagne in his other hand.

"Well, my love," she said, standing and moving to him. She looped her hands over his shoulders. "You will just have to wait until your birthday to find out."