Chapter 17: Ibere mi (My beginning)17

I didn't even know when we got to the headmaster's office.

The office was old but clean and tidy.

The headmaster told my mom to sit on a wooden chair that was beside his desk.

The desk was filled with books of different sizes, color and uses, arranged in every corner of the desk.

His office smells like books. books that are old.

" Madam, I am sorry for what happened today" He started to say after my mom sat down with me, still in her arms. " I never expected such... I apologise on her behalf "

Awww, that was so professional of him.

Well as a white man, he is so fluent in his language but as for my mom, she tried her best possible to communicate with him the same he does.

" It's ok"

There was still an hint of egun in her English, it was funny.

To me, it wasn't ok. But to my mom, it was. And who I am to complain.

" Madam, I heard you would like to see me concerning the performance of your daughter, Morenikeji"

The way he pronounced my name was ... ah.. like More/ Ikegi. Can you believe that.

" Yes, I would like to know how my daughter has been behaving. Some of her teachers has been complaining about her lately"

" Well, I could say your daughter has been, if permitted, very notorious."

Well this conversation was about me, since my was mentioning. I couldn't understand a bit of everything they were discussing but as soon my name was mentioned, my ears peaked up to know ' What's up' about me.

I pretended to be asleep in my mom's arms in order to listen to every bit of the difficult conversation between the adults.

" The promotional exams starts in two weeks."

That made me interested in the conversation. Though I won't interfere, I will listen intently.

" Morenikeji, ask Sonya to be here"

Sonya again, I hoped he wasn't around the school. My mom let me down with a smile . She doesn't understand the plea in my eyes.

I didn't want to go, it not like I was stubborn. I hated him so much. I was hesitant about it at first. After some time, I went out of the office, leaving the adults to discuss.

After standing in a corner of the hall for some time, deliberating whether to go or not and lie, he has gone home already.

I couldn't decide on what to do, if I wanted to run the errand, my feet didn't move an inch. It was stucked.

I finally concluded to go back and report a lie to the adults. I felt guilty even before committing the sin.

As I turned around to commit my sin,I heard a voice calling my name. I turned around to see who was that.

I came face to face. No, shoulder to face. With the last person I would like to see. Sonya.

He was standing right in front of me smiling. I felt so angry... and so short.