*Li Juan's POV

Turning back, I quickly leave the front of Chaoxing's door. Master Zhi was indeed very smart. Over the last few days, I noticed Chaoxing had been very quiet and observant. Today, I finally understood why. Walking back to my room, I see Master Yao standing there in front of my door.

"We have to talk" Master Yao said 

Pouring a cup of water, I carry it to Master Yao who stands drinking the tea. The wedding was about to start yet I wasn't yet dressed. What exactly did she have to ask me?

"I have something to ask you. Since you arrived, I noticed you have been mourning for your child so I didn't dare to ask you. After staying with you these last few days, I have no more doubt. You are not Wu Li Juan." Master Yao said

"Yes. I am not Li Juan. I am not even from this world. I came here after a strange encounter. You are right." I said watching as the cup falls from Master Yao's hands to the ground.