General Cheng comes back whispering in Chaoxing's ear while I study in the map on the wall. Qi was most difficult state in terms of land structure. This was because Qi was surrounded by difficult rocks and stones which were really difficult to climb.

"Genji, have you been able to find a way which we can enter?" Chaoxing asked.

"I have been thinking. The only way I can think of is for us to climb through here. Its the most dangerous but its the only way I think we can enter" I said.

"Okay. Then we will see if its possible. What about the soldiers we sent? Have we they come back?" Chaoxing asked.

"No. None of them have come back" A solider answered.

Fear starts to set in when the soldier says so. None of them came back alive. I had seen this type of ending before in many dramas. When the main character dies in battle. Suddenly, I start feeling dizzy causing me to almost fall unconscious.

"My lady!" The generals said.