
Chapter39:Awọn igbesẹ mi si titobi. (My steps to greatness.)19

" Unkulu, Emi ko pe ọ lati korin pẹlu (Unkulu, I didn't call you to sing along) ."

' Why is he doing a face like that?'

The look on Sonya's face put me on a guilt trip. It was like I just scolded a poor lost puppy. And I didn't like that I had to force myself to say, " Mo joke ahah."

But.... it was quite worth it. He had a wide smile on his face. My heart raced a bit.

" Keji?"

" Eh?!"

" Fi le, Lo joko...I will finish it by myself."

Me that didn't want to do anything before, gladly left and sat down under the Orange tree.

After a few minutes, with his school bag on his shoulders, he sat down with his both of his giraffe legs at the edges of the bench.

" Nibo ni o fẹ ki a bẹrẹ?(Where do you want us to start?)"

" Ege Gesi( English)" I didn't think twice about it, because why not? I have to know how to speak a strange language that seems like jargon to me.

Anyone who speaks proper English is considered literate, given proper respect, job and all. What about those who can't? A classified Idiotic monkeys because they can't speak that nonsense which is not their ancestral language?


Sonya brought out both a textbook and a notebook from his bag.

" Let's start with the English alphabet."

Well, I am part of those classical idiotic monkeys. Me, speaking English was by chance. I picked up whatever I ear teachers, the headmaster and many others speak to form a sentence which I can hardly pronounce.

I just stared at him not understanding whatever he said but I was the one who choose English instead of any other subjects like Mathematics, God forbid, Esu gon Forbid e... Who sef created Mathematics? I pray Ogun punishes that person very well... Even if he's dead.... he should never escape the great punishment of Sango; History, Was I born then? CRS, I attend church every Sunday; Cca, I love art but...I can't, and so on subjects that don't fit today...Morenikeji, pretend you understand until you can.


He pointed to a big letter with two connected slashes and a slash at its belt.


"...A" I repeated.



This went on till we reached "Z" and went over like four times. My head was hot melting my already asleep brain and it was like it was about to fall off my neck.

Then that human who couldn't read the atmosphere asked me to read it...I was speechless as I was so tired to get angry.

I lazily pointed to each of the letters and read. Great for me, I am a fast learner but not with Mathematics.

When I was done, he clapped his hands for me with a proud smile on his face.

" Good."

I just nodded my head.

" Are you tired? Shey, you would drink water?"

No...It is not water...I want those tasty riped oranges. But my lips weren't bold to say those words.

Poor me could only nod my head in pain, inwardly craving those sweets oranges.

He went inside his house and came out with a water gourd.

" Gba.(Take.)"

" O se(Thank you)"

I collected the gourd and drank some and used the rest to cool down my nerves.

I felt steam coming out from my head, once the water touched it.

The gentle breeze helped calm it down.

He took the gourd and return it back inside his house.

" Shey, we can continue? But if you are tired, we can stop for today?"

Who is Tired? Who told you I am tired?

It's just that my brain is finding it difficult to get this jargon of a language and it's adjusting itself at a gradual pace.

I said that in my head.

" Rara, Mo wa okay. We can continue."

" Ok"

We did two more topics and revised the three several more times before closing for the day.

He offered to escort me back to my house.

Of course, I would like a bodyguard tailing behind me.

This human packed some oranges in a big pata Nla for me. I didn't even know when he did that. Did he know that I greedily craved them?

What can I say but a thank you with a big smile?

The journey back home was a bit quiet but not with the noise of children playing the local games, poundings of evening meals, chatters of young girls coming or going to the stream with their clay pots on their heads, strong voices of men drinking their usual after work palm wine under the palm tree and loud voices of mothers scolding their mischievous children.

I love my village. Full of life and joy.

The cloud was darkening and the sun slowly went to bed from a tiring day.

From a distance, I was perceiving my mom's cooking. I knew immediately what she was cooking. I leapt with joy leaving the bodyguard behind till I reached the compound of my house.

The inside was lit orange.

" Iya Mi" I shouted.

Immediately, the door was flung open with my beautiful mom running to my side, taking me to her warm arms, which I so much missed.

"Omo mi"

The bodyguard was left forgotten. It was just a world, my mother and I existed. No one else was included.

" Ba wo ni? ( How was it?)" She asked dropping me to the floor but not letting go of my hand.

" O dara( It was good)"

" Sonya, Oko mi, wa ki mi( Sonya, my son, come greet me."

Sonya prostrated with his chest reaching the floor, " E ka nle ma( Good evening ma)"

" O ṣeun fun fifun akoko fun mi. Fun Kejimi. (Thank you for giving time for me. For Kejimi.)" My mom went to him and gently pulled him to his feet with a warm motherly smile.

" Rara Mama, o yẹ ki o ko dupẹ lọwọ mi, ma. (No ma, you shouldn't thank me, ma.)"

" Odara, Ṣe iwọ yoo duro ati ki o jẹun pẹlu wa? (will you stay and have dinner with us?)"

What is my sweet mommy saying? Him? That human? to have dinner with us? I couldn't help but slightly feel angry towards my sweet mom with motherly intentions.

Sonya felt hesitant, he looked at me as if searching for answers. He smiled at me telling me not to worry about anything.

" Ese ma. Ise wa fun mi ni le pelu mo ti jeun.( Thank you ma, there are works for me to do at home and I have eaten)."

" Odara."

" Keji, gba." he passed the heavy pata Nla to me and turned to leave.

" Duro" My mom went inside leaving me with him. Well, I had nothing to say to him. instead of looking at him, I looked at the darkening sky counting the invisible stars in my head praying for my mom to come out fast or this human would bore different holes in my body with his eyes. And merciful Eledunmare heard my prayer.

My Mom came out with a pata Nla in her hand. I knew at once what my mom put inside.

Ah, Iya Morenikeji! Oh, sweet Iya keji!

" Gba okomi."

I glared at the pata nla and the hesitant human.

"Ǹjẹ́ o mọ̀ pé o ṣàìbọ̀wọ̀ fún mi nípa kíkọ̀? (Do you know you are disrespecting me by refusing it?)"

Neither he nor I had a choice. He had to collect it or it would be considered disrespect to my mom. At least, he won't have to eat with us. I was a bit glad about it.

None of my business.

He collected it and prostrated in gratitude.

" E se ma."

My mom gave him a warm pat on his shoulder and I saw his dark eyes glistening with tears.

My heart ached for no reason.

I wanted to call him back when I saw him leaving. But for what?

I don't know.

my mom stayed watching his back leaving with the protective eyes of a mother before taking me inside.

She asked about my day, and whether I was a good girl while bathing me. She plays a playful trick on me in the bathroom.

She knows I don't bathe with cold water. When my eyes were closed because of the soup on my face, that woman that is my mother, poured a full bowl of icy water on my whole being. My soul left my body for an instant before I screamed while she was laughing enjoying the trick she played on me.

I will never forget this day.

She was still laughing about it when drying me, dressing me up, and while I was eating, she was still laughing at me and when it was time for bed, she was still laughing.

It's not that I don't like her laughing but it was....a bit embarrassing.

We gossiped for a while and went to bed.

my head on my treasured 'pillow' with the beat of the gongon under my ears lulled me to a deep slumber.