Chapter 8: Ibere mi ( My beginning)8

My mom took me inside, still in her arms. After which she, She bathe me cared for my wound and made me wear my sleeping gown. She tucked me to my Bamboo bed before she laid down beside me. I immediately wrapped my hands around her and put my head on her warm breasts, it like I got an habit. Right?

" Keji,kini o ko ni aaye Baba (Keji, what do you learn at Baba's place?)"

I know my mom will ask, so I was fully prepared to answer her question.

Everyday I go to Baba's place for moonlight stories, my mom asks the same question before she starts her own teaching. To me, my mom is the best teacher in the world.

Also, Keji is the short form of my name which I only allow my mom to call, she's the only one entitled to calling me" Keji".

Her large fingers were running through the curls of my damp hair, it felt so good that I could fall asleep at any time. But if not for the question she asked, I would've done so a long time ago.

"mama, Itan Baba kọ mi lati ... maṣe jẹ ojukokoro bi ijapa, ati pe o yẹ ki o ni itẹlọrun pẹlu ohunkohun ti a ni (mommy, Baba story taught me to... never be greedy like the tortoise, and should be contented with whatever we have.)" i said in one breathe

My mom smiled and nod her head " Nitorina kini yoo ṣe pẹlu ohun ti o kọ (So what will do with what you learned?)"

"Emi yoo ni itẹlọrun pẹlu ohun ti mama mi fun mi, Emi kii yoo yipada lori awọn ohun miiran (I will be content with what my mommy gives to me , I won't convert over anyone else things)"

My mom seemed impressed " Kii ṣe pẹlu ohun ti mama fun ọ nikan, ṣugbọn pẹlu ohunkohun ti Ọlọrun fun ọ (Not only with what mommy gives you, but with anything God gives you)"

" Kini ti ko ba to tabi ko dara (What if it isn't enough or not good?) " I mumbled on my mom pillow breasts.

My mom sighed with a small smile on her face "E yo. Yọ ninu ohunkohun ti o fi fun ọ. Je kini Re Dun. (Rejoice. Rejoice in anything he gives to you. Be happy.)"

I digested with what she said, to me and my siblings, our mom is the wisest person on Earth. She seems to know the answers to our every questions and problems.

" Mama, Mo loye. Inu mi dun ati inu didun fun nini mama bi e (Mommy, I understand. I am happy and contented for having a mommy like you)"

I chirped in happily.

My mom seems to moisten, I could see it all in the latern lit room. She smiled and hugged me " Mo ti rii keji mi, o ṣeun Ọlọrun (I have seen my second, thank you God)" She whispered it but it couldn't pass my little sharp ears.

" Inu mi dun lati ni iwọ ati awọn arakunrin rẹ (I happy to have you and your brothers)" She smiled, that smile was like chicken pox which is easily contracted. I contracted that smile to.

" Mama, Mo nifẹ rẹ (Mommy, I love you)"

I used my little hands to wipe the tears on her beautiful face. " Mama, maṣe sọkun. Awọn arakunrin mi ati Emi, fẹran rẹ pupọ (Mommy, don't cry. My brothers and I, loves you so much)"

She smiled and hugged me closer to her. Oh goodness, it felt warm and safe with my mom.

"E ku ojumo, omobinrin mi. lo la jẹ ọjọ tuntun miiran, Ọlọrun yoo rii wa larin alẹ. ( Good night, my daughter. Tommorow is another new day, God will see us through the night.)"

" amin, mama ku ale (amen, mommy good night)" I kissed her on her cheeks and put my head on my warm 'pillow', I could hear my mom's heart beat as she breathe.

That alone made me feel safe and sleepy. I drifted off to sleep immediately. But I knew my mom didn't sleep immediately.