eye spy

Alexis lay face down on the white padded bed in the therapist's small room. She'd shucked off her thoughts and mundane cares, along with her outdoor clothes, which now hung on a hook by the door. Having climbed eagerly onto the raised surface, soft towels were now draped over her nakedness, and she was looking forward to the relaxing touch of a professional massage.

As she aligned her face over the bed's aperture, she imagined herself tied to a less forgiving surface, her bare breasts crushed by her weight against the rough, hard wood. With chafing hemp rope encircling her wrists and ankles, her legs would be pulled apart and her body held in place, putting her at the mercy of her captor. The fantasy had her pulling in a shaky breath, experiencing a tickle from the clear juices that gathered at the apex of her thighs. Alexis knew with certainty that the disposable, papery panties she'd collected at reception, were now drenched by her flush of arousal.

Since she and Charlie had got together, she was a walking waterfall! Why should she be embarrassed? In truth, she revelled in their sexy frolics, both in and out of the bedroom. She'd always been adventurous, a thrill seeker, but none of her previous partners had managed to keep her interest. Mind you, no other lover had such a glorious, long cock as Charlie's, his weapon stretched and satisfied her in ways she couldn't have imagined.

Her reverie was interrupted by a gentle tap on the door, and Gaia the therapist, stepped into the room, dimming the lights.

"Are you comfortable Alexis?" her voice was soft and soothing.

"Yes, thank you."

"Is it the usual back and shoulder massage?" she asked, and Alexis confirmed it was.

She heard Gaia begin to rub oil between her hands so that it was warm to the touch.

"Tell me if the pressure is too hard or too soft," she told Alexis.

Then Gaia's strong, supple fingers commenced kneading and manipulating. Her confident touch made Alexis sigh with relief.

She carried a lot of tension in her neck and regularly booked this treatment for herself. Today all concerns and work worries evaporated under Gaia's nimble fingers until Alexis' lips curled in an expression of contentment.

As her mind began to wander, naughty imaginings crept back in. Alexis saw herself as a lady in historic times, relaxing in a copper hip bath. One maid was adding hot water and another was lathering her back with a soapy sponge. A trail of soap bubbles tickled their way over her pert nipples, pricking them to alert attention. Her pussy plumped in response as the friction of the cloth made her aureola pucker. She knew her nether lips were growing dewy with lust.

Alexis struggled to pull herself back into the present moment to enjoy the massage for its own sake, but Gaia's silken touches, insistently rubbing oil into her skin, were incredibly sensuous. Now her hands moved down below her arms, grazing the swell of her side boob. With insistent pressure, the circling hands moved lower, manipulating the sweet dip of Alexis' spine and the curve of her hip until she needed to bite her lip. The therapist's pressure and pummelling rocked her pubis against the table until sudden arousal burst like ripe berries against her skin. Wow! She'd heard it was a compliment to fall asleep when having a massage, but she wondered if experiencing a mini-orgasm from feelings of erotic tease was crossing the line…

Gaia moved around the table to concentrate her efforts on her client from the other side. Alexis had to pull in a deep breath as the ministrations drove into deeper tissue, resulting in more of her tension floating away. Damn Gaia was good. She deserved a decent tip.

The session passed in a blur. As a final touch, Gaia always made sure to massage up the nape of Alexis' neck, aligning her upper vertebrae and tickling her hairline. It was a delicate part of the session, but vital, having reduced Alexis' tendency towards headaches.

"I'll leave you now to get dressed," Gaia spoke gently. "Don't hurry to get up, take your time. I'll be waiting at reception."

As usual, Alexis felt languorous and heavy after a massage; in a dream-like state, she climbed off the bed. She dropped the paper pants into a pedal bin, and using some nearby tissues, she dabbed the moisture now glossing her upper thighs. Her whole body was humming with arousal, but she intended to make herself wait until Charlie got home. Toys were good, but the real thing was even better.


Maybe Alexis floated home on a cloud, because she had little memory of the streets she walked and the roads she had crossed. She quickly reached the once-industrial district where she and Charlie rented an apartment. The buzz of living there hadn't yet worn off. She particularly loved its huge windows, arched and wide, designed to let maximum light onto the factory floor below. They had grabbed her attention the moment she saw them, and that's when the idea of living there took hold.

