"Liwei, is that you?" I asked almost on the verge of crying.

It was only when he ran into my arms did I finally believe that my brother was here. He had already grown up. We both hug each other tightly as a million and one question race through my mind. There are so many things I want to ask him.

"Li Juan, are you okay?" I heard Zang Tu say which makes us release each other. We still hold hands though.

The look on Zang Tu's face makes me realize I had to explain things to him quickly before he misunderstands.

"He's my brother. My little brother" I said but Zang Tu doesn't look like he believes me and turns his head to Liwei as if asking "Is it true?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. She is my sister, Wu Li Juan" Liwei said confirming my claim.