The First World 4 - The Two Transmigrators’ Reunion

Avalyn = Yi Yang (伊阳)

Evelyn = Yi Yin (伊阴)

-Yi (伊) means he/she

-Yin (阴) and Yang (阳) as in Yin and Yang

Here's a good description of the Yin and Yang for the twins' names. I found it while surfing around on Google.

"Yin energy is in the calm colors around you, in the soft music, in the soothing sound of a water fountain, or the relaxing images of water. Yang (active energy) is the feng shui energy expressed in strong, vibrant sounds and colors, bright lights, upward moving energy, tall plants, etc."


A pink-haired girl with pink eyes that were a shade darker than her hair—Suka Kene, walked in front of the other four proudly. Suka is an arrogant girl, as her family is more powerful than most of the other students' family. Suka had a crush on the triplets ever since 5th year. (She like all three of them) Suka had bullied many students that she dislike, and she even manage to get some of them expelled or transferred.

Being such a self centered person, Suka was flustered when she found out that a 10 year old seem to be closer to her idols than she had ever been. So she decided to gather a group to teach him a lesson. Suka doesn't care about the boy's age nor the fact that he's a male, as she can be unreasonable sometimes.

Suka has a bad relationship with her younger sister. She had also dealt with males that had drooled over her idols before, so that might be why Suka is hostile enough to take action.

Suka had manage to invite two girls and two boys to help her by badmouthing the transfer student, calling him manipulative and a white lotus.

*White Lotus: A white lotus is someone who is pure in appearance, but opposite inside.

The two girls she invited—Malori Trine and Delia Suis, are both people Suka had planned to pressure and expel, but she then changed her mind and decided to use them for now.

Malori and Delia have decent backgrounds, but if compared to Suka's, their backgrounds are weaker. Malori has good academics and decent grades in sports, she is also a math major. Delia has bad grades in physical education and has average academic scores, but her popularity is high with the girls as she is good with cosmetics.

And as for the other two male students—Augustus Hilton and Sidney Noreen.

Sidney is one of those short, soft, pretty boys that shamelessly act similar to a soft, sweet, innocent girl even though he's male and can be a strong man if he train properly. Sidney is apparently homosexual, he took a liking to the triplets, as he finds them to be perfect partners.

He's actually a crossdresser as well. Suka really despises him, she had intended to get rid of him last year, but it turns out that Sidney actually has good combat skills.

After some information digging, Suka found out that Sidney's family has the support of a gang, and Sidney himself has a high position in the gang as well. Although the gang is not a true powerhouse, it isn't that weak either. The gang is one that can wipe out a whole neighborhood (a normal neighborhood, not those with expensive houses and stuff). The gang is also involved in illegal drug trafficking.

Suka used this information to her advantage, she threaten to reveal Sidney's identity, but she only pressure him a bit, as she does not want to cause any trouble for her family. The gang is a stealthy and vicious one, Suka does not want to deal with them, as she had ambitions for becoming the next Kene family head.

Augustus Hilton, the fourth and last person that Suka had brought with her. He has a background that as just as powerful as Suka's, maybe even more powerful (Suka isn't sure).

The triplets has admirers, but nobody can be liked by everyone. Some are jealous of them; some looked down on them, believing that they are just using their background; some secretly spew trash about them behind their backs.

Augustus Hilton belong to the competitive faction. He's someone who challenges the triplets. Augustus is good-looking, intelligent, and charming, so he's pretty popular. He has a good relationship will both female and male students. A lot of teachers said that he's a great pupil as well.

Augustus had overheard Suka talking to Malori and was interested, so he ended up coming with them. Suka isn't really sure about why Augustus had wanted to come with them, but she didn't ask, as she didn't want to annoy him. Suka thinks that having Augustus with her can deal more pressure on the transfer student, so she naturally welcomed him to come with her.


The book…

Isn't that…an advanced 10th year textbook about the complexity of Aruhen's governing system

Isn't he like…10 years old? Why is he...reading that book…?

The group stopped and observe the boy reading about things even they won't be able to read. Despite them being a few years older than the boy, they can't read that kind of thing yet.

Augustus raised his eyebrows in surprise, he quickly put on a poker face after a moment. However, he had showed his shock long enough for Suka and the other three to catch at least a glimpse of it.

The group is now silently debating whether they should really do what they had planned to do. Suka, Malori, and Delia looked at each other. Sidney looks toward the door. Augustus is already walking toward the exit.

