The duke seemed like a cheerful man. How could the emperor be afraid of such a man be feared?

"Yes. It's the first time we are meeting in person. Although I have heard about you" I say taking another sip of my tea.

"Well, I can't say I haven't heard about you too. The young mistress of the royal family. The born phoenix of the Han dynasty. Oh, I have heard" he said laughing..

"Is that the only thing you have heard about me?" I ask feeling amused.

"Of course not. That cannot be the only thing. I have also heard of your love story. About your love for the king. So touching, I have to say."he said.

Standing up to face the window, he grabs my hand...

"Look outside, our family are enjoying themselves. All of them are happy. Juan'er, when we get married, I will be faithful to you. I will never abandon you ." he says taking my hand..

"Your Highness" I say blushing...

" I heard you are also skilled in martial arts. In the capital, you're the only female noble skilled enough to marry anyone she wishes. What a talent!!" he said

"Your Highness, please don't flatter me. Everything I know is due to father. I am not as skilled as you think." I say smiling.

I know that trouble awaits me no matter who I marry. The grand princess does not trust me at all but the duke seems like a nice person.

" Princess, the grand princess invites the both of you down to the gardens"Ruomei said

When we get to the garden, father, mother and the grand princess are sitting under an umbrella.

"Greetings elders" we (the duke and I) both say..

"Juan'er, I have heard about your graceful sword dance. I hope you can perform it for us today." The grand princess said

I open my eyes widely at Ruomei and Suyin. Sword dance? I cannot even perform a single punch talk less of the sword dance. What exactly was I going to do? It seems the grand princess was testing my abilities.

First, it was tea. Now, sword dance..

After I had changed, I came down. Suyin had already promised to help me. Ruomei was the one playing the xither. Suyin had hidden by the corner. When the xither, I tried to follow Suyin's steps but they were just too difficult..

When I almost tripped and fell, someone caught me. When I was sure, I opened my eyes to see...