First Meeting

~Kat's P.O.V.~

As I'm walking home from my night class I look at my phone and see it's 10pm. When I look up from my phone I see a 6 foot man walking my direction so I stop and walk a little into the shadows so he can't see me. I can tell he's hurt because he's holding his bicep and I can see blood seeping through his fingers. As he stops at a bench a foot away from where I stood I have a 3 minute debate with myself about if I should help him or not. I walk over to him once I make up my mind and say, "I can help with that" with confidence as I stop in front of him. "Why would you help me? I could be a murderer" he says as he looks up at me with a look of confusion on his face. "You could be, but if you were I'd be dead by now. Correct?" I question with a raised eyebrow as I look him in his steely blue eyes. "True. How do you think you can help me pretty lady?" he asks with a smile. "Well I can remove that bullet from your arm and stitch you up. Unless you want to go to the hospital, which I'm assuming you don't since the hospital is the other direction" I say with a smirk as I sit on his injured side. "How do you know it's a bullet wound?" he asks in shock. "I'm not dumb. I can see the bullet hole" I say with a shrug and a smile as I point to his injured arm. "No I guess you aren't dumb are you. I'm Joseph by the way, but people call me Joe" he says with a smirk. "I'm Kataleenah, but people call me Kat" I say with a blush as I smile a little. "It's nice to meet you Kat" he says as his smirk widens. "Nice to meet you too Joe. Now can I fix your arm?" I reply as I look towards his arm again. He smiles and nods so I smile back, take my backpack off to put it beside me, and take out my first aid kit. I pull out my tweezers, some napkins, and some alcohol. "This is going to hurt so I apologize in advance" I tell him as I pour some alcohol on the tweezers to sterilize it. "OK" he says with a nod as he moves his hand so I can see the wound. I take my tweezers and start to dig into his wound as I hear him groan out in pain. After about 2 minutes of fishing I catch the bullet. "Ha!! I got you!!" I exclaim triumphantly as I hold up the bullet with a wide smile. Joe looks at me and laughs a full belly laugh. My cheeks flame red in a blush as I put the bullet and tweezers down. I then take out my surgical needle, thread, and the alcohol again. I thread the needle, pour some alcohol on it, and start to sew up his wound. Once I'm done, I take out my gauze and tape and wrap up his now fixed bicep. "All done" I say as I pat his back with a smile as I look up at him. "How did you learn to do that?" he asks in shock. "I'm a nursing student at N.Y.U. as well as an intern at St. Michael's hospital. Oh and I'm accident prone as well so I figured why not go to medical school and learn how to patch myself up" I ramble with a smile. "Well thank you very much Kat. I know we don't know each other, but as repayment can I take you on a date?" he asks with a smile. "Do you flirt with every pretty girl who patches you up?" I ask with a smirk and a burst of confidence. "Only the pretty ones. But you'd be the first to even approach me" he tells me with a smile as he looks at me. "Well I'd be honored then" I say with a deep blush. His smile widens as he takes out a piece of paper, a pen, and writes down a number. He then hands me the piece of paper and I blush as Joe smiles wider and says, "When you're ready text that number and we'll work something out OK beautiful." "I will" I say with a smile and a blush. "I better be going. Thank you again Kat and I hope to hear from you soon" he says with a wide smile. "You're welcome Joe and you just might" I tell him with a smirk. I watch as Joe walks away and I smile wide as I take out my phone and put his number in it. *I might have to see where this goes* I think to myself with a smile. I start to walk home with extra pep in my step, but as I'm walking I get this feeling of being watched. It wasn't a creepy feeling though it actually made me feel safe with this person watching me.

                 ~Joe's P.O.V.~

As I walk away from the bench I can't help but smile at her sassiness as well as her shyness. I look back and see Kat putting my number into her phone and I watch her with a smile. *I hope she accepts my date* I think to myself with a smile. As I turn around again to walk home I see movement in the shadows out of the corner of my eye and my smile drops. I growl lowly when I see him slowly stalking towards Kat so I cut him off while still in the shadows and shove him back as I look him directly in his eyes and say, "Don't you even think about hurting or stalking her. Don't even just think about her again or I'll cut your balls off and feed them to your family. Got it?" with malice in my voice and I can't help but smirk at the look of fear in his eyes as he nods and runs away. I look towards the bench again to see that Kat is gone so I look around frantically and see that she started walking home again completely oblivious to what just happened, so I follow after her to make sure she's safe. For some reason I feel this overwhelming need to protect her and make sure she's happy. As I follow her, I see her approach a nice looking house, so I hide behind a tree and watch her as she fumbles with the lock for a little before she finally gets the door open. I stand behind the tree until I see her walk inside and I see the light in what I assume is the living room turn on. Once I see that she's safe I smile as I start my walk home.