Chapter 12 - Escape

"Everything's going smoothly for now. Everyone above five years old is on our side." Don mentioned.

"They were surprised, but I think everything will be okay." Gilda added.

"Our next training is underway too" Don informed.

"Thanks" Emma thanked Don with a smile.

"So, what do we do next? Should we tell them? The kids four and under." Don asked.

"Would they believe us?" Emma asked.

"And would they be able to hide it afterward?" Don said.

"It's not just that. I wonder if we can really take them. It's not like I don't believe in Y/n and Norman's plan. But it's a cliff, it's winter, Norman and Y/n are not here. Even if we do escape, there'll be unpredictable situations. I know it's a little late to say this, but maybe Ray's thinking is also correct. " Gilda finally lets out what she had been keeping inside of her this whole time.

"So you mean..." Don paused as he noticed that Gilda was gonna speak again.

"If we take them with us, we can't let them get killed." Gilda stated facts.

"But if we leave them here, they'll get shipped out." Don argued.

"I know! I know that, but..." Gilda struggled to let out the words that she wanted to say.

"Even still, I can't leave them. Ray's right. Gilda's right too. But...I don't want anyone to get shipped out anymore." Emma looked at her hands.

"Yeah" Don agreed as he crossed his arms and looked at the ceiling.

"I want to take my whole family. Let's escape with everyone." Emma encouraged.

"Everyone..." Gilda muttered as she looked down, her eyes looked sad and disappointed.

"What's wrong?" Don asked as he looked at Gilda.

"Well...umm...what about the kids in the other plants? Is it fine for only us to escape? We've never seen them, but...they're next door to us, aren't they? Not knowing anything, just like us. A family living happily..." Gilda said as she rubbed her left hand.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry." Gilda apologized.

"What should we do, Emma?" Don asked as he now turned his attention to Emma.

"That's right. After all..." Emma paused as she looked at the diary of

Y/n and the pen that was given to Norman.

"Can you get Phil?" Emma requested and they did as they're told and brought Phil.

"Yes, Emma?" Phil said as he looked up.

"I have something to tell you. About the House and Mom." Emma sternly said which made Phil look more serious as Emma began to explain.

"I knew it. So it's just like what I thought." Phil said which surprised Emma, Gilda, and Don.

"I was thinking this whole time. When we were playing tag, I wondered what Sister meant when she said 'harvest'. She was also looking through Ray's drawers. Y/n barely smiles anymore, every time she did it was usually fake. She always looked like she was in pain when she looked at us. And Emma, when Y/n and Norman left, you were really scared of Mom. I always thought it was weird. I see...Y/n and Norman got harvested. And Conny...and everyone...that's why you.." Phil started to tear up and then he cried it all out.

"Phil..." Emma whispered as she wrapped her arms around the small, young boy. Emma then released the boy after a whole minute.

"Norman and I didn't get harvested." a voice whispered in Phil's ear. Phil jumped and turned around.

There, he saw Y/n with a smile on her face.

"Y/n!" Phil called out as he ran to her and tried to hug her but he only fell to the ground as his body went through her.

"Phil, Y/N's not here...I know you miss her...we all do but....Y/n isn't in this room, she's gone..." Emma looked at Phil with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, she is! She's right over here. She said Norman and her didn't get harvested." Phil argued.

Emma looked at Don and Gilda in disbelief and they also looked at her with the same expression.

"Phil, listen very carefully. The others can't see me but only you. Emma is hesitating between two choices. She doesn't know if she should bring you all and escape or leave the 4 years old and below and escape with the others. Tell her this." Y/n whispered something in Phil's ear.

"Okay, Y/n gave me instructions! She said no one can see her except me. Emma, Y/n wants you to leave us and leave this situation to me. Escape with the others and leave the 4-year-olds and under behind. After two years, she said that Norman and her will be joining you all in rescuing us." Phil explained the plan to Emma.

"Phil, I don't have that much time now. Bye-bye! I'll be back soon." Y/n said as she vanished into thin air again.


"We're going to cross from there." Emma pointed at a slightly closer land for where they were.

"Cross? But Norman said that if we'll escape, it'd have to be through the bridge." Ray retorted.

"That's what anyone would think. In the letter, it said that Y/n ran around the area to fully check and she found this. She reported it back to Norman and Norman came up with this plan." Emma explained her point which made Ray gasp.

"It'll be okay. We trained a lot." Gilda reassured Ray who was sweating a lot.

"Trained?" Ray asked as flashbacks started flowing his mind, remembering the new stuff they did.

Don threw it and on the other side of the cliff was Y/n. Everyone gasped and Ray almost couldn't believe it.

The rope got tied (A/N: Idk what it is, don't judge) around the tree and did a knot, making sure it won't untangle.

"Nat, are you ready?!" Y/n yelled. Nat looked at her in surprise. Nat thinking, it was his mind playing tricks on him, he nodded and did a knot on a tree.

"You can do it, Don!" Y/n reassured. Don placed the hanger on the rope and yoloed it.

Everyone cheered when Don made it across. Ray couldn't take his eyes off of Y/n.

