Chapter 19: Ibere mi ( My beginning)19

Today was the, pardon me ' worstest day'. From my CCA teacher to other teachers then to the headmaster.

As I walked behind my mom back home. With Sonya by my side.

I knew that my life will change after today.

Today's Dearing conversation with the headmaster didn't just end there. The ending was a slap to my face..... caused by my mom.

This was the beautiful progress of the conversation with my amazing headmaster and my beautiful mom that put me in this awkward situation.

It was a big set up.A very big set up.

After putting me in coma. They totally murdered me. Lynching me. leaving no stones unturned.

" Madam, when do you think she will start"

Wait am I invisible? I am the person you should ask here. Why! Why!!

" Maybe this young man will propose the starting date"

Mommy you to?

My hands secretly clenched to a fist. The nails made a cresent shape on my palms.

" Ma. Sir. Maybe Morenikeji should decide about that"

That caught me off guard. I almost fell off my Mom's laps due to that.i was very surprised.

" Me?" I stupidly pointed to myself when I knew the answer very well.

" Mn... you" He smiled as he stared at me

Well that didn't manage to soften me...I took it as an opportunity to get what I want...but, my mom....

" Ok, I will start tomorrow" That sounds bitter to me. I was reluctant to say those words I very much hated.

" Ok, after school right?"

I nod my head in response.

" Good"

" Good"

After talking about everything other things with the white frog. He bid us good byes before leaving his office.

" Morenikeji"

That voice makes me mad...I felt like gouging his throat out.

" What is it this time" I snapped at the poor human in front of me. My face was red with anger and eyes was Stormy. And I spoke English clearly.

" I- I.."

He was interrupted by my mom interference. probably she saw through me.

" My boy are you going home" My Mom spoke English also. Today is so long to end and to good to be true.

" Yes ma"

" Which road"

" .... I need to be somewhere before going home" he said while looking at me as if he was the prey and I was the predator.

I left them talking, going ahead of them till they caught up with me. My mom walks so fast.

Maybe I was swimming in the river of envy which slowed me down.

My mom now likes Sonya. She won't like me anymore soon.

That thought pierced through me like a sharp cutlass used to harvest the farm.

" Morenikeji"

" Ma"

I quickened my pace to meet up with my mom who was afront.

" Wá (Come)" She spread out her arms for me with a smile on her face. I instantly ran and jumped on her. I was carried by my mom. In her arms back home.

Sonya was quite throughout the journey back to my house. He had this kind of thing in his eyes that went dimmed. And this kind of expression, his face was showing reluctance and suppression. I just couldn't understand. But that couldn't just dense my hatred for him.

When we got to my house, my mom bid Sonya goodbye and thanked him for coming.

Before he left, he tried to take glance at me, who was comforted in my mom's arms. I quickly hid my face from him in the crevice of her neck.

" Morenikeji, oti lo (Morenikeji, he has gone)"

" Eh" I immediately straightened out my neck and look at my mom: What did she mean. I thought.

Her smile broadened. What was this woman thinking? Can anyone tell me?

" Morenikeji...A nilo lati ba sọrọ (Morenikeji... We need to talk)" With her tone, I knew she was damn serious. However the look on her face doesn't seem like it. There was this playful smile playing at the tip of her lips.

"O dara (Ok)"

We entered her room and she gently sat me on a wooden stool while she sat on the edge of the bamboo bed.

" Bi o ti mọ tẹlẹ.... (As you know already....)" She paused and look at me hoping for any reaction from me. When she couldn't see any, she continued "Iwọ yoo bẹrẹ ẹkọ rẹ pẹlu ọrẹ rẹ ( You will be starting your lesson with your friend)"


My mom is woefully wrong here!!! He is not my friend and will never be my friend. my wishful thinking... ah....

He is just a human who is source of my hatred and envy. Not more than that.

It was like my mom was reading my mind when she spoke " Maṣe ronu bẹ bẹ (Don't think like that)"

I kept silent with my head bowed and my clenched fist on my laps relaxing till my mom let the cat out of the bag.

" O korira rẹ? (You hate him?)"

I couldn't open my big mouth to say " Yes I hate him alot. Infact, I would like not to see him again"

My mom laughed "Iwọ ko fẹ (You musn't)"

I had a questioning look on my face. However,before I could ask her why she said that. She beat me to it.

"Iwọ kii ṣe Ọlọrun (You aren't God)"

True I am not Ọlọrun, so am I to hate his creation.

" Ṣe o jowú? (Are you jealous?)"

My eyelids flickered in shame. I was found out by my mom. My well hidden hatred was exposed. This woman can see through me.

" Imọran kekere mi si ni 'Maṣe wo bi awọn iyẹ ẹyẹ ẹwa ti lẹwa to tabi bi idì ti le ga to. nitori o le mu iji lati ila-oorun wa lati pa ọ run nigba ti o n pejọ' (My little advice to is ' Don't look at how beautiful the peacock feathers is or how high the eagle can fly. because it might bring the storm from the east to erode you while you are conventing' )"

I didn't understand it. I just nod my head like an agama lizard.

She smiled and pat my hair "Ọrọ kan to fun ọlọgbọn. iwe ati isinmi. Emi yoo pese ale (A word is enough for the wise. shower and rest. I will prepare dinner)"

She left me confused and surprised in the daylighted room.

My mind brought back flashbacks of what happened today and what my mom told me.

" To reach success. I should forget hatred and envy." A cold smile creeped up to my eyebrows. My eyes became dark .

Today was the beginning of my ambitiousness.