Everything had been settled and Ji'An left looking very happy. She had finally been able to clear her mother's name. I was more happy for Danji. I had seen her fighting and struggling to make this dream a reality. As her friend, I felt I did my part.

Being Queen Mother on the other hand was not as easy as I thought. I had watched a lot of dramas and was excited to take over the inner palace. Who would have thought it carried more responsibility? I had to wake up even more earlier than usual to be greeted by the concubines and their children. I had to plan for almost everything.

Heading to Fenghui's palace, I see him sitting outside in his courtyard learning with his tutor. Fenghui was still young. I wanted to do my best to raise him well. Fenghui sees me and stands up.

"Greetings Royal Mother." Fenghui said 

"Greetings Queen Mother" The imperial tutor said kneeling down.

" Please stand" I said