Days after the emperor recovered, we got news of the bandit's hideout. It was anonymous so we had no idea of who had sent the letter. We had raided the hideout and chased them into the mountains.

After the bandits had been captured, I started packing. Maybe tomorrow we will heading back to the capital. Since there was no evidence implicating Minister Liu, His majesty had advised we let them go. In order to celebrate the capture of the bandits, Minister Liu was having another banquet. Looks like the noble and prestigious families did have enough money.

At the banquet, the soldiers were in high spirits. They laughed and offered many toasts to His Majesty. The officials that were involved with the bandits had been arrested and will face trial at the capital. I on the other hand, just felt happy.

I didn't have to hide my identity anymore. The emperor had also treated me well this past few days. We had gone to many places in Xuzhou. Laughing and playing along the way.

"Your Majesty, I and the soldiers are tired. We shall take our leave and retire early" The general of the royal army said.

"Your Majesty, I and my daughter shall also retire." Minster Liu said.

And just like that, the soldiers departed from the hall one by one. Getting up, I started heading towards the door when the general of the royal army held my hand.

"Young general Wu, where are you going?" He asked.

"I am retiring too. I feel tired." I said stating the obvious.

"Stay here and keep His majesty company. You can't leave him here by himself" he said.

"His majesty has Bao jing. He doesn't need me here." I said.

"Young general, don't act numb. You should keep His majesty company. After all, you too must have many things to discuss" a solider said laughing.

Just as I was about to leave towards the door. They ran and locked it laughing. This soldiers! It was obvious that they were planning to make us reconcile. Turning towards the emperor.

"You do understand what they are trying to do right?" I said taking a sit on the stairs in front of His Majesty's table. Handing me a bottle of wine, he sat next to me.

"I do. Don't mind the soldiers. Tell me, what is your world like? The future you came from" he asked.

"Where do I start from? The future has a lot of things. The telephone, the television. Many gadgets. And in the future, the nations were united and called China. They are no emperors or empress. Just the president. The cities are always lively." I said remembering home.

"And do you have a family back in the future?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I have my father who doted and loved me unconditionally. My mother who was very strict. My sisters, Mingmei and Mingyu. They are married. And my brothers too. I really miss them a lot." I said.

"I know you do. Although Tianfei said you may never go home, I will find a way to bring you home." He said.

" There are a lot of fun things here too" I said.

"Oh no, here. There is only scheming, lies and deceit. You will understand that in time" he said.

"Why did you issue a decree to marry me off to the duke?" I asked.

"You are not Li juan. There is no reason to keep you by my side anymore. The duke loves you too and I, I love Li Juan." He said.

Ouch!! That really did hurt. Although I knew that must be the reason. It still hurt to hear him say it. I decided not to let it show I was hurt.

"Oh well, I have to say, the duke is really a nice man as well. I don't know why you two are at odds with each other but he is your cousin. You two shouldn't be fighting." I said.

"So you are not angry I am using you?" He asked.

"Oh no, you are not using me. I am not a pawn. I decide my destiny. I wouldn't harm the duke when am married to him. I wouldn't betray him. I just want to live a quiet life and not get involved in you two's feud." I said.

"Not even if I threaten to expose you?"

" Not even if you threaten to kill me. I am a loyal person. The duke has promised to treat me well. I wouldn't betray him. You better rest. I will be taking my leave now" I said turning towards the door.

I hope I will be able to stay away from the emperor.

"Genji, you must live a good life here." He said.

"When are we returning to the capital?" I ask facing the door.

"Li Juan's birthday is in three days time, we will celebrate it here" he said.

"Do you know that in three days time, I too will celebrate my birthday? You only think about Li Juan." I said and left without turning back.