Charlie had taken a little more convincing, but the agent had sensed Alexis was hooked, so wisely suggested they had time alone to 'look around the space'.

"It's fabulous, darling, do you see its potential?"

Alexis had hurried to the window in the bedroom, taking in the panoramic view while grasping its frame and arching her back, ensuring that her plump rear was in Charlie's eyeline. He'd stepped up close, his warm breath in the crook of her neck fogging the glass. When she ground her ass against his crotch and gave a sultry moan, he was undone, his man meat rose to attention in his dress slacks.

"People might see us," he warned, even though he was already hitching up Alexis' skirt to admire her toned thighs encased in black hold-up stockings and her peachy backside, cleaved with only a strip of lace.

"That's what's so exciting," she gasped and spun in his arms.

Alexis fastened her lips on Charlie's, letting her tongue lure him with its nimble dance.

"I love the idea of being watched," she sighed. "We should install a bath right here."

She indicated the space beside where they stood, then sank to her knees and released his cock from the confines of his trousers. Alexis gazed at her man with puppy dog eyes while parting her moist lips and flattening her pink tongue to welcome the tip of his bellend.

Why would Charlie argue with his beloved when she was delivering such a wonderfully sloppy blowjob? Instead, he enjoyed the view of factory rooftops and neon business signs while abandoning himself to wild sensations. Alexis sucked along his length and gently teased his frenulum with her teeth.

"I'd feel like a water nymph if there was a bath here," she pressed her point.

He didn't have the breath to argue because that's when she took him deep in her throat, groaning and sucking him voraciously. There was already a shower, so what? Baths could be sexy, Alexis made everything sexy. Charlie succumbed to the building pressure of her blowjob and quickly shot his load, which she swallowed, smacking her lips with delight.

Charlie looked like a man on top of the world when he signed the rental agreement twenty minutes later. He also arranged for a roll-top bath with a handheld shower attachment to be plumbed into the main bedroom as soon as he was given the keys. Alexis had every confidence she could persuade Charlie to do anything to keep her happy and horny.

Now Alexis let herself into their flat, toed off her shoes and tossed her key into the dish on the hall table.

"I'm home," she called out, but didn't expect an answer, Charlie wouldn't finish work until later.

She was eager to open the parcel she'd picked up in the lobby but poured herself a glass of water first. Massages often release toxins, and she'd read it was best to flush them out. With the Sonos remote control, she chose a chilled playlist, adjusting the setting so sultry music came from the speakers in their bedroom, fainter in the living space.

Alexis sliced at the packaging, delighted to discover the silk robe she ordered in a soft mocha hue. Another tool in her seduction armour, she grinned, laying it out on the bed beside a fluffy white towel. While running hot water in the bath, she shrugged out of the jersey lounge suit she'd worn to the spa. In mere moments she'd twisted her long hair up and out of the way and was testing the temperature with her toe.

What bliss to sink into the bath, its warmth was like a full body caress. She eased back, letting her head rest on the white edge while she soaked, carelessly moving the water. Splashing it so it lapped at her breasts and shoulders. The residue of massage oil floated off her skin and left a sheen on the surface. Alexis felt relaxed and boneless, humming along to one of her favourite songs as she bathed.

Outside the huge window, pastel colours painted the sky. Alexis watched when the violet and indigo crept in. The sky darkened, and nearby streetlights and neon signs began to flicker to life. As she prepared to rise out of the water and stand, putting herself on display to the world, a flurry of butterflies took flight in her belly. She savoured this frisson of excitement, craving how it coursed through her like quicksilver in her veins.

She suspected that this exhibitionist kink of hers had been sparked by a burlesque show that she and Charlie had watched when they first began dating. One performer had appeared to take a bubble bath on stage, teasing the audience with foam that clung to her silky skin and dripped in rivulets from the stalks of her nipples. Now Alexis channelled that sultry performance as she rose like a mermaid from her bath. She didn't hurry but trailed her fingers the length of her thighs and up the slope of her belly. She twisted her hips and bent towards the taps, preparing to use drumming needles of water from the hose to rinse the curve of her tilted breasts and her smooth inner thighs.