"Guys, is that really Y/n?" Thoma asked as he looked at Y/N's figure smiling and clapping.

"Phil also said something about seeing Y/n and talking with her." Gilda informed.

"Let's discuss this later. We need to hurry before they catch us, that's what Y/n would want us to do." Emma said.

Thoma and Lannion used the method they had been practicing and it managed to reach the other side of the cliff.

"You guys...when did you..." Ray mumbled and Norman went beside him.

"Well?" Norman smirked at Ray which made Ray's eyes widen in surprise.

"What a smug face. How annoying." Ray smirked as well.

"Well, we were able to completely fool you." Norman smugly said.

"We'll show you something cool, so shut up and come, huh?" Ray crossed his arms.

"Isn't it cool? Look. It's a scenery

We never thought we would see." Norman looked at the kids who were all going across the cliff.

"Yeah. I thought it wouldn't be possible to take everyone. I thought they would be a hindrance." Ray confessed.

"I hesitated too. But in the end, we made a decision, and it's thanks to Y/n and Emma. Everyone joined with full faith because of them." Norman said as he looked at Emma.

"Emma is reckless and unreasonable, but she's honest and can say we're taking everyone without a second thought." Norman as he gazed at Emma.

"Y/N's gentle and very lovable, if you lie to her even once, she'll have a grudge on you. She's protective of her family and considers the little ones as her children." Ray said as he remembered Y/N's smile.

"You don't have to give up, Ray. We're still waiting for you." Norman said and he vanished.

"Just five more!" Don yelled. The rest of the children tried to hug Y/n but they just went through her.

"Emma, what should I do? My hands... I'm sorry! When I think there's a cliff below, I start to think, what if I fall?" the young girl cried.

"Fall?" Lannion asked and looked down at the cliff with Thoma. Y/n suddenly appeared beside them.

"Mama is approaching." Y/n said as she started sniffing the area while closing her eyes. She stood up and walked towards Jemima.

"It's okay Jemima. Let's cross together." Ray said as he lifted the girl up. Y/n went beside Ray and tried to wipe Jemima's tears but her hands only went through. She sighed and leaned towards Ray's ear.

"You can do it, Ray." Y/n whispered in his ear. He nodded and Emma tied a rope around Jemima and Ray.

"How about you guys? Don't tell me you can't do it." Ray looked at the two boys hugging each other out of fear.

"We'll be fine!" Lannion shouted and they both released each other from the hug.

"Y-yeah, super easy!" Thoma stuttered sheepishly. Ray smiled and used the rope. He successfully managed to get across.

"I lose, Y/n, Norman" Ray mumbled as he hugged Jemima. Lannion and Thoma soon followed, leaving just Emma now.

"Okay, you're the last one! Let's go, Emma! Y/n come with us!" Don yelled.

"Sorry, but I can't. But, I'll try joining all of you as soon as possible." Y/n shouted which made them all sad.

"After I'm done with those in the way of my happiness, I'll finally be joining you all." Y/n mumbled.

"Mama's here." Y/n announced as she looked at the exhausted woman.

"Y-y/n?! You're alive?" Mama asked as she looked at the girl who was behind Emma. Everyone gasped when they saw Mama.

"Yes, but they're experimenting on me and stuff or something like that, I think." Y/n shrugged.

"Goodbye House. Goodbye home that we loved so much. Goodbye, mom" Emma looked at Mama.

"Don't go, Emma. My dear children.." Mama shook her head as sweat started dripping from her forehead. Emma jumped and made it across the cliff.

"We'll meet again soon! And this time I'll bring Norman with me!" Y/n waved and they all smiled and nodded.

"You better!" Don yelled.

"Stay safe ok?!" Gilda yelled.

"Hang in there, Y/n!" Emma yelled.

"We'll do our best! And live!" Ray yelled. Y/N nodded and they all started running, following Emma's lead.

Mama sighed and removed her hair tie as she frowned.

"But I guess I've had enough. I lost." Mama accepted defeat. Y/n walked towards her and tried to wrap her arms around Mama but she went through her again.

"Damn it." Y/n cursed silently until she stood up and straight and looked at Mama.

"It must've been painful. Not being able to love normally. How it must've been painful when your son, Ray, was about to get shipped out today." Y/n said.

"H-how did you..."Mama got cut off.

"Just a hunch." Y/n giggled and just like that, she vanished once again into thin air.


'We did it. We did it Norman, Y/n. It's the outside! We made it!' Emma thought as she wiped her tears.

'I'll definitely come back and get everyone else. And by then, Y/n and Norman should be with us. Today we take the first step.' Emma stopped running.

"It's our first morning!" Emma said as she covered her face from the bright sun.


"AHHHHHHHH!" a scream was heard from the room where Y/n was being experimented on.

"The fluid is kicking in." someone said.

Y/n struggled against the straps that were tied around her to avoid her from escaping.

More screams came out of the young girl's mouth as she felt like every single one of her bone is breaking.

Her screams of agony echo


(A/N: Eyooo! There were a few manga spoilers but I hope I didn't reveal too much. Anyways that's 1984 words for you. Peace out!)