Chapter 19 Negotiation

  Soon Geer invited Tukhachevsky and Natasha.

  Although Tukhachevsky's face was still flushed, his eyes were clear and brilliant, he didn't look like a drunk person at all. Wilhelm was really curious how strong his liver was to withstand such a toss. "Your Excellency General Tukhachevsky, I won't give any compliments about your drinking volume. How about let's make a long story short and be straightforward?"

  Tukhachevsky nodded. "His Royal Highness is straightforward enough, then please."

  Everyone came to sit down in the small meeting room in the suite, Wilhelm continued. "We came with the sincerity of mutual benefit this time. With all due respect, your doctrine has just been established, and it is almost a public enemy of the whole world. British Prime Minister Lloyd even called you as 'the untouchables of Europe.' I'm afraid that apart from us, there is no second country that will cooperate with you in any way." There was China in the original space-time, but because of the Mongolia issue, China's relationship with the Soviet Union has not been very good. Of course, the waists of these Slavs were also very hard, and even if they were too poor to eat and drink they would not humbly ask for help.

  "By the way, you are the public enemy of the whole world, and we in Germany are not much better. We are also suppressed by Britain, France and the United States. There is a saying that the enemy of my enemy is a friend. Since we are friends, we should have more cooperation in certain areas "

  "With all due respect, friends are also based on interests. To cooperate, you have to pay out the proportion to what you get." Tukhachevsky replied wisely. Smart people will not ask for conditions first, but ask the other party to demand first. When the time comes, they can respond accordingly .

  Wilhelm certainly knew what the Soviet Union lacked most at that time, not only at that time, the Soviet Union went farther and farther on that stupid road even after the end of World War II. And ended up far behind the Western countries led by the United States. Even precision five-axis CNC milling machines have to be secretly purchased from Japan at sky-high prices. "I know that your precision machining field is lacking and I can pat my chest and say that our German technology is the most advanced in the world." At this point, Wilhelm clearly saw the muscles on Tukhachevsky's face twitch. This "Red Napoleon" certainly understood how helpful the things he wanted to provide to the Soviet Union were.

  Tukhachevsky squeezed his throat unnaturally and asked. "Your Excellency Wilhelm can guarantee that what you provide is the latest and most advanced?" Tukhachevsky's first thought was to take this opportunity to let Germany export some precision machine tools to the Soviet Union. Because all aspects of Soviet industry now need such precision machine tools too much. If there are these precision machine tools, then the industrial technology of the Soviet Union can at least soar to a new height.

  That's why he took over the task of receiving German guests, which was originally not under his control. Unexpectedly, now Wilhelm took the initiative to propose this, so he had a hard time to manage his inner ecstasy.

  Wilhelm nodded heavily. "Of course. We can provide the world's most advanced machine tools and equipment. It can be used to improve your heavy industry, munitions industry, and steel industry. And we can also send technicians to provide technical support, and complete teaching and introduction." He had already seen the ecstasy that couldn't be concealed in the opponent's eyes, so he couldn't help but mock him secretly.

"But there is an old saying that excellent goods are not cheap, and cheap goods are not excellent."

  "Since your Excellency Wilhelm is so straightforward , then we shouldn't be too stingy with our price." Tukhachevsky said.

  "First, we have to investigate your arms industry, artillery, tanks, firearms, etc. Because, we need to understand our partners in order to cooperate better. Second, if we have something we fancy, we hope you can authorize us inspect that production ." He asked for authorization, but in fact, what he needed were the drawings. Wilhelm in the original time space didn't like the Soviet Union weapons very much. Although he often heard about how certain powerful Soviet weapons could beat their opponents, he didn't care about the details of their design. Therefore there are only two or three Soviet weapon design drawings he can draw currently. The rest of the drawings like T-34, Stalin tank and so on, he only knows the main data at most, so how can he draw the design drawings? That is an impossible task.

  "..." Tukhachevsky felt that neither the weapons currently used by the Soviet Union nor the weapons under development can adapt to future wars, and it is inevitable to update them. It seems that giving away these old weapons that will be "eliminated" in the future, he is not at a disadvantage. "If you guarantee that these weapon drawings will never flow into a third country then we can consider."Although it will be eliminated in the future, no one can guarantee that there will be no new wars in the next few years.

     "Of course there is no problem." Wilhelm readily agreed. Tukhachevsky is also willing to trust Wilhelm's guarantee.  After all, Europeans generally believe that honesty is the basic character of life. In European cultural traditions, "liar" is a heavy curse. The protagonist in the famous book "Jane Eyre" was heartbroken when he was scolded by the teacher for "lying" when he went to school.

  Wilhelm made a second request. "Secondly, the Soviet Union has a vast geographic location. I hope you can provide us with a secret venue where we can train our soldiers secretly. And your country must ensure that these training venues will not be discovered by countries such as Britain, the United States and France."

  Tukhachevsky asked. "Can I ask what the training content is?"

  "Armored soldiers and aviation troops." The Soviet Union had secretly trained and equipped armored soldiers for Germany before World War II. The Peace treaty of Versailles strictly restricted Germany from establishing offensive troops, especially tank troops. Germany had to secretly produce tanks and find a secret place where it can train armored soldiers. At the same time, the Soviet Union did not have advanced production technology and skilled technical backbone, so Germany and the Soviet Union came together for their own interests.

  Now there is one more aviation unit, so the Soviet Union has no reason not to agree.

  Sure enough, the current Tukhachevsky did not hesitate to answer. "It's not a difficult task. But we also have to send students there to learn and communicate together."

  Wilhelm cursed shamelessly in his heart, but showed a sincere smile on his face. "That can be done, but you have to provide all the weapons and equipment, including training tanks and aircraft, etc." Even if the Soviet soldiers performance is as good as the German soldiers, they can't make up the gap in weapons and equipment. When the same good soldiers commands the Panther tank and the T-28 tank separately, unless the German tank commander is an idiot, the T-28 is definitely the target of abuse.