Watch me, she thought, don't you wish you could touch me?

The door slammed. Charlie called out that he was home.

"I'm in the bedroom," she answered calmly.

Alexis didn't rush to finish her ablutions. She was putting on a great erotic tease for unseen watchers, which never failed to rev her engine. Excitement bloomed in her pussy while her clit tingled, awake and eager for the touch of something firmer than running water. She heard muffled sirens outside, and the bricks below the industrial window were washed in pulses of pink from a sign in the adjacent street, but it didn't touch her and the fantasy she was building.

"Here's my girl," Charlie's deep voice rumbled. He seemed happy to discover Alexis only wrapped in a towel.

His dark shirt and charcoal slacks were a stark contrast to her glowing bare skin, and his face broke into a leering smile.

"That's one way to welcome me home!"

"It's my favourite way," she grinned.

He'd brought a bottle and two glasses, but she almost purred when he set them down to envelop her in his embrace. She was warm from the bath and almost naked, who could blame him for wanting to kiss and fondle her immediately?

The towel fell away, and Charlie grabbed her, pulling her into a space in front of the large window, he knew she wasn't shy, and he was eager to claim her. Pressing her back against the glass, he stole a kiss from her pouting lips, then spun her one-eighty degrees to face the cityscape. Alexis gasped at his assertive moves. His touch was like fire. As her breasts flattened against the cold glass, she panted, the mist from her breath quickly condensed.

Charlie turned her again, reading the lust in her eyes and bent his head to plunder her mouth with his tongue.

"Are you wet for me?" his questing fingers stroked her slit and found their slippery answer.

"Always," Alexis sighed into his mouth, as the pressure between them built.

"Are you hard for me?" she challenged him.

Charlie growled primal and low, turning her towards the window as he unfastened his flies, letting his cock spring free, rampant and ready. Using one hand, he spread her wetness, dipping into her honey pot for more nectar. With a casual lick of his fingers to prime his tip, he slid himself in. Their fit was perfection, like a sword in a jewelled sheath. His first foray into the heat of her sex always gave Alexis a spike of euphoria. Now he grasped her hips with his strong fingers, and Alexis yelped with excitement, knowing what was to come, she braced each hand against the struts of the window frame. His thrusts were deep and exploratory, bottoming out against her G-spot. Charlie's curved member ploughed her furrow in long, assertive strokes that made her groan aloud.

Alexis hoped someone was watching, but she wasn't faking her enthusiasm, her primal reactions, which were only exaggerated when Charlie pulled back on her neck, long and vulnerable, before he bit into her soft flesh so that she arched against him with pleasure. Charlie fucked like a piston, his heavy balls swung and slapped against her damp folds, and his straining cock was soon slick with her juices. But he could be gentle, and her breathless, lusty moans always incited him to gather her in a tender embrace.

"Give me mad love," she mewled.

Charlie resumed pounding her from behind, an iron fist in a silky glove.

The fantasy running in Alexis' head demanded a change of pace, so before long, she eased him out of her pussy and pushed him playfully back on the bed.

"My turn to take charge," she announced. "But first pour us some wine."

Charlie was happy to oblige. He filled two glasses so they could both sip the dark, fruity Bordeaux. Alexis slipped into her silk robe and loosened her hair to cascade down her back. Her expression was both seductive and playful. She signalled it was time to set their glasses aside, then gave her man another playful shove until he reclined on the bed. Moving sinuously like a panther, Alexis crawled up his body until she sat astride his pelvis, where she fed his rock-hard cock into her dripping hole.

Their bed was raised, so this scene was public too. Placing a hand on either side of his head, Alexis leaned forward, feeding her breasts into her man's mouth. She ground her pelvis against his while he tortured her puckered nubs with his lips and teeth. In this position, she was magnificent, able to regulate the speed of their fucking. It was the Alexis show. Sometimes she rode him fast, other times slow. Charlie delivered the perfect mix of shallow penetration and deep, satisfying lunges, keeping her guessing and making her claw at the bedclothes.

Anyone watching from outside could see how they rocked against each other, their genitals fused until Charlie broke free and began to thrust in earnest. Alexis' body was glistening from effort and arousal, and droplets of sweat also beaded Charlie's chest.

