"My lady! My lady! There's a letter for you!" Chuntao said running as Chaoxing and I were busy playing chess.

Chuntao reaches me breathing heavily as she handed over the letter to me. Before opening it, my eyes dart to Chaoxing who doesn't even acknowledge the presence of the letter.

"You may leave." I said opening the letter. It had been sent from Ying Dou. While I am reading it, Wuji runs inside holding a letter for Chaoxing. After handing it over to Chaoxing, he glances at me and turns away making me laugh.

While I was waiting for Ying Dou's reply, we had spent most of our days staying in the room. I was able to finally be free after sending the consorts home with some money and gifts. Rumors had circulated regarding our staying indoors but I didn't care. Chaoxing's robe was once again undone giving me a wonderful view of his chest.

Chaoxing's eyes dart to me after he finishes reading the letter.