Finally, it was time for the soldiers to set out. Although I have been claiming to be strong, the fear I have been keeping starts coming back again. Weeks before, I had hidden all of Chaoxing's things needed to set out. I didn't know want him to go. If I could find a way to stop this war from happening, I would do it in a heartbeat.

Unfortunately this war was about getting justice for the lives of people who were lost. Chaoxing seemed to have understood what I was feeling because whenever I hid his battle things, he would just go and find it and keep it back without saying a single word.

Today, he and the soldiers were going to set out. I had put on my strongest face but inside I was dying. My belly had started to show since I was already five months pregnant. Sitting down calmly, I watch as Chaoxing and the Wuji talk outside for some time. 

"Everything is set." Wuji said.

"Okay, you may leave." Chaoxing said before entering inside.