"Sit on my face," he begged, and Alexis was happy to change positions.

With her knees braced around his head, a few strokes of his tongue had her biting her lip and spinning out of control. He positioned her sensitive nub between his lips, then sucked like a limpet. Alexis was soon keening and panting. Her face was a mask of ecstasy. Pleasure was her mistress and she gave directive moans to encourage Charlie to alternate between long licks from clitoris to perineum, and probing forays that sliced into her heat. She went wild for the teasing motion where he wagged his tongue from side to side. Abandoning herself to the myriad of sensations, her nipples pebbled as she was driven to the edge of climactic release.

"Let's see how long you can hold off!" She announced, fighting not to go off like a rocket.

She grasped Charlie's cock like a joystick and began with one hand, languidly massaging his proud member with deliberately sinuous movements. She stroked and tugged his pole from root to tip. His foreskin could still slip up and down as tears of precum streamed from his crown. Alexis eagerly lapped his offerings with her tongue, tasting the saline tang of his mounting desire.

When finally she deigned to draw him into her mouth, Charlie let out a roar of relief that the teasing was over. She got to work on him in earnest, bobbing and sucking, his tip grazing the back of her throat. She took him in so deep that his short pubes brushed against her nose, but she massaged his jewels like tender plums. Charlie had to beg her to stop in case he came too soon.

Their tableau of carnal pursuits was visible through the window. If a voyeur was standing out there, his patience would be richly rewarded watching this young couple lose themselves to the joys of the flesh. This thought continued to spur Alexis as she fellated Charlie, whose cock was glistening where she'd licked and sucked. Meanwhile he pressed against the cushions of her buttocks, spreading her pussy wide to drive his tongue inside, alternately fucking her with it and focusing exquisite movements that stimulated her clit, both nibbling and teasing back its hood.

"Try reverse cowgirl," Alexis urged.

Now they were both near the edge, this position offered an excellent change of angle, allowing deeper penetration. Alexis was fascinated, watching Charlie's cock powering into her. She was also mindful that it gave a voyeur the perfect view of the action between her legs, and how her tits bounced with every thrust. With his hands under her hips, Charlie could help her ride him, so he began boosting her up while stabbing into her on the downward drop. Both of them groaned with effort. The way her body responded, tightening and straining almost had Alexis gritting her teeth, the familiar signals of her body readying itself for a climactic release. As she leaned her shoulders back towards Charlie's prone body, she raised herself on her tiptoes. Charlie curled an arm round to circle her clitoris with the pads of his fingers. She gasped, warning that her orgasm was almost within reach, while Charlie pounded into her, hard and fast.

But her feet lost traction. Before Alexis could voice her frustration, Charlie threw her off his lap and moved to the foot of the bed.

"No more Mister Nice Guy!" he growled, dragging her to him by the hips.

Her pelvis rested on the edge of the mattress, and Charlie lifted and extended one of her legs to hold it vertically against his shoulder. Gone were the tender touches, soft words, and stealthy moves, for their final strait Charlie knew Alexis liked it rough. He used speed and friction. He meant business and beads of sweat popped off his brow. Alexis was breathless and delighted. When he took her brutally, as if he owned every inch of her body, it fired up her passion like a wild cat.

Her breathing became ragged, great gulps of air that made her head spin until—kaboom! She experienced an exquisite moment, a rush of heat and pulsing pressure, emotions spinning out of control, while every part of her surged and swirled like a whirlpool.

Within her orgasmic vortex, she dimly heard Charlie's roar, then she was bereft as he pulled out. His body twanged, taut as a bowstring as his cum exploded, a rope of white spuming from the crown of his cock, claiming and decorating her well-pounded pussy. Alexis watched in fascination as his member continued to throb furiously, delivering subsequent loads to splatter her glistening folds.

She laughed with delight, secure in the knowledge that anyone who had watched from the building's shadowy exterior could now see the fruits of their labours, Charlie's lust-laden tribute to their lovemaking. That added some illicit spice to her satisfaction.

"I think we both need a drink!" Alexis declared, flopping back exhausted, on the rumpled sheets and accepting the glass of wine from Charlie's hand.