The group had a silent agreement and left the boy alone.

What they didn't know was that right after the last person—Suka—left, Yi Yin (formerly called Evelyn, the male twin) looked up from his book and stared at the classroom exit blankly. He turn back to his book after 10 seconds.

'Reading this is useful. Now I don't have to deal with those people.'

Yi Yin don't really like troublesome things, they annoy him. However, what he doesn't know is that there might be quite some troublesome things he have to deal with in the future.


Yi Yang (formerly Avalyn, the female twin) look at the pile of papers. Its only the first week of school…why do they give them so much homework?

Well, it doesn't matter, she'll finish it in 10 minutes.

After finishing the homework, Yi Yang decided to go stroll around the city.

Aru City is the capital of Aruhen, it's the largest city in Aruhen. There Aruhen has three districts, the Northern District, Southern District, and Eastern District. There isn't a Western District, as part of Aruhen's west the land of another country, Trine.

Most of the land in Trine are covered by forests, there are many creatures and games inside the forest. Trine is the ideal country for camping, hiking, and hunting. There are cities outside the forests, but there are also villages and tribes inside the forests. Trine is a free country, anyone can go there and stay. The residences there are neither too friendly nor too hostile.

Aru City is located in between Aruhen's three districts. There are 5 main cities in Aruhen. Aru City in the middle of the three districts; Gwin City in the southwest; Niaru City in the northeast; Hendall City in the east; and Biyune City in the southeast.

Yi Yang put on a gray cloak from her closet. She went downstairs and told the servants that she wants to go stroll around outside for a while.

"Are you sure Young Miss?" A maid asked her, "You usually like to stay indoors."

"I feel a bit bored with being indoors so much lately, so I want to go out for a change."

"Okay then Young Miss. Did you bring enough money with you?"

Yi Yang patted her pockets, "Yes, I brought enough."

"Then be sure to come back before curfew, have fun!"


The Runes' servants are highly skilled, everyone of them knows at least some intermediate combat skills. They're also all deathly loyal, there is absolutely no chance of a betrayal. The servants are all good people who are genuinely grateful that their able to work for the Runes, on the other hand, the Runes treats the servants well. So their all basically like one big family.

Yi Yang got in the limo and told the family driver, Warren, to drop her off at a special parking area of the city.

Warren drove her there and gave her a well meant warning about strangers and etc. The driver only felt reassured enough to leave when Yi Yang reminded him that she can defend herself as everyone else in the Rune Mansion can.

Yi Yang used GSP to get to her destination, the original Alice usually don't go out for long, so she didn't inherit much memories about the city. The original was also a bit introverted, as she likes to stay in the mansion. She only go outside into the city a few times an year, although that changed after the Runes' downfall.

After wandering around for a while, Yi Yang finally found the place—a nice restaurant with several private rooms. She had successfully contacted the person she was looking for a few weeks ago, but they only meet up now, as they were both busy previously.

"Welcome, how many I help you?" The waitress was polite, it is a nice restaurant after all.

"I'm here to meet up with someone."

"May you tell me the room number?"

"Room A1."

"Please follow me."

Yi Yang followed the waitress to the private room. The waitress knocked on the door, then she opened it.

A boy that looks eerily like Yi Yang sat alone inside the room.

The waitress quietly looked back and forth at them.

'…Is a sibling reunion or something?'

Yi Yang smiled at the waitress, "Please leave us to talk for 15 minutes, we will order food later."

The waitress quickly left. Yi Yang turned around and looked at her…cousin.

Alice's father and Aleic's father are twin brothers, so that makes Alice and Aleic cousins. It was probably due to their fathers' genetics that the two look more like twins than cousins.

Yi Yin looked back at her expressionlessly.

Yi Yang decided to start, "Hello Yin, how was your time here so far?"

"Decent." Yi Yin replied nonchalantly.

"So, what do you want to do now that we would not longer be restricted by the system? We can basically do anything now." Yi Yang asked him. She herself had already decided on something, but she want to hear Yi Yin's opinions first.

Yi Yin thought about it for a moment, then he opened his mouth, "I don't really have any plans, so I guess I'll just go with whatever you want."

Yi Yang looked at him with adoration, "I knew you were going to say that!"

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Yi Yin asked her, even though he already have a guess of what she's going to say.

