Chapter 26

 "His Royal Highness, welcome back!!"

  The four beautiful secretaries came to pick him up. Wilhelm couldn't wait to ask as soon as he got in the car. "Miss Annie, is the company established?"

  "Yes, it is established. The exploration equipment is in place, the mining machinery is also booked, the factory can deliver the goods in a few days, and a group of workers have been recruited.

  "Let the person in charge of the oil company visit me." He wants to mine an oil field as soon as possible, and save as much as he can before the outbreak of the war.


  Viola reported. "His Royal Highness, Mr. Walter was asking when you will return to Germany a few days ago, and he was waiting for you early today."

  "..." These businessmen, as long as there is  money to make, they can be very active. Wilhelm asked another question. "How is Speer's restaurant?"

  "He submitted a request to open another branch yesterday since the profit is sufficient. Your Highness please decide."

  Wilhelm nodded. "Let him open, tell him not to be too narrow-minded, not only in Germany, but I want to spread restaurants across Europe and the whole world." After pondering for a while, he continued. "Tell him not to waste the leftovers after animal processing. Like chicken gizzards, chicken heart, chicken liver, pig intestines, pig trotters and pig head meat, all these can be called meat, with a bit of meaty smell. Add starch, seasonings, and preservatives to make canned food.

  In addition, the leftovers in the store must be strictly sorted and recycled, and preservatives are added after a little processing to make canned food. But this kind of cans should be marked well, so don't confuse it with other cans. "This method should be implemented in all branches." 

  If these leftovers are sorted, recycled and frozen with some preservatives, it is also a good food reserve. Nearly 10 million soldiers from various countries were detained in the original German prisoner-of-war camps, including 5.7 million Soviet soldiers.

  The food consumed by these prisoners of war is astronomical. Wouldn't it be brilliant to just use the leftovers of these little-cost leftovers to feed them? "Tell Speer to prepare the opening of the new branch as soon as possible."


  "How is Goebbels' publishing house doing?"

  "His Royal Highness, the book you published made a Frenchman very interested. He wants to buy the copyright and translate it into French for publication in France."

  "No problem, tell him that if there are other countries where he wants to publish the book in the future, we can sign the contract according to the normal agreement without deliberately raising the price." The most important reason for Wilhelm to write a book besides making money is to Increase his influence and personal brand awareness. Now is not the developed network world of later generations. One of the most effective ways to increase a person's popularity is to write a book.

  After listening to other reports, the convoy had already reached the palace. Wilhelm went straight to the office of William II. "Grandpa, I'm back."

  William II's face had a rare amiable smile. "Thank you, boy."

  "Nothing. I heard that my father is back?" He really wanted to see the man who was supposed to be William III. Even if he didn't sit on the throne of high authority, he was an explorer who was born to die exploring the world.

  When Wilhelm mentioned his father, William II's face became stern. That bastard son came back to visit his son, and within a few days he said that his heart was too restless and he couldn't wait any longer, and wanted to go out to ease his mood. As a result, Willian II still doesn't know where his son went.

  "..." Wilhelm was quite speechless after listening. This dad is also really strange.

  William II waved his hand. "Don't talk about him. I have already read the contract you made with the Soviet Union. There is no problem."

   "I decided to send someone to China for oil exploration."

  "That's the oil company you founded last time?"

  "Yes, I agreed with them that if we dig oil, we will get 20%, and the period will be 20 years."

  "Are you so sure you can dig oil?" Although not very familiar, he also knows that oil exploration is a very complicated project. Various pre-investigation and exploration procedures sometimes take several years.

  He is 100% sure he can find oil, unless the butterfly effect can change the geological structure of tens of thousands of years. "I'll know at that time. Don't worry, grandpa, there will be accurate news within half a year."

  Then Wilhelm reported all the contracts signed in Soviet Union to William II.

  Seeing the winter clothes contract, William II was a little surprised. "Five million winter clothes?What do you want so many winter clothes for? "

     Since there is nothing to hide, Wilhelm told him the truth. "That lot of winter clothes was kept in reserve by the Soviet Union. You also know how cold the winter is in the Soviet Union. We can't let our soldiers fight in that severe cold, so I purchased them"

  William II frowned in confusion. "Since you are planning to attack the Soviet Union, why are you giving them so much industrial equipment? Isn't this making trouble for ourselves?"

  Wilhelm shrugged helplessly. "If we don't give them enough benefits, how can they agree to our terms. Compared to the soldiers we can train secretly, I don't think the things we give them are worth mentioning." Even if Germany does not cooperate with the Soviet Union, after the economic crisis broke out The United States, France, and even the United Kingdom would conduct various transactions with the Soviet Union. Therefore, it was impossible to block the industrial development of the Soviets.

  Wilhelm patted his forehead suddenly. "Grandpa, I forgot something. You ask the Ambassador to China, secretly apply for an island lease. It is best to be an uninhabited island away from busy routes."

  "You want an uninhabited island? What are you trying to do?" William II felt that he couldn't keep up with his grandson's thinking.

  "I want to secretly send troops there to train for the beach landing project, which is reserved for the British Empire on the opposite side." Beach landing can be said to be a cruel way of fighting in war. Anyone who knows the beach-grabbing and landing game knows that because of the limited draft of warships, it is impossible to carry people directly to the beach. In addition, the densely packed sandy beaches prevent the enemy from directly landing on the beach.

  Soldiers can only disembark from the boat far away from the beach and advance on foot. In this process, the intensive firepower of the enemy will cause heavy losses to the offensive troops. It is no exaggeration to say that the first part of battle is to basically die.

  In the largest landing battle of the 20th century, the Normandy Landing Campaign, the Allied forces doubled their main force against the German army, but the soldiers killed alone reached 3,000, and nearly 60,000 people were injured.

  So he must train the soldiers in advance for the beach landing project.

  "..." William II couldn't help widening his eyes. Fuck, is this grandson crazy? He wants to fight the Soviet Union and land in the UK. Does he think the war is a play?