CHAPTER 04 - Relatives

CHAPTER 04 - Relatives

Day had passed, Chao Lei can finally feel herself returning to what it is before but it is quite strange that she can't feel any flow of her Qi essence inside her body. She tried to meditate many times but there was no response and only gained a mouthful of blood after meditating. Her days passed on like this without knowing why.

If her Qi is lost, she had become a commoner that can no longer be a General. Having a blank qi was very equal for being useless.

And that frustrates her, the War hasn't completely settled in, there would be aftershocks scenes, some situation that can't be prevented and she don't have any clues if the Army had found the core plus the Emperor, she knew his attitude too well.

Without her, he would repulsively and carelessly make a decision that will only last temporarily.

Thinking about it makes her more depressed.

She stared at her pale hands. The bandages surrounding her body is reduced to almost. Her wounds were healed and the poison completely disappeared inside her body.

She always ask He Jian what ingredients has the medicine she takes because the result was extremely world shocking! But the young girl only replies that only her brother knew of it, she only  receives instructions from her big brother.

His big brother instructs this little girl in a very meticulous way. The medication is accorded to the endurance her body has, even though it is obvious that he doesn't have proper knowledge about qi's but still, he managed to boost up the level of essence on Chao Lei's body.

And that made Chao Lei look up to him a bit even she haven't seen him.

And one thing, she was getting married.

She didn't mind it anyway.

She was saved.

She must repay the benevolence.

And she thought

One day, He Jian came again to her room. She no longer brought medicines, only elixirs that can boost Chao Lei's muscles and organs. She immediately took it up because she can already feel a set of trust towards this big brother of her.

But they were disturbed when several people came knocking outside the door. He Jian excuses herself and settled the matters.

And after making it quiet down and whooshing them away. He Jian came back and said, "They just want to see you."

Chao Lei was currently stretching her whole body at the space on her room, she was practicing of how fine had her body reached under the medication. Her gestures and moves weren't gentle, it was balanced and massive, like how a man acts.

He Jian continued, "...they want to see on how the bride deserves my big brother. Because you know, my big brother was extremely famous on the entire village! Lots of lots of villager had experienced big brothers help, speak his name and they will immediately kowtow!"

Chao Lei only smiled faintly, this girl really admires her big brother.

Week had passed, like same, she can no longer sense her Qi essence and only spouted mouthful of bloods.

There's definitely wrong.

She started calculating things making the current happenings connect and hopefully would give her idea but every time of it, He Jian will come running to her room and speak about the marriage.

Even though she didn't mind He Jian's instruction about the wedding but when she was speaking about her big brother's opinion toward it, she can't help to think that the couple that would be wedded soon was actually under the neck of this young little girl.

And one fine morning, all of a sudden, He Jian came rushing into her room saying that their distant relatives came to see the bride! Their First and Second Aunt came! Plus their adopted cousin who was known to be a beauty.

"...but rest assured Lady Miss. You're the most rarest beauty I've ever seen! Even my big brother told it so."

She stiffened her back and shot a stare at He Jian hearing those. But the girl didn't noticed it because she was still calm and her expression didn't changed.

She coughed to reset her thoughts.

After a day of He Jian coming back and forth to the room. She ended up bringing a set of beautiful dresses that she should wore at the dinner with the whole family.

For the first time, she was tinged with an extreme nervous.

Dress. She had not wore any as long as she remembered. Sometimes, she even forgot that she was actually a lady and you can't blame her. Wearing a stinky armor for century, handling big bodied army and leading wars.

She was starstrucked seeing this dresses.

Once, she burned all the dresses gave by the Emperor on the day of her promotion as a First General. 

It was a joke made figuratively with this ridiculous emperor, no one casually dresses on a ceremony that stiff back of mens and fierce warriors are aligned to bow for a new powerful leader.

"Lady Miss!" called He Jian as she picked one of the dresses, Chao Lei introduced her name to He Jian but still, the girl insists on calling her "Lady Miss" that will surely change to "Big Sister Chao" soon!

"This is perfect Lady Miss!"

It was dress colored with sky blue the color of the robes inside matches the outside robe perfectly and there were curves that really beautifies the dress. Chao Lei shivered.

She took a bath and was helped by He Jian to wear the dress. He Jian also prepared herself.

After an hour of settling the dress and fixing her hair that wasn't touched for years.

He Jian was stood agape with her palm covering her opened mouth. Seeing the woman who had surprises on her sleeves.

She will be my big sister soon! Promise!

Chao Lei frowned at her.