"Exploring this world! This world is interesting, but Alice died before the main events happen. There was going to be world wars!"

There are 5 countries in this world: Aruhen, Myue, Seine, Trine, and Enru.

There are two continent, Aruhen is on the Western Continent. Trine is northwest of Aruhen, while Seine is directly south of Aruhen. Myue and Enru are both on the Eastern Continent, with Myue being north of Enru.

*Ling: Maybe I should draw a map…but then I wouldn't know where to put it…

Aruhen has the most population with about 2.6 billion people; Enru is not far behind, with only about 2 hundred thousands less people than Aruhen; Myue is next, with a population of 1.7 billion; Seine has 986 million; and finally Trine has a population of about 979 million.

Aruhen is govern by a presidential council. The council is made up of ten representatives, the councilors votes to decide things.

Enru has slavery, but the number of slaves are only about 3,000 of Enru's 2,600,000,000 population. Enru is also a monarchy, Enru's royal family members are all talented, capable, and potential rulers. Mostly, no one dares to challenge Enru's royal family, even the big shots in Aruhen.

Enru's royal family is Enru, the country itself is named after the Enru royal family. The royal family is feared, admired, envied, loved, and hated by many. But one thing is for sure, the majority respects the Enru royal family.

Myue is a democracy, the president is apparently a genius businessman. However, although President Lin is a businessman, he is a very good leader. He cares for the country and its people, and the people appreciates him as well. So there's basically no political struggles nor civil wars in Myue. Most Myuens are all polite and respectful, but there will occasionally be some small troubles.

The Myuens are peaceful, but that doesn't mean they're saints. They will not hesitate to point their weapons at foreigners if they have to. Of course, there are also Myuens who are not peaceful at all. Those Myue residents still know basic respect though, they can also restrain themselves, but they will let loose if they just have to.

Before offended a Myue resident, make sure that you have a good reason to. The Myuens will listen to explanations, as they don't want to blindly believe things. If they found out you accused someone, especially if it's someone they had a good impression of or something, let's say what they would do is not going to be pretty.

Seine is a democratic country. Seine has the best bakeries on the Western continent, it is also where a few popular tourist attractions are. The prices of goods at Seine stores are surprisingly low, even the stores near tourist attractions. Life in Seine can be said to be easier than life in any other countries, or at least that's what it seems like.

Seine actually has a controlling president. The president acts gentle and responsible, but that was all an act. He was the one that organized the low prices and made life for Seiners carefree. He done that to make public opinion of him rise, he want the people to trust him. The Seine president's ultimate goal is to turn Seine into his own country. He want to change democracy into monarchy.

In the original plot, president's manipulation accomplish his goal a few months after the downfalls of the many families and powerhouses in Aruhen. The president turned into a king and then became more ambitious.

There was then a war between the weaken Aruhen and the new monarchy Seine. The war ended with Seine losing, but both side suffered enormous casualties. Liliana and the male leads were also caught up in the war. The protagonists of this world isn't as heaven-defying as one might expect. Liliana had only been able to take out those powerhouses by underhanded schemes, it's unlikely for her to be able to survive in a war like that. Liliana died and the male leads had all died trying to protect her. That's pretty much the ending.

"Looking back at all this, it seems like the most powerful and unshakeable country would be Enru." Yi Yin said.

Yin Yang mused, "It's kind of ironic, you'll expect a country with slavery to be a bad one, but in fact it's the opposite."

"So where do you want to go?"

"We can stay in Aruhen for a few months and then go to Seine for a month. Then we can go to Trine for another month. And finally, we can take the plane to the Eastern continent and hang out there during the war!"

Yi Yin raised his eyebrows slightly, "You don't want to participate in the war? Never mind, I understand. You want them to feel the despair of missing powerhouses when they needed them the most."

Yi Yang beamed, "You know me the best Yin!"

"I couldn't care about the main characters more or less."

"Do you want to come back with me 'cousin'?" Yi Yang asked mischievously.

"Sure, I'll have to call my mother first though."

"Yay! I'll ring the bell then, I'm starving!"


The servants were surprised that Alice brought someone with her home. They were even more surprised that it was Young Master Aleic, who they were informed to have arrive in Aruhen only a few weeks ago.

The Young Miss seem to be very fond of her cousin, she even wanted to share a room with him!

Eleanor and Andrei both hurried over as well when they heard that their cousin had came.