She was confused if this is a mockery or a face to face insult.

Seeing her expression, He Jian went near her and took grip of her wrist and spoke, "Tonight Lady Miss. You will prove of how the inbalance and unfairness of the world existed."



"Why does it take long for He Jian and the bride to be here?!" the second aunt spoke as she waited impatiently.

"Calm down sister. Some things are not to be quicken." compared to the Second Aunt. The first aunt was calm.

The first aunt stared at the guy infront, "Qiang Ping. You know of what situation you have but you still insist on getting married?" it was a calm mockery

Qiang Ping had the average features. Yes, half of his hair was tied and the other half part was resting on both of his shoulder. He was not handsome but his sharp and unique features made him attractive and eye catching. He genuinely stared at his aunt and to his unfamiliar cousin that had a very thick foundation all over her face.

"I'm sorry to trouble you but---" it was my sister who did all this.

He was cut off when He Jian entered the room. "I'm sorry for being late First Aunt, Second Aunt, Fifth cousin and Big brother. I helped Big sister Chao to handle the matters for tonight." she spoke and took a step beside to lead a way for the maiden behind her.

Chao Lei walked forward and bowed, gently she spoke, "Chao Lei is sorry and hope for the Aunts consideration."

They were speechless as they wide eyed stare at this very beautiful maiden standing.

Their cousin gave a snort.

Is this the wife bethrothed to their limp nephew?! Impossible!

Qiang Ping was utterly shocked too. She was, different from before he had seen her. He never traced feminine on her before.

"S-So you are the bride?" the First Aunt asked.

Chao Lei first absorbed the term then indifferently replied, "Yes. I am"

The aunts stared at each other. They were utterly taken aback, even Qiang Ping.

His bride?

He Jian accomplished her own plans.

The dinner started. Chao Lei seated between He Jian and Qiang Ping facing their relatives.

Chao Lei shot a glance at Qiang Ping, she felt something unusual to his qi. The qi that occupies his body. Something was missing.

But she turned away when Qiang Ping gave a stare too.

The conversation was rough and somewhat unmerciful for He Jian. She answered all the questions from the aunts while Qiang Ping and Chao Lei was silently seated quietly.

Sipping their tea.

The second aunt cleared her throat. "Chao Lei," then turned her head to the beautiful maiden "...I supposed you are already aware of what condition my nephew has here."

That made He Jian be alarmed "Ah-that-yes!... Lady Miss, that thing---"

She was planning to let Chao Lei see it for herself, and not by this way.

She was cut off by her aunt knowing that Chao Lei hasn't any clue. "My nephew Qiang Ping is crippled. Both of his legs is useless, the functions of organs connected to it was badly cut off. It was like a meat crushed severely. Just stare below the table and you'll be utterly disgusted. Having this kind of husband is inconvenient and funny! I suggest you to think twice." she spoke mockingly in thought that she will take Chao Lei home to be betrothed on one of her sons, Qiang Ping is undeserving to this beautiful maiden.

Qiang Ping felt the usual tinge below. Yes he was bending his knees on the seated mat but the usual tireness that common people felt was unlike his. It was numb as death. The portion upper from his knees towards the toes was severely crippled he can no longer feel anything from this part.

He Jian redden and made a furious glare at her aunts. From the very start, they treated them a speck lying on a clean ground. They tried taking the Manor but was beaten a lot of times. And still they insists on bullying them because the young master, her big brother was crippled!

"Oh? Did aunt spoke wrongly?" their adopted cousin added.

"I, Lan Fu Jing. Hereby offer myself to be Qiang Ping's wife for eternity. Thanks for aunts wisdom that they perceived that no one will accept you by your condition that's why I myself volunteer to be take care of you." her face was smiling mischievously.

"That's right. Fu Jing here has a stable health and can give you child as soon as possible and that time, you can have someone to inherit this manor and the treasures you kept." the first aunt continued.

"Handling this manor all by yourself was a bit tiring, isn't it? So I suppose it is time to accept a new form of family." the second aunt added

Qiang Ping frowned deeply. He is shameful of how shameless the so called family he has.

"Just what are you all talking about?! Can you even hear yourselves right now?!" He Jian exclaimed

Fu Jing ignored He Jian and turned to Qiang Ping "Qiang Ping. Look how miserable you are and surely no one had----"


They were shutted off by a voice, a voice that pierced the lively atmosphere. They shivered at the very fierce glare coming from the lady in blue.

Perspiration occured between the people sitting.

They can feel a very murderous stare!

A killing intent!